
Mary Kinda Contrary - Episode 11: Is Downers Grove Candidate Paul Drabik a Proud Boy?



  There is an associate of the Proud Boys running for commissioner in the village of Downers Grove, Illinois, and early voting starts tomorrow. Let’s talk about it, shall we?

This is the Mary Kinda Contrary podcast, and I am your host, Mary Lemanski. Thank you for joining me. I just want to get down to brass tacks here. Paul Drabik, I believe that’s how you pronounce it, D R A B I K, is running for Downers Grove Village Commissioner, and I wasn’t going to do a podcast on him even though my name got brought up.

By people defending him online on, um, the social media app next door. Um, but then I got sent some information, information by other [00:01:00] concerned citizens of Downers Grove. And so now I feel obligated to present the information that I was given.

A little background, um, if you listen to my last three podcasts, they were from a live stream I did on Facebook on election night, 2024, where I go into great detail about how I, how I have been terrorized for the past three years by white supremacists, domestic terrorists, um, after my tweets went viral, which I’ll talk about a little bit more later.

Um, but this was. All happened exactly one week after speaking at a school board meeting. Where I live in Downers Grove, where Proud Boys were present and, um, and one of those last three podcasts that I did, um, which was just [00:02:00] one, like, four hour live stream on Facebook, um, Well, maybe more than one of the episodes I talk about a man named Terry Newsome.

Um, so let me refresh your memory on Terry. Um, Terry Newsome is an elected Republican precinct committee person. Um, in, um, I believe it’s District 141. Um, he lives in Derry in Illinois. Please don’t elect him again. He’s an extremist, which, um, I talked about on my past episode. Um, he has multiple articles on him, about him on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website.

Um, so if you look up Southern Poverty Law Center and Terry Newsome, you’ll, you’ll find, um, three articles for sure that I found, [00:03:00] um, and let me just, um, uh, one is exclusive reporting Illinois GOP official affiliates with extremist groups and shares racist posts. It says, um, And this is from December 1st of 2022.

So it’s a few years ago. Um, but, um, a couple of years ago, a new investigative report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate watch reveals that an official in Illinois is DuPage County Republican party is a leader in a radical parent group. affiliates with extremist groups and has a history of bigoted rhetoric and sharing racist posts on social media.

Republican precinct committee person Terry Newsome who frequently appears in local and national media, has a well documented history of far right activity, is deeply troubling that Terry Newsom serves in a leadership position, leadership [00:04:00] position within the local Republican Party, and worse still, he’s often provided a platform by local and national media to spread his message of hate, said Jeff Tishour.

Um, senior research analyst with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s intelligence project who wrote the report when local media presents his views without the context of his organized far right activity, they’re unwittingly. Or maybe knowingly lending legitimate legitimacy to his extremism. Um, the report details Newsom’s troubling activity, including his work leading, um, a hard, uh, hard right parents group and collaboration with the radical parent group Moms4Liberty, um, who, um, I don’t know if, I don’t believe Moms4Liberty was at the, the meeting, uh, the, the school board meeting with, [00:05:00] Where the proud boys were at, but, um, uh, but there were parents groups there led by, um, Newsome anyway.

Um, so he works at leading hard right parents groups. Um, he’s affiliated with Moms for Liberty, um, both are aimed at alienating LGBTQ plus students and preventing lessons on the nation’s long history of systemic racism. Um, uh, at the, uh, at the school board meeting where the Proud Boys and Terry were at, um, they were, um, they were, um, protesting the book Genderqueer.

Uh, Ty, so Terry has ties to and activity with the Proud Boys. Um, he has an active presence on hard right social media where he displays his extremist views [00:06:00] and affiliations. He, um, has been targeting of the LGBTQ community, including his efforts to organize a local chapter of the anti LGBTQ hate group, Mass Resistance.

Um, he has a long history of attempting to shut down community events. At libraries, which I’ll talk about here in a bit, um, and, um, other, other places, I assume, associated with LGBTQ plus inclusion, both through online platforms and in person protests. So, he uses online platforms to intimidate people. Um.

So, um, if you go on to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website, you’ll see another article, Illinois radical parent, activist, has hate group ties, history of racist post. I brought up this article, [00:07:00] I believe, on the podcast before. Um, it shows him with, um, uh, a known Proud Boy, um, it shows, um, District 141, he’s Captain of District 141, um, and lives in Darien, um, he, um, yeah, he, he has, um, ties to Awake Illinois and Moms for Liberty, um, he’s a precinct committee person, um, hangs out with Proud Boys, um, here’s a picture of, He was, he was at, um, the God Save America tour in Lyle, Illinois.

Um, so if you go on the Southern Poverty Law Center, there’s a whole article on him. I bring up some things [00:08:00] on there, um, from that article on my last podcast from that, um, article. Um, but the, uh, most recent article on him, which. I actually will share since, um, I can do that. I’m doing this through zoom. Um,

the latest article from the Southern Poverty Law Center,

um, had with Trump’s immigration plans, met Proud Boy associate about deportations. So here we have,

um, Tom Homan, who is, um, President Donald Trump’s, uh, head of immigration policy right there with Terry Newsom, who hangs out with Proud Boys and, um, [00:09:00] terrorizes people online and offline.

Um, so anyway, um, let me read a little bit of this. Um, the head of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, Tom. It says, um, content warning. This article contains graphic and racist language. Reader discretion is advised. Just a warning. The head of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, Tom Homan, appears to have met with an associate of the Proud Boys.

On at least four separate occasions, at least one of these instances was a private meeting held in Chicago after the 2024 presidential election to talk about deportations, according to social media posts reviewed by Hatewatch. Homan, who leads the Trump administration’s efforts to curb immigration at the border, as well as deport migrants across the U.

S., met with Terry Newsom in Chicago and Washington, D. C., according to posts on Facebook and X. formerly Twitter. An article on [00:10:00] a conservative news site written by Newsom’s podcast host also alleges that Newsom hosted a private meeting with Homan and local Chicago politicians, December 11th, 2024, to discuss deportations in Chicago.

In December 12th, 2024, post to ex Newsom During our meetings, Tom directed the politicians to follow up with me as his POC, meaning point of contact. Newsom then met with Homan on December 19th in D. C. at a party to celebrate Trump’s upcoming inauguration. Homan was also a guest on Newsom’s podcast on October 2024 and was a featured speaker at an anti immigration event Newsom hosted in Chicago.

In June 2024 while specific details on the Trump administration’s deportation plans are being home and posted on X on November 16th 2024 that mass deportation is coming and at a December event [00:11:00] for November 24th. Local Republicans said that they will start right here in Chicago, which they tried to do.

Um, during the presidential campaign, I don’t believe it stopped. I believe those deportations stopped. During the presidential campaign, Trump and his allies advocated for deporting millions of undocumented migrants. According to a U. S. Customs and Border Protection memo dated January 21st, the Trump administration officials seek to use military bases to house migrants as well as create 14 new detention facilities capable of housing a thousand migrants each and four more facilities with the capacity to house 10, 000 migrants each.

On January 21st, Trump authorized Immigration and Customs Enforcement, that’s ICE. And the, um, CBP to conduct raids at [00:12:00] schools, churches, and courthouses, which the Obama administration stopped in 2011. Um, hey, watch it.

Excuse the background noise. That’s, uh, I’m, I’m, I’m filming this in my, um, my kitchen and, and my son’s putting away soda.

I may or may not edit this out.

Oh, he says I shouldn’t, so I’m just going to leave it. Oh, this is authentic. This is me being me and you know, this is authentic and I’m right here at Downers Grove. I’m at me. No, no, no, no.

All right. So anyway, hate watch attempted to reach Homan by emailing the White House. press office but did not receive a response before publication. A previous hate watch investigation into Newsom’s activities in the [00:13:00] Chicago metro region found him associating with Proud Boys, harassing participants at LGBTQ plus events and inclusive events, sorry, LGBTQ plus inclusive events, as well as sharing bigoted anti black racist imagery online.

The racist imagery Newsom shared multiple times to Getter featured a racist cartoon depiction of a black man drawn with exaggerated features. Getter is a low moderation social media platform that is popular with white supremacist groups in case you wanted to know. White supremacists have used dehumanizing characters of black people for centuries, um, and Hatewatch also found that Newsom liking.

An anonymous comment that had the N word on getter. This is an elected Republican precinct committee person. Um, as Homan begins to implement Trump’s administration [00:14:00] deportation plans, his association with such figures as Newsome. Who openly collaborates with violent groups like the Proud Boys is particularly dangerous for targeted communities and videos.

Newsome has posted to his social media accounts. He has harassed people outside migrant shelters, hoping to create viral moments for his podcast in an August 4th, 2024 post to Facebook. Newsome referred to these as his Venezuelan gang member hunting trips. Um, and now suddenly Trump saying stuff about Venezuela, Venezuelans.

Um, Newsome also appears to be in direct communication with ICE officials. He’s nowhere, we’re nowhere near the border. Um, in a January 23 interview on, unless you’re talking about the Canadian border, Newsome also appears in direct communication with ICE officials in a January 23 [00:15:00] interview on Steve Bannon’s podcast.

He was on Steve Bannon’s podcast. Oh my gosh. Newsome appeared alongside Ben Berkwem, a conservative podcast host, to talk about immigration rates in Chicago. Berkwem told Bannon, we are in contact with folks. and getting updates as raids happen. Three days later on January 26th, Homan, ICE officers and other officials conducted raids in Chicago.


it’s the Trump administration communicating with the Proud Boys. Um, Newsome whom Hatewash, um, contacted via email, responded to questions about his relationship to Homan and the Proud Boys writing, you aren’t an investigator. You shill for radical left winged Downers Grove extremists. I look forward to responding in kind after your story.

Um, [00:16:00] he’s a radical left wing Downers Grove extremist, huh? Um, so there’s much more, um, about, if you go, if you want to read about, um, Terry Newsom and, oh, and, um, his ties to Hohman and the Proud Boys. Um, it’s all very interesting. There’s more and more, more and more on this article, um, as I’m scrolling through it that I want to comment on, but I’m just going to stop there, um, uh, because there’s this, this, um, podcast episode is not about Terry Newsome, but I need to set you up with that information first, um, because there’s, um, so, um, [00:17:00] just, I just, that, um, the, the, the proud boys were at the Downers Grove, um, school board meeting.

Here’s proud boys joint efforts to ban gender queer book from school library, rattling students in suburban Chicago. Um, and, um, you can see them here if you’re watching the video, which will be on my Facebook. Um, I may decide to post it to my, my web pages too, as well, but, um, you can, um, go to Chicago sometimes, look up, um, Proud Boys.

Downers Grove, and you can see, um, and you can see them, they’re all holding up signs for genderqueer, um, [00:18:00] and things that say no porn, um, but in this article, uh, in this article on the board meeting, um, that the, the proud boys were there, I believe. They interviewed Terry Newsome, sometimes interviewed Terry Newsome at that, um, at that meeting.

I know they, um, interviewed some of the people in the student body. I’m looking through this article. Oh yeah, Terry Newsome who spoke at the meeting said he didn’t want his concerns as a parent of two high schoolers to be conflated with Proud Boys messaging. Newsome said he and another parent have a meeting scheduled with district administrators this week to discuss the book.

I’m looking through this article. [00:19:00] You got the politics of the left and right with the Antifa and Proud Boys who have their own political agendas, I guess. Newsome said, referring in part to the decentralized anti fascist activists who track and protest extremist groups. There is no antifa. The FBI has said there isn’t one.

It’s an ideology. It’s not an organized group. Unlike the proud boys who are an organized group and who do terrorize people. Um, but, um, he’s saying these things about the proud boys, but then he has connections to them, which he watches found and the Southern Poverty Law Center. So, um, Anyway, um, he says he doesn’t have anything to do that, that, that what the proud boys were there for had nothing to do with his complaints, but they were [00:20:00] both complaining about the same thing.

Um, so, um, the proud boys were notorious about going to school board meetings and protesting books and protesting, um, LGBTQ, um, student, um, inclusive things. Uh, at schools, and they were also going around, um, uh, going to libraries, um, board meetings and, and, um, protesting there. Um, so trying to get books banned, um, from school libraries and, um, community libraries.

Um, but if you, um, go to the Chicago sometimes, um, website, you can see there. the article about the Proud Boys. And so I spoke at the school board meeting, there’s probably a video somewhere even, um, and, um, [00:21:00] oops.

And so anyway, um, so that I spoke at that meeting, and then the group of women that got up, um, mothers, um, that got together later on during the week, um, to talk about what had happened 1 of the mothers. Everyone there at our meeting that they had been calling her proud boys had been calling her, um, place of work and trying to get her fired for supporting porn.

And she said, watch yourselves. And, um, so then a week later after. That and I find it interesting. I did not realize before that. Um, Terry Newsome had a history of [00:22:00] terrorizing people online. Um, but I, um,

I, um, a week later after speaking at the, at the school board meeting, my tweets went viral and, um, and. I think the thing that really went my made my tweets go viral is, uh, that I said, um, that Waukesha was karma for, um, for, uh, the, the written house verdict. Um, and. You know, it’s not the first time a politician or somebody involved in politics has blamed, um, the other side for a, an atrocity.

Um, the Republican Party does it on a regular basis with gay people [00:23:00] and hurricanes, you know, every other kind of disaster. So, um, but I step down. Um, they do not, they stay in office and their preachers collect millions of dollars in money for saying things, stuff like that. So. I don’t know. Um,

you can judge me. You can judge them, but they get away with it, and I don’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a woman, or if it’s because I’m a Democrat and have morals. I don’t know. Um, or I vote Democrat, I guess. I’m not a registered Democrat anymore. Um, anyway. Uh, so my tweets went viral and I wanted to show you something really interesting just since we’re on the topic of my tweets going viral.


one second,

I need to share. And, um, if you’re not [00:24:00] watching this on, I’m not scrolling

far enough. If you’re, um, if you’re listening to this podcast instead of watching the video, I’ll just describe it. Um, I, I. I’m sharing a screenshot and this is what, this is what, um,

oh, there we go. This is what it looks like when nobody cares about you. And then all of a sudden your tweets go viral because Fox news decides that something you said at two o’clock in the morning is breaking news at four o’clock in the morning. And then this is what happens after. So, um, if you’re not watching this, um, there’s.

My, I have zero K, um, stats going on and then all of a sudden I have about [00:25:00] 1500. Um, plays and then over this is on November 22nd, which, um, which is when this all happened with this all that went down. And then over the next coming days, um, it goes down to basically nothing. Um, and it’s this is it says December six.

It’s at zero. But even way before that, it was at zero. So this lasted like two days, um, and of of people being angry. And, um, and it was mainly just people on the right. And it was probably just all proud boys and white supremacists, domestic terrorists who are all tied together and running our government, apparently.

Um, but anyway, uh, So yeah, there’s my little spike of, um, not even 15 minutes of [00:26:00] name because it was like to 1, 500 people. Um, uh, so, um, anyway, after my tweets went viral, so Terry Newsom continued to have, um, protests like, Those articles said, um, against schools and libraries, um, the libraries, mainly for having drag queen story time and other events that he didn’t agree with.

Um, and, um, as I mentioned before, the Proud Boys are notorious for protests at libraries across the country at just the far right in general are, um, but it should also be noted that. It’s the first thing that fascists want to, um, get rid of is libraries and education because it allows them to control people [00:27:00] better.

So, anyway, you’re like, well,

what does this have to do with Paul Drabik? And, um, one thing is that, um, Paul Drabik’s main concern, um, in an article that I found,

in an article that I found, um, let me see, this one was, um, In Suburban Life. This is on the Shaw Local News Network, um, for DuPage and suburban Cook counties. And, um,

and this there’s, um, well, here, let me go ahead and share since I’m on here, but I will still read it. Um,

I still will read it to all of you on the podcast.

Oops. [00:28:00] Okay, here we go. So, um, so here’s Paul Drabik, um, my face out of the way, um, Downers Grove Village Commissioner, and, um, there’s his face right there. Um, he, he has, um, he’s experienced, I mean, at least He’s more qualified for his position than most of the people in Trump’s cabinets. But, um, and you can go on here and looking up if you really want to, um, if you’re looking to vote for him or whatever, and want to read more about him, um, he’s in suburban life, just look up Paul Drabik, suburban life.

Um, but one of the questions that can concern me after all, I’ve just told you about libraries and Terry Newsome. [00:29:00] Um, is there a particular issue or controversy that influenced your decision to run? One of my main concerns is the governance and bureaucracy of the Downers Grove library. Just so you know, the Downers Grove Library is a place that so many people in the community just love.

The children’s section is incredible. They have events all the time, every day for children and it’s just, it’s, It’s such a great resource for the community. Um, and, um, and there’s programs for adults, too, and stuff. So it’s, it’s just a really, I love our library. Um, they, they renovated a few years ago, and it’s just, it’s really amazing.

So anyway, um, so [00:30:00] the library, he says the library is the only unit of government in Downers Grove with over 1 percent tax levy, Authority that is not accountable to either representative government or the taxpayer. There have been safety issues there over the years, with 200 pages of incident reports showing assault of library staff and decent exposure, lewd conduct and videotaping an eight year old in the bathroom.

In addition, FOIA requests show the library director has broken Illinois law and violated Library Records Confidentiality Act and releasing the names of all library or Downers Grove Library cardholders. This is, was affirmed in response from the Illinois Attorney General. This is not opinion. The line in the law is not esoteric.

You don’t need to be a lawyer to interpret it. It states clearly, um, the following, the registration and circulation records of the library are confidential information no person shall publish or make any information contained in such records public unless And as the attorney general noted, unless [00:31:00] certain conditions are met, those conditions have to do with law enforcement.

These conditions were not met. I would also argue the library director violated citizens. 4th amendment, right? We are not secure in our person’s houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures if a government bureaucrat can just release that we have such papers to any John or Jane Doe asking we cannot abide a lawless bureaucrat, especially at the local level.

We cannot abide a lawless bureaucrat, especially at the local level. Have you seen the president? Paul, have you seen the president? Especially at the local level. What about the president?

We need to set an example. I will not rest until I see this bureaucrat held accountable for breaking the law and violating our rights. So, he’s going after the library. Um.

Uh, there’s [00:32:00] just, I just, just to give you some context about this 200 page of, of, of laws of, of, um, incidents. Um, I just want to, it sounds like we live in a really dangerous area, the way that he makes it sound. And I, I just wanted to, to share this little tidbit here. Um, Downers Grove, Illinois is considered a safe community with a significantly lower crime rate compared to national averages.

The overall crime rate is approximately 264. 9 per 100, 000 residents, which is about 88. 6 percent below the national average of 2, 324. 2 per 100, 000. Violent crimes occur at a rate of 95. 8 per 100, 000 residents and property crimes at 106, 000. [00:33:00] 169. 1 per 100, 000 residents, both substantially lower than national averages.

This is not like a dangerous community to live in. In fact, when I moved here, um, shortly after I moved here, it was elected the 2nd. Picked the second best place to raise kids in the country after Lincoln, Nebraska. And some of the things that it mentioned as being, um, things that would attract people here were our library.

And our parks.

So, anyway, um, I find it interesting that Paul Drabik’s main concern is the Downers Grove Library and not the methadone clinic, uh, where the drug addicts stand outside and intermingle with our high school students. As they walk past it on their way home from school or on their way downtown to go to the ice cream shop.

How [00:34:00] about moving the methadone clinic somewhere else, Paul?

Um, but no, he’s concerned with the library. Um, he makes it sound like it’s a refuge for thugs. And, um, it’s really always filled with families and beautiful art exhibits by local artists. And as I said before, the kids section is really amazing. So, um, his attack on the library is really, like, kind of actually scary.

And falls right in line with the Proud Boy program. But you’re like, well, you said he was, uh, You said he was an affiliate of the Proud Boys Mary, so, um, how, how is, um, Paul Drabik, who is a veteran, and he’s, he’s had some experience with, um, well, as a precinct committee person, and he was [00:35:00] also, um, he’s also on one of the boards right now.

Um, but so what is his association with the proud boys? So, um, like I said, I wasn’t going to say anything, um, until one of his supporters brought my name up on. His post on next door. Um, so let me tell you that’s part of the story. Um, so I, I’m not sharing the next door post. I’m sharing the Facebook post that I did about the next door posts because it kind of summarizes everything.

So why not? This is my, uh. My, um, personal Facebook page profile. So, um, it says the town gossipers on next door had my name in their mouse today, so I had to set them straight. There’s a candidate running [00:36:00] for the village of Downers Grove that supposedly had ties to the proud boys click on the first pick and scroll for the post comments and my responses.

So here’s a picture of Paul. Um, he had a meeting on February 22nd. And, um,

the first thing I put was, uh, check out Mary kind of contrary before voting for Proud Boys and the Republican affiliates. Um, so here, just to give you some context here, he, um, is saying,

um, Lisa, I have no affiliation with any group. I am independent and free. My thoughts are my own. Guilt by association is a form of cancel culture. I just don’t accept, and I also don’t accept the labels of political adversaries. Um, and they and this person says your company, you keep it speaks volumes.

It’s not cancel culture. You do you who cares just don’t want [00:37:00] you to have a role in governing and he says, Okay, well, we’ll see where the chips fall. But you suggest that only your perspective is the accepted version. I don’t know how you see it. Otherwise, the whole point is we don’t agree. There’s more, um, to these conversations, but then here’s me getting brought up.

So you’re saying all Democrats have the same ideals as Mary Lemanski. Surely others would disagree with her statements, but the company you keep speaks volumes. And so then I just had to come here and say, Hey, are all DuPage County, um, Republicans like precinct committee person, Terry Newsome, and then I.

To, um, put a link to the, the article, one of the articles I just shared,

and then I went to, um, comment to [00:38:00] both leases. who were on that post. If you want Lisa Lisa, if you want the full story on what happened, visit Mary kind of contrary dot com. I spoke at a school board meeting with proud boys present and a week later my tweets go viral. I was targeted because my social media campaigns were pivotal and getting out the youth vote and turning DuPage County from mostly red to mostly blue.

There’s so much more but I can’t really talk about it because there are pending cases. And then, um, and then I said, here’s something new I did recently for y’all Kata to gossip about, and I put a link to, um, an article in the state journal register where, um, I, um, was interviewed because I was part of a Grammy nominated blues album.

Is, uh, so, um, it was Antonio Vergara’s The Fury, so [00:39:00] you should check it out, but, um, anyway, so that was, that was part of what went on, on Nextdoor, and then, um, then, um,

so then there was more on the, on the thread, so Paul responds back to Lisa, Paul Drabik responds back to Lisa on this Nextdoor post, This is exactly what I’m talking about. Again, I’m not part of any group. You keep bringing this up for some reason, and further, you reference Wikipedia off the top of my head.

I know three examples of false claims by Wikipedia like Rush Limbaugh, Clarence Thomas, and oh yeah, that little Bye bye. Hunter Biden left laptop incident. Wikipedia is edited by users. My God is literally the most untrustworthy source there is. And of course, you’re you reference it. It’s always the first result and basically any search query is intellectually lazy.

Did you even think [00:40:00] to go directly to the source? Your response just shows that you’re unwilling to have a serious discussion. Here’s the left’s political philosophy. Be all logical logical policies

argument from authority at home and a tax guilty guilt by association hasty generalizations. They don’t want to discuss the issues. Dismissing people’s hateful is easy because then you don’t have to back up any of your arguments.

Um, somebody replied back, um, everything is edited by users. That’s how it gets there to begin with, um, everything edited by users. It’s that’s how it gets there to begin with. Um, and there’s fact checkers on there. So I said Wikipedia has fact checkers and uses references to back up the facts on there.

You can click through and see the source, which makes it a better resource of information than Fox News, OAN and Breitbart, where they just pull things out of their rear end and say it is fact. And I [00:41:00] said Fox News was sued for 787 million for its election denying lies. Fact. Um, then I asked him if he was self reflected, which probably wasn’t nice.

But, um, then, uh, uh, uh, then I said Democrats say guilt by association, but my name gets brought up by some gossipy Republican in this thread for something I did four years ago. Okay. Actually. And I guess it was technically it was 3, 3 years ago and 3 months or 2 months or whatever it was. Um, uh,

and, um, and then I said, um, and all I did was say something. It wasn’t like I separated children from their parents or stole money from cancer kids. If you want to get down to it. Um, and then, um,

let’s [00:42:00] see.

Then there was one final part. Um, oh, he responded back to me. He says back checkers. Paul Drabik responds back to me. Back checkers are the most useless propagandistic waste of space on the Internet. Yeah, because facts don’t matter to Republicans. Um, tell me, what do I need a fact checker for when I go to the source myself and find the information?

Kind of like, what do I need Wikipedia for when I can go straight to the source and find the information? Especially with the assistance of AI in finding direct media source material. My point is, argument from an authority is a logical fallacy.

It’s not addressing the actual argument, especially when the authority is not a credible source. So I responded back, the fact checkers on Wikipedia make sure the links are legit and that everything is truthful. Which it does not seem to be a high priority for some [00:43:00] people these days. My physics teacher in high school read physics textbooks for fun and found errors in one.

He wrote the publisher and they hired him to correct their textbooks. So fact checkers, so fact checkers are really important. He was also an advisor to NASA and a Catholic priest. My point is that facts are important and we can have multiple sources that tell the truth. We don’t just need one source.

That’s how state run media gets started. AI could not tell me whether or not Ted Nugent ever won a Grammy, so I don’t trust it. It gave me three different answers. That’s why we need fact checkers, because facts matter.

And then, um, somebody said, LOL, um, and they posted, um, an article that says Wikipedia co founder criticizes site saying, says it has slid into leftist propaganda. And so I responded back, leftist propaganda. This is not Paul Jabeck, by the way, this is somebody [00:44:00] named Mark. But anyway, um, it says leftist propaganda, so I responded back, leftist propaganda means telling the truth about white males did to everybody else throughout recorded history.


and um, and then I also, one other thing that I also did was go back on there and set everybody straight, that everybody was saying I got it right. Fired from my position. They said, Oh, we don’t associate with her. We got, we fired her. They fired her. That’s why I wasn’t. So I had to go on there and set everybody straight.

I was not fired my position as the DuPage County Democrats, social media person. I, I resigned myself and I posted my resignation on the DuPage [00:45:00] County, um, Democrats, social media, because. I built that thing from, like, just, like, around 2, 000 followers to 7, 000, um, in just a few months. And, um, it’s for a local election.

Like, who cares about local elections a lot of the time? I mean, just, just saying. More people should care about local elections, but they don’t, really. I mean, they don’t. The, the numbers of These accounts don’t get the numbers of followers that, um, you know, nationally or in state accounts do so, um, to have 7, 000 people interested in what the DuPage County Democrats were doing is pretty amazing, I thought, um, anyway, um, and that’s maybe why it’s targeted as I brought, as I said earlier, but, um, so anyway, [00:46:00] so you’re, this kind of gives you a background of what was going on on Um, and why I felt the need to get into the, to, to, um, to respond to what was going on on Nextdoor.

But then after I responded to what was going on on Nextdoor, I, um, I was sent some even more incriminating evidence for Paul Drabik, which I will share with you right now. So here we go. Here we have Terry Newsome is with Paul Drabik. And 22 others. 22 other Proud Boys, I don’t know, 22 other people. Um, new Gateway Pundit story exposes Downers Grove Democratic extremist ties to Antifa and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

So, here’s a [00:47:00] Hatewatch, um, article and it says, It’s ahead of Trump’s. Immigration plans met Proud Boys associate about deportation says the article I shared with you earlier and, um, and here’s Terry Newsome sharing, um, it out on his social media. And tagging Paul Drabik and 22 other people. Um,

let’s see. And then, um, here’s one where, um, Terry Newsome is at the Downersburg Public Library with 26 others. Um, and he tags the Downersburg Public Library. And he says, voters of Downers Grove, it’s time to elect a father who is willing to speak the truth and defend his community, parents, and children.

Paul Drabik is a father of two young children and an [00:48:00] Iraqi combat vet is running for Downers Grove Village Council. Paul put his life on line for us, our children in America, now he’s willing to fight against a small group of radical. Downers Grove, probably leftist extremists. Um, I must be the leftist extremist

or one of them that he targeted and put out a commission, he and many others. Um, all right. Um, here’s another one.

Dan, uh, Terry Newsome is with Paul Drabik and 14 others. So Terry Newsome tags, Paul Drabik in a lot of stuff. And Terry Newsome has ties to. So Paul Drabik ties to Proud Boys because he’s hanging at them with other people. I don’t, I don’t, um, these are [00:49:00] screenshots that were sent to me, so I don’t have.

access to see who these 14 other people are that he’s tagging. But, um, in this post here, Dana Kennedy, he says, Dana Kennedy, a reporter for the New York Post moved to Chicago six months ago. So you’re a reporter for the New York Post and you moved to Chicago. And it says she asked me to show her around the city and help arrange meetings with local residents.

You’re a reporter for the New York Post and you moved to Chicago and the first person, the person that you want to show you around Chicago. Hangs around with Proud Boys and that’s who you want to introduce you to people. What’s the New York Post ties to the Proud Boys?

So, um, I found that interesting. [00:50:00] Um, and of course, Paul Drabik is tagged in that post. And then here’s one, um, Terry Newsom is with Paul Drabik and 21 others. Again, uh, Thursday night, May 9th at 7 o’clock, Paul Drabik and I are hosting Sargis Sanghari, CEO and his It’s any C. S. S. E. near East’s Center for strategic engagement and U.

S. Army Special Forces Lieutenant. We will be discussing the Marxist radicalization of college students. The attached video is from my visit to the University of Chicago’s Quad Center, where radical Hamas supporting students had their encampment, so Palestinian protesters. I was told that my filming was considered to be aggressive behavior.

Watch it. It says it’s, it’s Funny, I think is what it says. I can’t [00:51:00] see it all on this. Oh, wait. Yeah, it’s funny stuff. Yeah, um, terrorizing, um, protesters is funny stuff for Mr. Terry Newsom, the Republican precinct committee person, um, along with Paul Drabik and others.

And I think that’s no, here’s, here’s more. There’s more. I thought that was all and there’s more. Um, here’s Terry Newsome also with Paul Drabik and 25 others. I just, I really want to know, are these 25 others also Proud Boys? Are they all extremists? They Republican politicians? Who are they? Um, maybe somebody can take screenshots of that and send it to me.

So, anyway, um, this is Republicans, Independents, and Democrats of Downers Grove. This is Terry Newsom again on his social media. I want to reach [00:52:00] out to everyone in Downers Grove, DuPage County, and anyone who shares our concerns about our families challenges today. We are at a pivotal moment where liberal extremists are targeting parents who dare to object to inappropriate content in our schools.

How ironic. These people targeted me for objecting about what they were saying at the schools, and all I did was get up and voice my opinion against them. I just used my freedom of speech. Go back and watch my episodes, or listen to my old podcast episodes about all the stuff they did to me. This is, this just makes my blood boil.

Liberal extremists targeting parents. Nobody’s to, to object to inappropriate content in our schools. There was no inappropriate content.

The irony of it all. The [00:53:00] projection of it all. Okay, I think that is, I think that was all the ones in that. I

think that was all the, um, information that I had, but you can see that he pals around with somebody, Paul Drabik pals around with Terry Newsome, who’s on the Southern Poverty Law Centers. I mean, do we really want him in charge, uh, you know, at our village, um, and on the village commission going after our library?

I mean, please, please, please do not vote for this guy. Um, uh, I, uh, [00:54:00] I, he may not be a proud boy, but he sure hangs out with people who hang out with proud boys. Um, and, um, I guess that’s all I really need to say. Um, the, uh, early voting starts tomorrow. The election day is April 1st. Got like two weeks. Do your research.

You can check all the, all the things that I talked about. You can check all the resources that I displayed and, um, yeah, make your own decision. But, um, I won’t be voting for him. Thank you for watching the Mary Kind of, or listening to the Mary Kind of Contrary podcast and watching the, the video version if you are, um, watching it.[00:55:00]

Otherwise, um, have a great day and, um, thanks again.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 10 - I Was Targeted By Proud Boys and the Far Right After Speaking at a School Board Meeting and You're Next - Part 3 of 3


On Election Day 2024, Mary Lemanski is hanging out live on Facebook and sharing some of the things she has been through for the past 3 years after speaking at a school board meeting with Proud Boys present and being targeted by them afterwards. Part 3 of 3.


  Okay, this was sent on Valentine’s Day. Hello, Detective. Happy Monday and Happy Valentine’s Day. Things have been fairly quiet. Just a few mean emails here and there. No threats. Couple weeks ago, I got notice from Wells Fargo that someone tried to start an online account in my name. Wells Fargo sent me steps to take in the mail today, and one of them is filing a police report.

So, since it is most likely tied to the Waukesha tweets, I thought I would mention it to you first. Have you heard anything from Facebook? And then he got the subpoena results from Facebook late last week, and we’ll be looking into it this week. Um, I’ll keep you updated on my end. And, then he had me call him, and I can’t remember why he had me call him.

I think maybe it had to do with the I think it had to do with the, um, the Department of Children and Family Services, if I remember correctly.


so then I have a couple emails going with, um, um,

uh, where I was helping them out. I actually was able to track down every single person that sent me, um, a message or a profile. I was able to, on Facebook, I was able to track down all of them. Except for one person, and that was this really scary guy that you heard in the song saying that he really wanted to, um, do awful things to me.

And I don’t know if they ever found him. He, hopefully the FBI knows who he is. Um, let’s look at this. Uh,

okay, here’s, here’s, um, One thing that happened. Um, hi detective. I’ve had some cars stopping or slowing down in front of the house over the past few days and I’m by the pond. So people slow down there anyway. But I’m by the pond. So people slow down there. Anyway, this weekend, my daughter was in a production of a Christmas story at the Albright Community Theater in Batavia, which is located in the police department building there.

I decided to bring along my old cell phone. This is the one with the SIM card. As my son and I were walking down the sidewalk toward the police station close to 2. 30 p. m. on Saturday, a man came walking toward us with medium length, wavy, curly, dark brown, black hair, brown eyes, maybe 5’10 He was looking intently at his phone as he was walking around, walking toward us, which made me notice him, and about 15 to 20 feet after he passed us, I casually glanced back to him.

See him spin around with an amazed look on his face. Maybe he found a Pokemon or maybe it was just a coincidence, but I picked up my pace toward the entrance of the police station and got inside. I just wanted to mention the incident because it seemed odd. So I had been having people follow me around in the car when we’d went to, I keep moving on from this story, but when we went to the T Mobile store, there, it was like in the strip mall and we, as we were coming out.

Um, we went back toward the back exit out of the parking lot and this car comes swooping into the parking lot and parks in a spot. And I told my son, watch that car and see what it does to let me know if it is coming this way. Because it seemed like it was. On a mission kind of, and, um, it ended up pulling out and pulling up next to us in part in, in, in, um, traffic.

In the lane next to us and just sitting there with blacked out windows. You couldn’t see who was in the car. My kids are in the car and they’re, they’re, they’re starting to freak out. And the traffic in front of this guy starts moving and it’s, it’s like, you know, uh, halfway down the block and he’s still sitting there next to us in traffic.

And, um, suddenly the cars in front of me started to move. And I was able to maneuver and and get away from him. Um, but that was really scary. And then there was another time. Um, see if I see if I have this written down anywhere. I

think I have this story written down somewhere because I wanted to make sure that it was. I had it written down. , um,


let’s see.

Oh, that was different conversation. Um


I’m not finding it. Okay.

I, it’s different stuff, I think.



just making sure that there’s not any other one. Uh,

nope. Okay, well,


you can’t find it on my phone. Um,

well, for now, let’s just keep going. Uh, I can’t find what I was looking for. Um,

let’s see. Going through here. Uh, yeah,

so I told you the story about the Batavia. Oh, I know. Um. I know where, where I can find all this. So, um,

all right. Um,

oh, I know what it was. I, I’m trying to find the email for it. Um, so I’ll just tell the story. So I happened to be at this store. Um, and I was getting ready to leave, but I was like looking at some things on my phone before I left. And all of a sudden this car comes whipping into the parking lot and parks next to me.

And you know, I was like, Oh, he’s in a hurry or whatever. But then I kind of noticed that he’s like, when I’m like looking over at him, I noticed that he’s like, you know, ducking his head like, like trying not to be seen and like hiding behind, you know, the, the, the doorframe and I was like, that’s suspicious.

But I, um, I was like, no. I’m going to go like somewhere else and see what happens. Um, uh, but I want to get this guy’s license plate and write it down just in case he starts following me or something. So I start backing out of the, the parking lot and I get his license plate and I go into my My Google keep or whatever.

And I, I write it down. I make a note in my Google note pad thing and, um, my Google keep and I, um, and I save it and I was going to, um, wait and see what happened. You know, if he was going to follow me, because I, at this point I’d had like cars following me around and Um, sometimes it was pretty scary, um, Uh, I’ll tell you another story here in a minute, but, um, so, uh, this car, um, comes around and, and so I’m backing out of my, my parking spot and I look over and I write down the, the license plate.

Um, I go, I actually went behind the building, parked my car, wrote down the license plate and then I left. Um, And as, um, as that was, as, uh, I, I actually, when I went back there, I also wrote it down on a piece of paper just in case, just in case something weird happened, I would still have it. So the next day I go to open up my phone and go into my phone and I have a pop up.

From Google that says somebody tried to access your keep and they were blocked and we blocked them. Um, and when, so I went in, I actually had written it in two places. I should have written in two places on my phone. I can’t remember. It was just like a notepad or there was some kind of app on my phone that was just like it was easy to access.

It was like right there. But then I went into Google Keep and saved it too. I had saved it in two places. I remember that because the next day I went in and I checked the other app to see the information about the, the license plate and it had been deleted, but it was still in my Google Keep. So this guy had been trying to hack into my phone.

Well, I’m going to tell you, um, uh, not long after that, my phone took a dump. Like it would not hold a charge. It would, it was doing all kinds of crazy stuff. Like I started describing in, in the email to the, to the detective and, um, I called up T Mobile and I was like, my phone’s doing this. And they’re like, that’s crazy.

We’ve never heard of any phone doing that ever. And I’m like, well, mine’s doing it. And they’re like, you better take your phone to the S to a, to a T Mobile store and have them look at it. They, maybe they can work out and work on it and get it to, to be okay. And so I take it to the T Mobile store and they’re like, Oh my gosh, we’ve never seen anything like this.

Like my phone just completely melt down and would not hold a charge. It was like, just, it was bad. And, um, and they were like, Oh my gosh, we’ve never seen anything like this. So my phone had been hacked by super hackers. And it was melting down and, and within a couple days it was dead. Like, like I could definitely, it was like I couldn’t even turn it on.


what else happened? Uh, well, um, where are we at?

Oh, here’s a whole bunch of emails I just found. And, ooh, um,

Let’s see.

It says, I must have told the detective about the caravan because it says there’s been a few calls since the caravan this morning, but not many, and texts are pretty much stopped as well. I will send more screenshots shortly. Most of the activity is on social media right now. I’m still cautious though.

It’s several screenshots of stuff. Um.

And I’d gotten some calls. Oh, I sent, um, I sent the voicemails to the police. The police said that they were, um, sending my information to the FBI if it was, had to do anything with out of state. Um, however, when I talked to the FBI, they kind of sounded like they didn’t have anything, but then they were going to touch base with the, the FBI.

The other police and, um,

Oh, so here’s October 17th, 2022. Um, just last, you know, the, the, the year after that, uh, basically, um, hello, um, I have a text that needs to be reported to the FBI. I didn’t, did not have a, um, direct contact them with them. Can you pass this along? I received this text on my business phone and it says, Hey painted girl, I hope you get painted with your own blood, you stupid bitch.

Um, so that was a year after,

um, I, I had somebody pretending to be, um, somebody from WTTW that wanted to talk to me, um,

And I said, I have a friend who is frequented. Oh, there’s another one. This is from November 28th. So seven days after this, I said, um, hi officer. I have a friend who has frequent and conspiracy websites for years, and he is watching what they are saying about me. He told me to Google for Chan, Mary Lemanski, he says, anonymous is targeting me along with the proud boys.

They downloaded my entire YouTube account to the internet archive. And I sent him. I’ll link to that. I made a series of tweets documenting this 1 percent of my DNA that 23andMe keeps changing what I am. First it said, The DNA was unassigned, so I made a post that I was part alien, then it said I was Ashkenazi Jew, Greek, Spanish, Balkan, Middle Eastern, North African, Egyptian, Western, Asian, and the latest Italian.

Anonymous has decided between an old tweet about me being both Arab and Jewish, and the attached image. These images are proof that I am Jewish.

So I thought I would share that with you.


yeah, um,

uh, I sent him some texts that I had received, um, that were identified as spam, and these were the ones that were, um, really threatening to kill me, um, the guy that you hear in the, um, in

the, um, song that I played earlier.


what else?

Oh, yes. So then, um, there is, um, David Cole, who is actually a Jewish man that is a Je is a Holocaust denier. Um,

he wrote an article on me, anti white woo woo woo’s whites. And, um,


And, um, it kind of, kind of went on about me. Um,

So yeah, I, I got into a, um, email argument with him. That was fun. Um,

where he, I mean, he was, um, kind of misrepresenting me. Um, I’m not anti white. And here he’s saying that I’m anti white. Um, I don’t see, I don’t see how, if you, you, um, support. Um, people of color and, and, um, I just, I don’t understand how that’s anti white. If you, just because you’re being supportive of, uh, a more true version of history that encompasses everybody’s perspective of what happened.

I don’t see how that makes you anti white, but. They have these ideas in their head about how history is, is, and they don’t realize that discoveries are made all the time. And we revise our, our idea of histories and science based on the data that we receive. And so changing your paradigm is not anti white.

showing the true history of how white people have treated people of color in this country, um, including people with freckles. Um, uh, I mean, it, it, it, you know, Irish people, um, Celtics, uh, it, I just, I just, I don’t understand how that can be seen as anti white when the, the whites were the ones doing all of the.

The persecution to me, it’s more about personal responsibility. It’s about not accepting responsibility for your actions and the actions of your forefathers. You can deny it all the, all you want, but, um, those four years that the Confederate war was being fought. Those weren’t the best four years of your great, great, great, great, great grand pappy’s life.

Why do you want to remember that shit?

Alright, um, I’m not going to read his article. You can read it. It’s in Takis Magazine. Um,

let’s see, what else? What else can we dig up? Um, oh, let me go back to the book. Um,

let me see,

um, oh, in the book I talk about the procession of, it was a van, a truck, and a car. And within 10 minutes of the caravan passing by my house, almost all of the calls stopped. The texts stopped, the emails stopped. They were still all over social media, my social media profiles, because they have to maintain a public image.

But this was a hit job by the Proud Boys, and I’m calling it out for what it is. Um,

let’s see what else, uh,

I told you the story about T Mobile and I told you the story about the, being in front of the, the one place and having my phone hacked, which was weird. I told you about the story about, um, the guy, um, on his phone that was, you know, all of a sudden whirls around and stuff. So I had seen a ghost or Pokemon.

Um, I had a weird incident when I went to the U. S. Virgin Islands. Um, I noticed this guy with a computer that would follow me around and sit across from the bar at me, from me. And every time, and he would like be, he’d be getting on his computer every time I went to go get on my phone. And finally, in one time, I just, I, as I was looking, I was just looking at him and I just turned my phone off.

And he looked up at me and I caught his eye. And, uh, I think he knew that I knew that I’d got him. Um, but then we had to play, like, we didn’t know that that was going on because then his girlfriend or whatever came over and she started talking to me and stuff, and then she started messing with my, like, I was like, my phone started messing up while she was talking to me.

Um, this was like the next day I think it was, cause it was like, it was a different time period when I was at the bar. Um, She like, um, she’s, I was like, my phone’s like messed up and she’s like, here, let me take that. I’m an engineer. I didn’t even get to like a look at what the screen said. I saw some weird buttons pop up.

Um, so that was a weird incident that happened in the U S Virgin islands. And then there was like this, This other couple that kept hanging around and they supposedly were from New York and friends, friends, friends with friends of Trump, or so they told me, um, and I told you about the story about my battery draining, um, on my phone lately, T Mobile, T Mobile being like, we’ve never seen anything like this before, ever.


what else?

I have something about a Twitter 2 cancellation, but I can’t remember what that was. I might have notes on that somewhere else. I don’t think it was. I, I’m not quite sure what that was. I have to look that up. Um, let’s see.

Uh, there was.

So I have been, let me look, let me look up. Um, I just have a little bit more to go. I’m pretty much almost done. Really. I mean, nobody wants to do all this stuff. Nobody wants to have to deal with all this. And, you know, they’re going to be,

um, they’re, they’re just going to be more emboldened if Trump wins. All

right, let’s see.


so really, I’m speaking out against these people because our democracy is at stake. It only takes 30 percent of believers to turn to autocracy. We need to stand up now or never. I am privileged because I can buy a body armor and stay holed up in my house. I’m white and I live in an affluent neighborhood with cameras on my house.

I can afford to speak up and the Proud Boys have unknowingly and unwittingly raised my platform in a way. So I can be louder and get my message out. Some people who have been targeted have had to move and change their looks because they are targets. Those, um, the, the two women that were pushing the boxes from the, the, the 2020 election that Trump targeted, they had to change their looks.

They had to move out of their houses.

I don’t have to, I’m not. And, and, and I’m going to expose them for what they are. Domestic terrorists.

So I’m begging you, if you’re voting tonight, please. consider everything that I’ve been saying tonight.

let’s see. Oh, here’s a Facebook messages.


so they were able to locate. Um,

they were able to locate one one guy And they went to his house. Um, they didn’t want to, they were like, do you want, you know, it’s been, it’s been, it was like a few months later. They’re like, um, do you want us to go? And so, so the detective that was on my case, he was going to wrap things up and this was like in July.


February. Oh yeah. He

was, he was leaving. He was leaving the forest in March. He was going to go into a different line of work. And, um, So the debt that detective that was assigned to my case. And so, um, and so he, he was trying to, to end it. And, and this one guy had had sent me a picture of a gun. Um, ended up being somebody in the area, not from out of state.

And so they, um, there’s a lot of people out of state, not Wisconsin either, like, um, east coast in the south and California. That’s where all most of these, these calls, um, came from, but they, um.

As I saying, oh, they, uh.

I’m reading, I’m reading this message that I had sent to the police.

Um, I kind of lost my train of thought there. Sorry about that. Um, so, oh yeah, they, they, they, so they, they found this, they found this guy and he was some 30 something year old guy living in his parents basement. And he’s like, oh, you found me, you know, like, um, Like, you didn’t think they would fine you? So, um, So anyway, uh, Um, he, Uh, I ended up not pushing charges against him, which was probably dumb, I probably should have, but I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to really deal with that and the backlash that probably would have ensued had I, Had I gone after him.

Um Yeah, so that happened. Okay. Oh, here’s, here’s, here’s where I wrote down about that, um, that one hacker, um, that drove up to me next to me in the car. So, um, says Google had a notification for me on my phone this morning that someone tried to use QuickMemo. QuickMemo is what I use. Uh, to use QuickMemo Plus on my phone to access my Google account.

Okay. Google blocked it. I had typed a note of a suspicious car into QuickMemo and yesterday. It was QuickMemo Plus yesterday, and the note has since been deleted. Luckily, I also wrote it down elsewhere, and then I give the license plate number and say it’s a Honda CBR Red Maroon. This car pulled up next to me in the parking lot yesterday.

In front of the store in a different town as I’m not saying what it was because I don’t want the people to go after the store, but, um, I was talking to actually talking to the detective on the phone when the guy pulled up next to me as you were talking to me, but I wasn’t sure if I was being paranoid or not.

The guy had thick glasses or glasses that blurred his eyes. He wore a black hat. He appeared to have short hair or a buzzed haircut. He appeared to keep his face from my view, which is what made me suspicious. He also seemed to be in a hurry to get into the parking lot and then he just sat there texting furiously on his phone.

After I got off the phone with you, I pulled behind the building and made a note about his license plate and quickmembo plus and keep and then wrote it down on paper too when I got home. Interestingly enough, Lombard police pulled a white van into the parking lot after I pulled behind the building. I did not realize it was a police vehicle until I passed them on my way out of the parking lot.

Anyway, I am getting a prepaid phone today and leaving my cell phone at home. I will let you know the burner number when it arrives. So I actually had to get a burner phone so they would quit following me around. Do you want to live in this kind of America, America? Where you can, say, speak up at a school board meeting and then have guys following you around for months and years afterwards.


that’s the story about, let’s see, the Christmas story, um,


I think I’ve already read that.

What else happened? There’s some other things.

What are these pics of? Oh, so, okay, so, um,

the, in 2022, Um, no, actually it, yeah, it was 2022. It was a year after all of this went down, the FBI showed up at my house and, um, I think it was Christmas Eve that they did this, showed up at my house and they told me I’d been doxed again. And, um, uh, yeah. Let’s see.


And, and I told them how a few weeks before that had happened, um, I had been driving over to see a friend in Chicago and all of a sudden this big black truck was behind me and it was following me everywhere. And I had gotten off. Um, because there was like some kind of detour and I got lost in the neighborhoods and this car was just follow, this big old black truck was following me everywhere I could go.

And finally I just had enough and I freaking pulled that, pulled over right in front of somebody’s house and just stopped. And I got my phone ready to call the police and. The guy, the, the, the guy in the big truck just sat there and he sat there and I couldn’t like, make out his license plate ’cause of his, he, his, his lights were too bright.

And so anyway, he just sat there and finally he kind of pulled up ahead and he just pulled over to the side of the road in front of somebody else’s house, a few houses up ahead. And I waited for a few minutes and then I went on past him. Well, the FBI told me if I ever had an incident like that to call them.



let’s see. So I told the, I told the FBI about the Facebook group. I told them about, um, everything that was going on. Um, how I caught them forwarding my messages. So I actually sent the FBI all of my messages. Um, I told them my theories about everything and, um,

Uh, anyway, I was gonna

read a few things that I had said to them, to the FBI.

Um, oh, one, one thing here is I, I sent, um, I sent the FBI a photo of, um, a screenshot of my computer, my Mac, and, um, Uh, I had, uh,

uh, I had found, um, I had found, I, I, I, on my, I’m sorry, I’m stuttering, on my Mac computer, I had found that somebody had added themselves, um, to my devices, um, And the name of the, the, the device that they added was watch out. And, um, I, I found I, it wasn’t like in the immediate list. Um, I had unhid the devices and found it.

So it was actually a hidden device on my, um, on my Mac iCloud. So it was actually a hidden device on my Mac iCloud. And it was added in 2020. So this was before any of this ever took place. Um, but it would have been after I’d helped elect all those people to the county board. Um, I’d also sent up, uh, uh, this was in, oh, February of 2023.

So February 20 of last year. I had made a post about Ash Wednesday, um, on my Facebook page and,

um, see if I can show you, if you can see this picture, I don’t know if you can see it or not, but it’s a picture of a knife and somebody just posted that as a comment. On my, um, on my post about Ash Wednesday. Kind of weird. Um, Oh, here’s the, here’s another, um, text. Um, hello, officer. Two things. One, a few days ago, I had a drone, a drone fly low over my backyard.

And when I noticed it fly up and take off north, not sure who was flying it. Um, Um, to, um, this, uh, our next door neighbors, um, well, I was telling him, um, that, um, since January 2020, it wasn’t that our next door neighbors is, uh, uh, the neighbors, a couple of houses down. If you hear my son playing drums, that’s him.

He’s practicing drums in another room. Sorry about that. Um, so since January 2021, when I ran for Downers Grove Township Clerk, the man at this particular address, a couple doors down, has been harassing me by calling the cops on my dogs. I have ring footage to show my dogs do not excessively bark. Or bark at all when he calls the police.

Now he is harassing my next door neighbors for having their dogs. He lives with his sister and they are both becoming more and more unhinged and have been behaving erratically according to the our next door neighbors. Um, I thought you should be aware of the situation since the the local police have not really done much and they couldn’t understand why I was upset after being harassed for two years.

So I mean, they really were kind of rude to me. I’m like, he’s been harassing me for two years for, for, for nothing. I can prove that. And, and it was great because I got a message from the, the chief of police saying, Oh, you got to stop the dog from biting and are barking. And I’m like, okay, I’ll send you the.

The videos of the dog hardly barking at all and then after that it suddenly became a non issue So weird like like I didn’t hear a single peep from them I didn’t hear anything from the guy down the street ever again after I told him I got video of you guys and You’re liars Let’s take it to court.

Don’t you want to take him to court for wasting your taxpayer, taxpayer, taxpayer dollars targeting me when I shouldn’t have been targeted? They didn’t, they didn’t even have anything to say about that.

I thought you should be aware of the situation since the police have not really done much and they couldn’t understand why I was upset after being harassed for two years. I feel like I need to forward you my email correspondence from when I was first doxxed They changed officers in charge of my case.

The last one who closed it was leaving the force and didn’t want to leave the case open and didn’t even want to investigate a local threat until I insisted on it. Um,

uh, let’s see, July 17th.

Oh, so July 17th, 2023 was when I texted, um, the FBI and said, uh, Uh, Not sure if I’m still a target, but my phone has been messing up the past couple weeks. Just got out of T Mobile and they have never seen anything like it. And then July 31st,

um, Oh yeah, I’m still a targeted. They visited my social media and left comments. Um, I go into a long diatribe about white supremacists and how I’ve had a background. And, um, With like, um, having, having these people in my life. I even think there’s people in my family that are white supremacists. Um, I won’t say who I think, but I’m pretty sure I know.

Um, anyway. Oh, and I know there’s people in my family that are down with the Proud Boys because they’ve told me so. Um, called them Proud Family to be exact. Okay, and then October 8th of last year, um, is when, uh, the, uh, Oct Actually, October 7th of last year, um, I had a van swerve and try to hit me, so I sent a message.

Um, I had a van swerve to hit me last night between 11 and 1140 at the intersection of Ogden and York and Dale. Uh, Dale. Luckily, I was paying attention and able to move out of the way before they got me. This is not the first time this has happened, but the first time I can say that without a doubt, they were trying to hit me intentionally.

Their license plate had heavily caked mud, which looks strategically placed over most of the numbers. The first letter was A. Last summer I saw three trucks driving without license plates in Missouri. I saw one in Indiana today and two a few weeks ago. One in Illinois and one in Wisconsin. With my understanding of how these white supremacist groups work, I believe these are good old boys looking for minorities and women to harass or worse.

I think the American public should know about them so they can be aware of their safety. Like the FBI is going to say anything about it. Um, then I have, um, this hunk of metal, aka, um, a knife blade was in my tire. This was in January of this year, 20, January 22nd of this year. Um, You can see this here. I’ll show you this, this, this right here, this right here, that little white, uh, that right there is a knife blade.

That’s a knife blade. Um, that was stuck in my, in my tire and you can see if I can zoom in and you can, you can kind of see it that, uh, it’s like, right. It’s like right there. That, that piece that’s like right there. You can see it. Like a broke off knife in my tire. That was January 22nd. So they tried to get me on October 8th of 2023.

And then they tried again January 2nd to, to blow out my tire. Um, And then June 7th of this year. I was driving home from Springfield last week and saw one of those trucks with their license plates hidden. This one looks like one of those plastic plates over the license, but when we got closer, we noticed it was all white with no numbers or letters visible.

And you can see this is like. You can’t even see anything. You can’t even, we’re pretty close. You can’t see any letters or numbers on the license plate.

And then September 9th, I think I’ve been doxxed again. I’m getting a lot of spam texts. I just had someone from Louisiana call and hang up. And I sent them the phone number. A day or two before I moved out of my house, a man drove by in his car. I was standing toward the bottom of my driveway. My son witnessed it.

The man stopped right in front of me on the driveway, laughed, and took my photo on his phone. Then drove away quickly. I didn’t get a good view of his license plate because the neighbors were parked on the street. I’m at a new address now, so hopefully it’ll stop. Um, someone apparently tried to use my business credit card too.

And then on September 10th, also when I was driving from Chicagoland to Taylorville on Sunday driving on I 55 southbound, I saw a black truck with a promotional CAT license plate holder on the back and no other visible plates. I was not able to take a photo this time and did not see the make and model of the truck.

And then September 11th, I wrote the FBI’s this year. I wrote them and said, yeah, I’ve been doxxed. And, um, uh, the there, I just put amber waves of grain and I posted a picture on Facebook of, um, of a cornfield. And it was, you can see the amber waves of grain. Like you can see the rolling hill, like waves coming.

And, um, and some guy comes on there. He goes, I bet it sucks that whenever anyone looks up your name, the first thing they see is you celebrating the deaths of half a dozen people instead of your music career or whatever. Or so that, yeah, I got doxxed again. That’s, that’s how I knew I got doxxed again. And I did not celebrate their deaths.

Um, that guy just has poor reading comprehension. Anyway, um, So yeah, that is what I’ve been through the past three years. So, if you want a country where, um, where we’re not allowed to, to speak up our own opinions about how, Um, our tax paying dollars should be paid and how our schools should be run and how our libraries should be run.

If you’re going to get targeted for speaking out against these people, we don’t want that kind of America. And they’re the ones saying that we’re the hateful ones. My kids have witnessed this. Um, yeah, so I just wanted you all to know what I’ve kind of been up against. Um, there’s probably more incidents.

I’m not not, um, remembering right now. Um, let me see if I can find a few more. Um,

A few more

Incidences Oh, let’s see

Uh, What’s this?

Huh, oh yeah. Yeah. I found the, uh, I found the article where the governor, um, Uh, Four lawmakers called Pritzker’s comments on Rittenhouse trial beyond reprehensible. That happened on November 22nd. That was the same day that, that my, Tweets went viral. So yeah, that, that was the article. I think that, um, he was, he was getting heat for his written house trial comments.

So it was easy to, to throw me under the bus for that, to get the heat off of him. Um, I’ll still vote for him. I still like him as a governor. I think he’s done great for Illinois. Um, what’s this? Yeah, and there was quite a few like, um, Um, online. Oh, this is the, the board meetings. Um, There’s quite a few like, um, online, uh, YouTuber influencers on the, the, the right side that, um, That, uh, you know, did pieces or commentaries on me.

Then they’re usually, most of them are stupid, um, and without any kind of basis. Um,

So, Oh, Oh, that was just something else. Um,

Uh, just seeing if there’s any other, um,

Okay, so, oh, that was a year later, yeah, a year later, um, after all of that happened, I started getting emails again. That was, must have been when the FBI said I was doxxed the second time, and I’ve been doxxed a third time, um, because that guy drove by my house. Um, just wanted to take a moment from my day to tell you, you’re a, Piece of shit.

Bye. That’s nice. Uh, what else? You’re a worthless effing bee. It’s no wonder you’re a democrat. I hope you get run over by a psycho that is looking to randomly murder people. F you. Um, that was in

October of 2022. Um, February 4th, 2022. Uh,

it was just, uh, oh, uh, somebody complaining that my, that my song was awful when they’re missing the whole context of what the piece actually is. It’s not supposed to be a beautiful piece.

Um, it’s supposed to be, it’s supposed to show the ugly side of, of human kind, the kind that calls people and harasses them for speaking out at a school board meeting with an alternative viewpoint to your own. Um, Let’s see. It was. Maybe one or two other things.


Maybe not. That might be everything. I’m trying to think if there’s any other incidents that happened. Um, I think I’ve covered pretty much everything that’s happened in the past three years. Um, Yeah, I just, I just think, um, I think that the polls are closing on the, on the West Coast. Now, or very soon. So, I think, pretty soon I’ll be signing off.

Let’s see if there’s any. Uh, election results so far, shall we? I’ve been talking for a long time. It’s hard to remember if there’s anything else that I needed to cover. I think, um, I think I got most of the points though. Um, we need, oh, you know, since then our rights have really been eroded, um, by the Supreme court and by the Republicans and Republican states.

Um, so we really need to stand up and if we elect Kamala Harris, we need to undo all these things and, and, and, um, You know, work together and let’s move forward and let’s make this country the best country in the world. Um, because you know, we’re pretty close. We just need to get our act together and, and our priorities straight.

And the people need to be first, not companies. Companies can’t vote. They’re not people. They’re not even considered in the constitution. We need to reverse Citizens United. We need the Citizens United decision of the Supreme Court. We need to reverse this, um, uh, what they did to Roe versus Wade with actual legislation from Congress that makes it legal all the way across the United States.

Um, makes abortion legal, makes bodily autonomy, um, you know, a thing all across the United States because really, they really eroded our right to privacy when they eroded, um, Roe versus Wade. So, um, it will be interesting. Um, and I hope we’re still a country tomorrow. I love you all. Um, I want to thank you all for listening.

Get out there and vote. If you, if your polls are still open and you haven’t voted. And, um, I guess other than that, uh, everyone have a good evening and, uh, a good rest of your week. Uh, I may hop on tomorrow, we’ll see, um, but, um, uh, just to, to give an update on how I’m feeling and, Hopefully, um, I’m hoping that Kamala Harris will win.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 9 - I Was Targeted By Proud Boys and the Far Right After Speaking at a School Board Meeting and You're Next - Part 2 of 3


On Election Day 2024, Mary Lemanski is hanging out live on Facebook and sharing some of the things she has been through for the past 3 years after speaking at a school board meeting with Proud Boys present and being targeted by them afterwards. Part 2 of 3.


  So we’re at the school. Um, it was funny because, uh, some of the proud boys actually walked right by me. Um, they came down the wrong side or I don’t know if they came down that side on purpose, just to try to intimidate us on that side. But they came by and they were going to walk down my aisle and I don’t know, I, I must have an intimidating look.

They’re intimidating.

I must have had an intimidating look or something, but they, they were going to walk down. They took one look at me and they went down and crossed where there was nobody. And they went over to the other side where all of their buddies were sitting. Um, so I’m going to read you from, from the Chicago Sun Times.

So if you look up Chicago Sun Times, Proud Boys, Downers Grove. You will see this

and it’s dated November 21st, 2021,

which I think was when it was updated last because this was a week. This was a week before my tweet went viral and my tweet went viral.

Yeah, they were on November 15th. It was when they, when this actually all went down. November 15th. Um, 2021 was the date of the, um, school board meeting that the Proud Boys were at. And then a week later, the 22nd, was when my tweets went viral. We’ll get more into that here in a bit.

Um, okay. So here’s,

let’s see, all right, let me read to you. Proud Boys join efforts. Effort to ban genderqueer book from school library rattling students in suburban Chicago. The Sun Times has confirmed that members of the far right group attended a school board meeting in Downers Grove last week. One allegedly called a student who spoke in favor of the book a pedophile.

Um, the uh, if you go you’ll see that they’re holding up these, these signs with genderqueer on it in there and no porn signs and stuff like that and um,

They all have, well, everybody has masks on because it’s the pandemic, um, but, um, uh, CNN was there as well. They were there with their, um, TV cameras. So, um, all right, let me continue reading. When a group of conservative Downers Grove parents organized this year to oppose mask mandates and equity initiatives at schools, it led to some tense school board meetings in the western suburbs.

Yet, students at Downers Grove North and Downers South, at Downers North and Downers South high schools said they didn’t see a big impact on their lives until the parents sought to remove a graphic novel by a non binary author from the school libraries. over concerns. It included a few sexually explicit illustrations, a fight that caught the attention of the Proud Boys, a far right gang that has recently seized on the culture play wars playing out at school districts across the country.

A Proud Boys contingent ultimately showed up for a board meeting in Downers Grove last Monday where the book was discussed. The Chicago Sun Times has learned they were there. Actually, I’m pretty sure they were there. Edgar Remy del Toro, del Torre, a leader of the group’s Northern Illinois chapter who was at the January 6th insurrection in Washington DC said he was among roughly 10 Proud Boys in attendance.

They were joined by Proud Boys associate Brian Kramer who has appeared at demonstrations with members of the group and who was charged with brandishing a knife at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Joliet last summer. Their presence at the meeting Where students said the men jeered at them, even called them pedophiles for supporting keeping the book in the library, was unnerving and intimidating, they told the Sun Times.

It has led to rifts among students in the school, including one who wore Donald Trump garb to class this week while arguing against the book. Politics has never caused division in the school setting before, said to Tabitha Irvine, a Downers North junior, but it kind of fell apart after the board meeting.

Earlier this month, signs of the tension began leaking from Community High School District 99 board meetings into high school hallways. An article in the Downers North student paper, the LGN Omega, led to some student chatter about the parents attack on board policies, primarily by the conservative group Wake Up D99.

Wake Up D99, that was it. Not DG99, as I said earlier. Um, as did a lawsuit over mask mandates that some parents joined against 145 Illinois school boards and Governor J. B. Pritzker. Then some area. Proud boys caught wind at the complaints against genderqueer. A book that has been targeted by conservatives nationwide.

Genderqueer is an autobiography about non-binary author Maya. Um, co Coba Cobe Journey of Gender Identity. as a teenager and young adult. A few pages that include illustrations of sex acts have drawn the bulk of the ire while other students, parents, and community members see the book as a vital tool for youth discovering their identity and efforts to ban it as censorship.

The District 99 November board meeting was promoted on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app favored by extremists and others on the far right, a flyer advertising a school board showdown. Was posted to the telegram channel for the Northern Illinois chapter of the Proud Boys, which has more than 280 subscribers.

Please join the parents of District 99. Fight to keep pornography out of Downers Grove schools, the post said. A telegram account apparently belonging to Kramer also urged other telegram users to join him at the school board meeting. I will be speaking against child porn in my kids school. The left is planning to show up strong, he wrote.

Kramer wouldn’t say if he has children, and he lives in New Lenox, about 30 miles from Downers Grove. At the meeting, members of the group joined parents and others in the audience. Holding sign saying no porn and jeered at the board and any students or parents who spoke in support of the book But the group of men largely did not make any public remarks themselves They also didn’t appear to wear Proud Boys regalia or clothing with the group’s signature black and yellow colors.

In a series of Twitter messages, De La Torre confirmed to the Sun Times that he and other Proud Boys attended the meeting. But he insisted his group isn’t homophobic, and that he and the other Proud Boys were merely standing against the sexual imagery portrayed in genderqueer, which I isn’t required reading or part of the district curriculum.

The group’s telegram channel, however, includes multiple recent posts that appear to be homophobic and transphobic. He added that some Proud Boys are parents concerned on what is being shown to their sons and daughters, though it’s unclear whether he has children or not. Delatorre’s 34 of Chicago was previously seen outside the U.

S. Capitol as rioters stormed the building January 6th. Other Proud Boys have since been ensnared in the sprawling federal investigation into the insurrection and its planning. De La Torre was later arrested in connection to a March dust up at an anti Biden rally in Schaumburg. The charges against him were ultimately dropped.

Cook County Records Kramer 31 was seated in one of the first rows right behind the microphone stand where speakers addressed the board. Reached by phone and text message Tuesday, Kramer threatened to call the cops and declined to answer questions, but acknowledged he was at the meeting. He questioned whether, where a Sun Times reporter found his phone number because Quote, he did not put it anywhere at the meeting last night.

He was arrested last July in Juliet when he allegedly disrupted a Black Lives Matter demonstration and, quote, brandished a hunting knife and held it in a threatening manner, police said. Will County court records show he was charged with misdemeanor counts of reckless conduct and disorderly conduct in that case for allegedly aggressively pulling his vehicle into a crowd of protesters before displaying the knife and yelling obscenities at protesters.

A jury trial is scheduled 4th, record show. Activist Candace, uh, Quinterly, one of the listed victims in a charging document, told the Sun Times that Cramer, Cramer initially drove past her group and yelled, you all are going to die. That wasn’t their first interaction. Quinterly had seen Cramer pulling, mulling around other protesters and just a few weeks earlier, allegedly had called her a black Antifa B word.

It just freaks me out that he’s just out here doing this to people, she said.

Josiah Pointer, an 18-year-old senior at Downers North told the Sun times that after he addressed the board, a man in the audience repeatedly told him, you’re a pedophile. You pro promote pedophilia, and threatened to call the police on him. And the parking lot later, the man allegedly drove up to point pointer shouting, pedophile at him, pointer said, shown a photo of the audience.

Pointer, pointed to Kramer as the man who made the comment. The last thing we need is some 30 or 40 year old man who lives in the middle of nowhere to be calling some kid a pedophile, Pointer said. That’s not okay. Lauren Perrette, a senior at Downers Grove North, said, It made me very uncomfortable that there were men in the back yelling things out for no reason when she and her friends addressed the board.

The school board president threatened to adjourn the meeting several times because of shouted interruptions, jeers, and comments to speakers. Having an adult man behind me saying things to me was very unnerving, she said. Hank Thiel, the district superintendent, didn’t respond directly when asked whether he was alarmed that Proud Boy members and associates attended the meeting.

All District 99 Board of Education meetings are open to members of the public and there are always equal opportunities for attendees to address the board, he said in a statement. Divide a student body. Perrette said she had been surprised by students togetherness and supportiveness so far this school year as they grappled with the return to in person learning during the pandemic.

But students have been divided since last Monday, she said. Even the students whose parents were part of Wake Up D99. They didn’t really make it a big deal or a big issue, Parrott said, but then when the Proud Boys, this big intimidating group, came in and made this issue so big, it forced students to look at what’s going on.

Irvin said several of her classes have discussed the week’s events, she said, and she noticed for the first time a student wearing a Trump 2024 hat as he voiced his dislike of genderqueer. Students are now getting really caught up in the political controversy. And that’s exactly what fuels groups like the Proud Boys, she said.

We can’t stoop down to their level and engage with them because it only strengthens them. Smart girl. Parents distance themselves from Proud Boys. Parents who want to remove the book sought to distance themselves from the Proud Boys. The Wake Up D99 group wrote in a Facebook post that it will never, never be associated with the Proud Boys and that his flyer was used in combination with the Proud Boys flyer without our permission.

Terry Newsome, who spoke at the meeting, ha, there’s our guy again,

said he didn’t want his concerns as a parent of two high schoolers to be conflated with Proud Boy messaging. Uh, yeah, he’s distancing himself after he was the one giving them the signs.

Newsome said he and another parent have a meeting scheduled with district administrators this week to discuss the book. You got the politics of the left and the right with the Antifa and Proud Boys, who have their own political agendas, I guess, Newsome said. Referring in part to the decentralized anti fascist activities who track and protest extremist groups.

But he said that doesn’t have to do with, anything to do with his complaints. Um, and just for the record, Antifa, is not really a group. The FBI has come out and said that it is an ideology. It is not, Antifa is not an organized group. And in fact, I will look these up maybe here shortly, um, polls will be closing in five minutes in Illinois, so get in line and stay in line if you want to vote.

Um, anyway, um, I can. Uh, I can, I can, well, let’s just do it now.

Uh, so, uh, back in June, uh, on June 2nd, 2020, CNN reported that white supremacists pose, um, as online and cause, as white supremacists pose as Antifa online and call for violence. Um, a Twitter account that tweeted a call to violence and claimed to be representing the position of Antifa was in fact created by a known white supremacist group, Twitter said Monday.

The company removed the account before it emerged the account was run by white supremacist Donald Trump Jr. Uh, President Donald Trump’s son pointed his 2. 8 million Instagram followers to the account as an example how dangerous Antifa is. The account violated our platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts.

I remember back when Twitter cared about fake accounts. A Twitter spokesperson said in a statement, We took action after the account sent a tweet inciting violence and broke the Twitter rules. Although the account only had a few hundred followers and is an example of white supremacists seeking to inflame tensions in the United States by posing as left wing activists online.

The revelation of the account comes as President Donald Trump increasingly blames left wing activists for violence occurring at protests across America. How, how convenient. He’s buddy buddy with these guys who he later plans January 6th with. He’s buddy buddy with them and he, he, he has them pretending to be left wing radicals of a fake boogeyman called Antifa.

And, uh, which, anti fascism, Antifa, anti fascism, America’s always been anti fascist. We’re not the bad guys, the anti fascists aren’t the bad guys, the fascists are. And that’s the one, and those are the ones that want to take away your rights. Just listen to the last four episodes. So anyway, um,

so, so here’s this fake group Antifa and these white supremacist groups that have ties to Donald Trump are promoting these themselves as being Antifa when they’re actually not. And so then he can blame this fake boogeyman for all of these riots, um, when it’s actually white supremacists starting the riots and pretending to be Antifa.

And then on Sunday, Trump tweeted he would designate Antifa a terrorist organization despite the U. S. government having no existing legal authority to do so.

And Antifa is not even a group.

In September, September 17, 2020, FBI Director Chris Ray, who was under Trump, told lawmakers Thursday that Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. Delivering testimony that puts him at odds with President, uh, Donald Trump. His own FBI director was saying that Antifa is an ideology, not an organization.

And then you have these white supremacists pretending to be Antifa. Um, the fake account Antifa. underscore USA, or U. S., sorry. Tweeted Sunday, Alert, tonight’s the night. Comrades, tonight we say F the city. And we move into the residential areas, the white hoods, and we take what’s ours. Black lives matter. F America.

Absolutely insane, Trump Jr. wrote on Instagram, sharing a screenshot of the tweet. Just remember what Antifa really is, a terrorist organization. They’re not even pretending anymore. You’re pretending they’re an actual group. Your own FBI is saying they’re not. A spokes, uh, A spokesperson for Donald Trump Jr.

did not provide comment to CNN Tuesday morning, but later the post was removed from Trump Jr. ‘s Instagram feed. There is no indication whatsoever that Trump Jr. knew who was behind the account or that it was fake. Twitter said that the account was in fact linked to identity, uh, Uh, Europa, a white power fraternity, though Twitter referred to the group as an identity of Europa or Europa, whatever, however you say it.

It’s got a, it looks like Europa, but with a V instead of a U. When discussing the accounts removal, the Anti Defamation League states that the group dissolved and reformed under the name the American Identitarian Movement. Which is also, which it also calls a white supremacist group. The group promotes themselves as identitarian, that white people should preserve their racial and cultural identity.

The American Identitarian Movement says it prohibits violence and illegal activity, but then they pose as a group inciting violence. CNN, CNN has reached out to the group for comment. Twitter said it had shut down other fake accounts linked to identity Europa 2. The phenomenon of people on the right creating anti.

Fake Antifa accounts predates the current wave of protest. The takedown Monday is not the first time a fake Antifa account linked to white supremacists has been suspended by Twitter, the spokesperson confirmed.

Um, so there you go. Antifa is fake. And now you’re gonna say CNN’s the fake news organization. So back, back to the Downers Grove um, sorry, I got something on my lip. Back to the Downers Grove, um, Back to the Downers Grove school board meeting. And then, so Newsom is trying to, um, distance himself from these Proud Boys, um, uh, um, after giving them signs, after giving them signs to hold on to.

So, okay, continuing on. The national effort, the Proud Boys have recently joined. School board protests across, across the country appearing at a North Carolina meeting against mask mandates and forcing another in the state to move this meeting online, similar to what happened at a meeting in Oregon. So just going around terrorizing school board meetings, um, forcing people to, to have them offline.

I mean, this, this is how democracy stops and this is how they’ll do it. If Trump is elected tonight, the polls are closing in Illinois.

Um, okay. David Goldenberg, regional director of the Anti Defamation League’s Midwest office, said it’s now a common trend for members of the Proud Boys and other extremist groups. to attend school board meetings and other public events to either recruit, to antagonize, or to engage. Meanwhile, state and federal lawmakers have taken notice of the Proud Boys presence.

Illinois General Assembly’s five member LGBTQ caucus urged district officials to protect queer students from hate and censorship by immediately rejecting calls to censor a queer positive group in the high school library. Theil said at the meeting, the book will remain in circulation while administrators review parents complaints.

U. S. Representative Sean Caston, the Democratic congressman who represents the district, said he has talked to board members since last Monday about student safety. I think the Proud Boys are reprehensible. They’re part of the biggest threat to our country, domestic terrorism, and they are part and parcel of that, Kasten said.

Let’s be blunt about this. If you are a grown adult and you are walking through a library in an elementary school or high school and having sexual thoughts, you are the problem. It ain’t the book.

Um, so that was what went down at the school board meeting. Um, I will actually see if I can find My speech from that night, and I will deliver it, although I think I might have done that before. Um,

let’s see.

Oh, is this it?

Oh, yes. Okay. So, so here’s the, here’s the speech that, um, and this is the three minute version. I think I did a two minute version. They, they cut down everybody’s time at the um.

At the school board meeting to from 3 minutes to 2 minutes so that everybody could get up and be able to speak. So this is the long version of the speech. I I didn’t cut too much out of it, but I did paraphrase a lot of it. So anyway, this is 3 minute speech that I gave at the school board meeting where proud boys were present.

Baron Friedrich von Steuben, a Prussian military man hired by George Washington to whip the Continental Army into shape during the darkest days of the Revolutionary War, is known for his bravery and the discipline and grit he brought to the American troops. Historians also think he was homosexual and served as an openly gay man in the military at a time when sex between men was punished as a crime.

Von Steuben was a strict drill master, but he also socialized with the troops. One of his aides, Pierre Etienne Duponceau, recalls a particularly wild party given at Village Valley Forge. I don’t believe I read this paragraph. His aides invited a number of young officers to dine at our quarters, he wrote, on condition that none should be admitted.

that had on a whole pair of britches. The men dined in torn clothing, and he implied no clothing at all. Though his name is little known among Americans today, writes Eric Trickey for Smithsonian, every U. S. soldier is indebted to von Steuben. He created America’s greatest Professional Army. I wonder what he would have thought of Bill Clinton’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy.

We have all heard of the Underground Railroad. Downers Grove itself played a role in the Underground Railroad. We often hear how white people would help and harbor black people to safety. But wait, Often never learn the genius way in which black people communicated where the meetup point was and when.

They had to hide their communication, so they did it right out in the open. The slaves would often sing in the fields as they worked. These work songs and field hollers were used to communicate many things, but one being where and when the Underground Railroad was supposed to meet. These field hollers were the precursors to the call and response of American spirituals and gospel music and to the blues.

The blues form the basis of jazz, rock and roll, R& B, funk, and even hip hop. And who can even stand country unless it is laced with blues? To me as a professional musician, singer, songwriter, and composer, American music is black music because it certainly would not be the same without their influence.

Unfortunately, that beautiful music was born from pain and suffering and denial of freedom. Real denial of freedom. Not asking you to consider the public health and having you wear a piece of cloth on your mouth.

The most patriotic person I ever knew was my father who served for four years in the United States Air Force. He voluntarily signed up when the government was drafting men for the Korean War. He would never let us wear t shirts with the American flag on it because it is a violation of the flag code to wear the flag except as a pin or a patch.

Even if it was a screen print, he said we could not wear it because it could be mistaken for the real flag. Kind of like how flag waving can be mistaken for real patriotism.

I learned from my dad that it is not important to march around with a flag. What is important is doing what is needed when the health and safety of Americans is at stake. Doing what you can for your country. So right now, the most patriotic thing you can do is to wear a mask and get vaccinated. Thank you.

That was the speech that I gave at the school board meeting.

And then, um, so then a few days later, the Downers Grove Township Integrity Project, um, had our weekly meeting. Hey, one second. You gotta go outside? You gotta go outside? I think my dogs might need to go outside. I might need to take a break here in just a minute. Um, but maybe I’ll, maybe I’ll see if I can play, play the music, um, for Karma, um, while, while I’m taking a break.

Um, where was I?

Uh, oh yeah, so that was the speech that I gave at the school board meeting, and okay, so then like a few days later, um, the Downers Grove Township Integrity Project, we had our meeting, and, um, at the meeting, one of the women in our group said, um, you guys, um, Just be very careful and watch your back. Um, she said that, um, she, she has a church job and that, or she, she teaches at a church and, um, church school.

And the, um, Proud Boys were calling up her work and trying to get her fired for supporting porn. And so, you know, she’s, she’s like, just, just watch yourself. And I was thinking, Oh, well, I don’t work for anybody. How are they going to get to me? I work for myself. I’ll just work from home rather than go into my office and I’ll be fine.

Um, and, um, it was weird because I saw this, this train of white vehicles go by my house one day shortly after this, um, it may have even been that later that day. Um, but it was a train of white vehicles. There was a white. van and a white car and a white truck. Um, and they all drove by my house. And at first I was like, cause we have a car show in Downers Grove.

And I was like, well, maybe it’s for the car show. And then I was like, wait, it’s the middle of the week. Why are they walking, driving by my house? I was weird. I wish I would have filmed it. Um, and so anyway, um, That, that becomes pertinent later. But, um, so anyway, I, um, I didn’t think they could get me to, to me.

And they must have been following me around. Um, Then they must’ve been following me around online on all my social media, waiting for me to mess up and say something controversial and then blow it out of proportions because that’s exactly what they did. Um, I’d been up late at night and I explained this in the first video, so I’m not going to go too much into detail, but, um, I, I had been up late at night and I was working on stuff.

I was tired and. I saw the headline about Waukesha and I made the comments I made. But the thing is, if you look at my stats on all of my social media at that time, it was pretty low because I wasn’t really promoting anything. So, you know, I was working, it was the pandemic. So like the stats were really low.

And then all of a sudden, it’s like 14, 000 people were on my page just all of a sudden at two o’clock in the morning. My, my tweet went viral and by four o’clock in the morning, um, Fox News had it on their website. Um, I wouldn’t say exactly four o’clock, but the four o’clock hour they had it on their website.

Um, so it’s breaking news that this, this little social media, um, county person said something. Um, Um, it’s, you know, that’s breaking news by Fox News at four in the morning. And the thing was, um, you know, I, uh, that, what am I trying to say? So it, it, it started going viral and I was like, oh, great. Um, and I just kind of shut down.

Um, it would happen to be like, Like five and I was just like, I’m going to bed. And I went to sleep. I knew I was going to hear it. And, um, the phone rang at eight o’clock in the morning. And it was the head of the DuPage County Democrats. And at first it was like, Oh, we’re going to, you know, send you away and maybe you can get you back.

Um, And in a, in a few months after everything’s died down and then it turned to, um, later on in the day that, um, Washington, DC got involved. Uh, Democrats in Washington, DC got involved in, in the, um, governor. And I kind of feel like the governor threw me under the bus because he was having some controversy too, around comments he said about Walker child too.

At the same time, if you go and like, look at the. The newspaper. So I think I was a convenient target, um, to throw under the bus. And then also, um, I, I found, I came across this graphic that somebody put together and it’s all these people that made a similar comment to me. There’s like influencers and media people that made a similar joke to me that, that I made, I guess it was self defense.

They all had made some kind of similar self defense joke. And, um, yet, and they were much more famous than me too, which was weird. And yet my tweet was the one that went viral, even though they said a similar thing and they were much more popular. Why did they, why weren’t they like, Oh, look at this, this influencer.

No, it was because they wanted to target me for either, um, turning, being sick, uh, an integral part in turning. Um, DuPage County from completely red, almost completely red, to almost a majority blue. Um, the, or they targeted me because they saw me as an up and comer in the Democratic Party, or the, um, they targeted, the Proud Boys targeted me because they didn’t like what I said about, um, LGBTQ and, um, and, um, people of color and freedom.

I don’t know. One of those reasons is why they targeted me. Um, and, and then they started following me around everywhere. After that, um, they created that Facebook group. I just told you about, um, Oh, I wanted to also, I’ve got some stuff on my phone and stuff like that, but right now my puppy dog needs to go out.

So, I think what I’m going to try to do,

I’m going to play for you my song. So, because I’m guessing you can hear it. While I let the dog out. Who let the dog out? Who let the dogs out? Me. Alright, let me find, I’m going to play you, um, So, this, I’m going to play you this, this seems like a good time to play this. Um, because, Um, my tweets went viral.

And so this is what I, these were messages, actual messages that I received and like, you could hear them, you know, hang up the phone and stuff. I, so I took those and I made it into beats. Um, like sounds that were in the background and stuff. I use them in, um, as, as percussion to, to create the beat, um, for this song.

Um, Okay. And then all of, if you go to YouTube, or actually if you go here, I think right here on Facebook, if you’re right here on Facebook, I believe somewhere in the videos you’ll find the video. And if not, it can be found on YouTube or, uh, yeah. Um, let’s see. See if I can play you the music and I’ll black out my camera and I’ll come back in a few minutes after I take care of my puppy dogs.

Um, so that I can continue my story. So, um,

I’ll just play it on my, my cell phone. Um, and you should be able to hear it, I hope. We’ll see. Trying to find the best place to put this. I guess here’s just fine. All right guys, I’m gonna shut off my camera for just a moment and here’s Karma Klansmen are ruining my America. Be sure to watch the music video either on here on Facebook or on YouTube.

It’s a carnival parade, you’re in the grandstand. It’s a carnival parade, It’s a carnival parade, It’s a carnival parade, It’s a carnival parade, It’s a carnival parade. It’s not ready for the parade. You fucked up. You fucked up. Alright, one other thing. I just wanted to make this clear. If you’re a rebel dumbass like me, or like you, How can I trust you?

Word. I mean, you know I am a Jedi. You just have a weak power. So you don’t want to be killed. I hope you’re doing fine, girl. I have some words for you, too. Let’s just put it that way. Well, I don’t know how else. I don’t think you need to go into your soul. It’s in you. So tell me, bitch, how do you want to die?

I’ll rip out the brain, and I’ll wash it, and I’ll throw a bone, and I’ll look around every corner. Let’s just say, you better hang on. Because I’m gonna slice your throat. And I might make a great thing with it, but I’m not gonna let you get inside. I’ll rip out the brain, and I’m gonna cut it, bitch. Let’s just say, you better hang on.

I had one time, I was asleep, but that’s when I fucking hear my jazz music. I had to go to the bathroom, and I just keep eating. I’m sorry about the one you met. You’re the last thing I saw the last day, so that’s why I’m a heavy drinker. I’m a heavy drinker. I’m a heavy drinker. I’m finally back, I’m finally back.

Mama got me back. We had to figure out this karma. This karma, mama, mama. Now, I hope you have a long life. I know you got a long life, but you’ll be fine. I hope you have a long life, but you’ll be fine. But, you’re suffering. I hope for the rest of your life, you’ll be suffering. For as long as you can live.

Mama got you back. We had to figure out this karma. God. I’ll be there in a minute. Karma, Karma, Karma. You have a difficult figure out. This is Karma. Karma, Karma, Karma. I said Karma, Karma, Karma. Karma, Karma, Karma. This is Karma. A fucking slutty bitch. Fucking mouth. You have a difficult figure out. This is Karma.

Karma, Karma, Karma. You are a gross dick. Disgusting, ugly ass dick, and you should do the world a favor and just fucking kill yourself. Comma, comma, comma. Not that difficult to figure out, but that’s what this is. I’m not very smart. Comma, comma, comma. Well this number is all over the web. How can you be so hateful?

Alright, alright. Got my puppy dogs. Put my puppy dogs in. Okay.

All right.

Um, all right. So that was a, um, creative, um, thing that I did with all of the voicemails. And if you watch the video, you can see the texts that I received, um, after my tweets went viral at four in the morning.

Um, see something really quick.

Okay. Um, Oh, I know one thing. So after, after this happened, um, just to let, you know, the, um, um, uh, my tweet went viral and everything that kind of emboldened the people, um, because then they started to go to other school districts. So, um, let me see if I can find this one. Uh, what’s it say?

Okay, so, um,

Um, let me see. I need to do something really quick.

I’m looking something up for us. Um,

so one of the,

oh, okay, here it is.

So Indian Prairie District 204 Naperville District 203 school board meetings disrupted over mask policies. Um, this was in,

um, oops, I just lost my, where I was, one second. Okay.

Okay, so the Indian Prairie School District 204 school board meeting and this was, so ours was in November of 2021. Um, this one was in, uh, on February 9th, 2022. And, um, the heck. It’s already.

I’m already,

hold on a second. It’s not letting me into the article. How convenient.

I know I have a subscription. Why is it doing that?

Let’s see.

Maybe it’s in.

Okay, here it is. Sorry about that. If this doesn’t let me do it, then I’ll find another way. There’s another article I can read it about it. Um, so, uh, the Indian Prairie School District 204 school board meeting Monday evening did not proceed as planned.

It’s like the Chicago Tribune doesn’t want me to read this article. So, um, as the school board adjourned without taking any action or public comment. As some in attendance refused to wear masks. And while the school board meeting at Naperville School District 203 did ultimately run through its agenda, the board recessed multiple times because some of the audience were not wearing face coverings.

I know you’re not happy with it, but this is the rule. Indian Prayer Board President Lori Donahue told the crowd Monday before the board took a short recess for the first time, rather than recess a third time, school board members voted to end the meeting. We are adjourned, Donahue said. Someone in the audience shouted shame on you in response.

The Indian Prairie School Board will meet Tuesday evening with Tuesday’s agenda matching the one from one night earlier. The meeting, however, will be virtual. Donahue could not be reached for comment. About five miles northeast of the Indian Prairie meeting, the District 203 School Board recessed three times as well over some in the public not wearing masks properly or at all.

The district 203 audience, however, followed the board rules on masks, as several in attendance wanted to be heard on the district’s decision on Sunday to keep its mask policy. Most board members agreed. spoke against the district’s decision. What is clear to me is there’s no point in trying to engage with this administration on mass choice at this point, said Dan Jovick, whose oldest son attends Naperville North High School.

Allowing families to choose what is best for the children is not something you’re willing to do, even if a judge rules and issues a ruling voiding the governor’s executive order. Why are you continuing to enforce a mandate that has been ruled null and void? You have not shown, you have all shown your true colors at apparently so rare.

Parent Alyssa Fitzgerald said the mask policy will continue dividing the community. Parents do not want to be on the opposing side of our teachers, we want to keep our teachers that we have. We are now more divided than ever and it needs to be a collaborative effort. If the school board and our superintendent refuse to listen to our needs and ones of our community, do we even need them?

We are spending a lot of money to be ignored, she said. Come on.

It’s a public health crisis, something that happens like once in a lifetime.

I don’t understand how people can be that ignorant. Naperville School District 203 parent Alyssa Fitzgerald speaks to the, oh sorry that’s a picture. I must have got it taken down. Uh, Naperville North High School teacher Amy Vogelsang was among the minority of people who spoke in support of the district’s decision Monday night.

But she said a significant portion of the district community backs their decision. I want to thank you for maintaining COVID mitigation strategies in the face of enormous public pressure to pretend the pandemic is over. Schools should be a safe place to learn and work, Vogel Sang said. Superintendent Dan Bridges said none of us want the temporary restraining order ruling further dividing District 203 even more.

Let me be clear, I do not And this board does not want to see our students and staff be masked indefinitely, Bridges said. He is asking public health authorities to further update criteria guiding schools on COVID 19 measures. District officials are reviewing the return to school plan they presented in the summer that reopened schools in person, he said.

I also intend in partnership with other superintendents and other advocacy groups to continue pushing for clear guidance on schools that will allow us. To move more freely and make decisions on a local basis, he said.

It really seems silly, looking back at all this, that they raise such a stink about masks. Something that health professionals have been wearing for over a hundred years. I mean, you wouldn’t want to go in for surgery without your surgeon wearing a mask. I mean, use common sense.

Um, So that was district, uh, the school board meeting in Indian Prairie and Naperville. And this is in the February after my, my tweet went viral, um, where I spoke at a school board meeting the week before. And then there’s also, um, here, uh,

one second, let’s say, um, Picking up another one.

Um, okay.


I’m set at, uh, hold on

a second.


trying to look up this article on this website

so I can read it better.

When was this, when was this article published? February 23rd.


a second.

Okay, here it is. Finally found it. Oh, I could probably read it better on here. Lemme see. See if it’ll let me read it.

Okay. In Hinsdale District 86, so this is, um, a neighboring, um, a nearby, uh, um, suburb, uh, from Downers Grove. Naperville is nearby too. I guess they all are. Um, so they’re all like. Targeting, uh, schools in the suburbs of Chicago in Hinsdale. This is, by the way, um, this article was from February 23rd, 2022 as well.

So, um, the thing that happened to me was in November after I spoke at the school board meeting was in November of, uh, 2021 and so they were emboldened and so in February 2022, they started back up again. In Hinsdale District 86, alleged equity shaming feels petition calling for superintendent’s removal.

Um, the latest effort from some Hinsdale High School District 86 parents and community members pushing for the resignation of Superintendent Tammy Prentice is a petition. Um, with close to a thousand signatures calling for her removal. The petition was started by former district 86 board president, Kay Gallo, who wrote in part on the website through her deliberate misrepresentations.

Superintendent Prentiss attempted to advance her extreme DE& I agenda by equity shaming District 86 and creating a false media narrative that damaged the reputation of Hinsdale and all other, um, the communities comprising D86. Um, just for the record and just so you know something a little bit about Hinsdale, Hinsdale is very upper crust.

Nouveau riche people. Um, there’s probably some old money there too, but um, it’s very, uh, there’s a lot of wealthy people in Hinsdale. I’ll just say that. Um, opponents of Prentiss have been rallying against her for some time now, but the effort was bolstered by Valda Valbrun, an anti racism consultant from Valdrun, Valbrun Consulting Group, withdrew a proposal to provide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion training to faculty and Prentice read the withdrawal letter.

Excuse me. A letter to January 13th board meeting. I’m drinking soda.

So the letter alluded to disparaging online comments from folks in the community which made Voldrum feel unsafe. Tammy Prentice made a decision to read the letter. What did she think she was going to accomplish by doing what she That, other than chaos and division, I think she’s shown bad judgment, said Yvonne Mayer, District 86 community member who has been vocal about her opposition to Prentiss for months.

Um, she was exercising her freedom of speech. Part of the controversy surrounding the situation is based on two sentences in Valbrun’s letter which many of the petitioner’s website, the petition’s website believed were added by Prentiss. It’s always a conspiracy with these people. People are always out to get you, they’re always adding some little stab and then, you know, nobody has time for that.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request by a community member, the district released records on January 31st showing that Baldwin emailed Prentiss on January 12th. With her letter of withdrawal, it’s not clear if any correspondence or communication took place outside of that email thread, but the FOIA indicated that Prentiss emailed Valbrun a revised withdrawal statement on January 13th with a note saying, please preview.

The added sentence in question reads, I got several messages yesterday and I really think Hinsdale is a dangerous place. It would not be physically comfortable there. At the time of the FOIA request, district officials said the letter was reworked by Volburn’s, at Volburn’s ask. Nobody knows. This is why it’s so important that the BOE do an investigation and inform the community what are the facts, Mayor said.

How do you go from receiving a letter and then reading a different letter? Was there communication exchange between them? No one knows. Based on previous reporting by Pioneer Press, Valbrun unexpectedly received nasty direct messages on her personal social media platforms on January 12th, which is when she decided to step back and send an email to act as a formal withdrawal.

Valbrun said she received hate mail, threats, direct messages on Twitter, and friend requests on Facebook from those with the Hinsdale zip code between January 12th and January 13th, after a Facebook post in which Valbrun condemned the Republican party. Um, began to circulate around, circulate around the District 86 community.

In the Reasons for Signing section on the change. org petition to remove the District 86 leader, several Apprentice’s opponents cite the handling of the diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant situation, including the altered letter, while several more think she’s not fit to lead a high caliber District 86.

on the basis of credentials. Others in the Hinsdale community like Reed Cullum think the movement against Prentiss is a product of backlash over the district’s diversity and inclusion work as opposed to being rooted in the superintendent’s qualifications. It’s easy for them to go after the superintendent.

They can’t go after a black diversity equity inclusion consultant who wrote a letter because that would be pretty obvious racial backlash. So they go after the superintendent and fabricate some sort of story with FOIA documents that she altered the consultant’s letter. Then there’s plausible deniability for what is just utter white fragility and backlash.

It’s like you’re out of a textbook. McCollum, whose children attend District 181 and will later attend Hinstel Central, He said he’s much more focused on fighting misinformation and the grossly inappropriate accusations than choosing a side. But he’s convinced the most people who are opposed to Prentice’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts deflect the purpose of equity work by making it about the types of people chosen to provide the training.

There are people that say, hey, we’re happy with equity, but it can’t possibly be diversity, equity, inclusion consultant that has ever posted anything negative about Trump on Facebook. Come on, really? That’s a classic conservative gaslighting tactic that allows people to To not make it about diversity, equity, equity, and inclusion before Valbram consulting groups stepped down district 86 is effort to hire an equity consultant encountered a previous setback that also had something to do with anti conservative social media posts, causing concerns within the community.

You have to find consultants that are going to bring the community together. So mayor who is Mexican American, and the reality is that we live in a pretty solid Republican area. And so to even consider hiring somebody who is.

It just shows the lack of judgment by the superintendent that she doesn’t understand the community that she would like to bring diversity, equity and inclusion into mayor added that Prentice is not only struck out twice and finding a consultant to do important D. E. S. I work, but has also made generalized derogatory statements about the Hinsdale community to the media.

I really hope she’s looking for another job at this point. It would probably be in her best interest to do so. There are probably districts out there who would think that someone progressive like her, if that’s what you want to call her, would be a great addition to their district. But for this community right now, this moment in time, I think she’s just done too much damage and created too much chaos.

And unfortunately, she’s lost the support of a lot of people. Community members who signed the petition include Including Linda Burke, who has been a vocal supporter of a mask mandate in schools. So the petition is not about a single issue. Prentice has been correct and courageous on COVID mitigations. I deplore the hatred directed at her on this.

However, I decided to sign because she should have not have called out the entire district. She did not merely call out racist behavior where it occurred, which I would strongly support. Also, I signed on the basis of academic policy, Burke said. In November 2020, the board unanimously voted to extend Prentice’s contract.

Which began in 2000 or 2019 by three years in 2021 Prentice earned an award of merit in the administrator category as part of the 2021 Distinguished Service Awards program sponsored by the Illinois chapter of the National School Public Relations Association District 86 declined to comment at the time of publication, and that was originally published on February 23rd, 2022 in the Chicago Tribune, as was the previous article.

about the Indian school and Naperville. So, they’re attacking diversity and inclusion, they were attacking masks at Hinsdale, at Indian, um, Indian Prairie, is that what I said? And, uh, um, and Naperville. So there’s this, this, this common theme going on, uh, with First Stannis Grove, and then Going around to the different suburbs and, and speaking up at the school board meetings, um, and I know that, uh, some of the people at the school board meeting that I was at, um, where the proud boys were present confronted them and they said, you’re, you, you don’t even pay taxes here, you’re not even from the state.

And their reply, or some of them were not even from the city or the town, you know, from the. From the village and, um, And their response was, well, Our federal tax dollars pay for everything. So we can go to any school board meeting we want to And speak up. So, if Trump wins tonight, expect a lot more of that.

Let’s see, what else, what other gems do I have to share with you tonight? Because I know there’s more.

Oh, yes. So what has happened since? We’re just getting into it, I guess. Um, okay. So let me pull up some of my correspondence.

I could read you some of the emails too. I didn’t really publish any of the emails. Um, in my

In my little video, um, I hope you could hear that song when I played it. But one thing I will do is, um, when I forwarded all of these emails to the police, though, I have a ton of emails where they’re, I was being threatened. Um, I emailed those all to the police. Uh, let’s see. Let me see if I can find any like stories of stuff that, you know, Um, and the, and the night, the night that, uh, the night after, um, or the night of that, um, incident, the, the, the night following not the night that I, uh, my tweet went viral, but the night after that, um, I had, uh, somebody tried to deliver a pizza to my house, which was funny because I.

I was talking to a friend who, um, had found some information about me on the black, uh, on the, on the dark web, um, because he used to be a hacker and, and, and still would go into these groups and see what was going on. And he found some threads on me, um, and the dark web and so, um, my, my information had been doxed.

It was doxed, um, and, um, And then later the FBI confirmed this, but the FBI didn’t come and see me until a year later. And then they were like, do you know you were doxxed? And I said, yeah. And then I thought they were talking about the first time. And then they were like, no, you were doxxed again. And, um, And when I had been doxxed again, I hadn’t had as much activity.

It didn’t seem like there, there, there was tons that when it first happened, there was tons of people driving by for like, especially the first 24 hours. And then it was crazy, like almost to the hour. Uh, well, it was like, no, it was like in the morning, it was in the morning. I died. Trying to remember if it was in the morning or the afternoon.

It was like the day, a day after all of this happened. Um, after the, the day after the pizza got delivered and everything. So my one day, let me backtrack. My friend told me, he’s like, Hey, did they, uh, did they send you a pizza yet? And I was like, how did you know? He’s like, that’s the first, one of the first things they do.

Send somebody a pizza. So I had called the police and they had talked to the pizza guy and everything. So, um, I had a pizza delivered to me. Um, luckily it was just me in the house. My kids were with my ex husband, so he wasn’t there. And I, I called him up and I was just like, yeah, I said some things. My mouth got dry.

My mouth is, um, big and I put my foot in it a lot. And, um, this was a time and it was not a good time. And, um, so, uh, sorry. Uh, uh, so anyway, um, he kept the kids for like a week. Um, because I was, um, getting all kinds of phone calls and, um, just weird people driving by the house. And, And all kinds of threatening emails and text messages.

And so anyway, the day after the police, or the day after the pizza came, Um,

it was like late morning. I have it written down somewhere. I have all these notes that I took. Um, Um, saved all these emails that I was emailing, you know, the police and the FBI and everybody. Well, I didn’t, I didn’t email the FBI until later, um, or message the FBI until later. But, um, the, um, I saved all of these and, um, someday maybe I’ll make sense of it and do a book.

We’ll see. But, for now, I’m just talking here because it’s got four more minutes until the, um, the polls close, I believe, in Mountain Time.

So polls will be closing soon in Colorado and all the mountain states in Mountain Time. So, between 7 I’m not sure which states. It seemed like all the states were closing around 30. Um, okay. So, I just thought, um, so, so that, that all happened. Um, and in the, the video, the music video, I talk about some other of the things that had happened.

Um, uh, one weird thing that I didn’t talk about in the video was, um, the white cars. So like the day after all of that happened with the pizza guy, the three white cars came by the house again. And I just wonder what the symbolism is. I know, um, from my friend, um, that was the Arizona’s, um, hammerskin, um, that he, um, that, that there’s a lot of rituals and stuff that they do in these groups.

So I don’t know if there was some sort of ritual, With the white cars driving by my house. I don’t know. It was weird. It was very weird. And I wish I would have filmed it because I sound like a crazy person talking about it. But, um, I had somebody harassing me on Twitter and his, his, uh, his Twitter profile name was parade driver, parade driver.

And this car, this, this. Parade of white cars going by my house. His name was parade driver. And, um, so yeah, I think, um, maybe there was something weird going on with that too.


um, so, okay. So at one point in time, um, oh, uh, this was, um, Maybe a week or so after all of this went down. Um, I, I was being followed. Um, I was being followed and it was through my SIM card on my phone. Uh, the hackers were able to track me down and follow me through the SIM card because I’d been doxxed, right?

And I went into T Mobile and Uh, the, the, the woman there told me, you know, I don’t think she understood the severity of what was going on, but she’s like, oh yeah, if you just go reset your phone or whatever, um,

then, then, uh, you know, it’ll get rid of them and then, you know, just restart the phone. And they were still tracking me through my SIM card. And so then, um, I ended up getting a new phone completely. Um, But, uh, there were some weird things that happened. So let me, let me, let me go through these emails that I, that I had sent to the police, um, and see if I can piece together.

So there was one story. Let’s see. Oh,

here’s, okay. This is December 6th. So, Uh, like a couple weeks after this all happened. Um, Hello Detective has been less eventful since I got a prepaid phone to carry around. Oh, so, the reason why I got a prepaid phone, my kids and I went to this T Mobile, right? And the, um, the lady said, you know, do this. And they were still following me around, so I got a new cell phone.

Um, uh, oh, wait a minute. Oh, I had gotten a prepaid phone, that’s what I did. I got a prepaid phone to carry around. So, um, and it says, I’ve had some glitchy things with my other phone, like it won’t update, but the emails and messages have trickled down to next to nothing. So this was, um, just like a week or so later.

We can have later whatever I was not no longer getting as many messages. My friend who watches the conspiracy and hacker websites has said that nothing new has come up in the past couple days. It’s just following up to see where things were with the investigation.

And he said, it’s good thing to hear that, um, good to hear that things are quieting down. We still have an extra patrol for your residence in place for now. I’ve been documenting everything you have shared with me as far as where I am with my investigation. I have subpoenaed Facebook reference, those Facebook profile accounts that sent direct threats just to heads up subpoenas to take some time to get the information back.

Once I get the subpoenas back, I’ll see what information Facebook. Um, I should also say that, um, somebody tried to set up a credit card in my name. Someone, um, reported me to, um, the Department of Children and Family Services for being abusive. Um, so here’s, uh, a transcript. So I had to work with a child protection specialist to get cleared.

Here’s, uh, let’s see what else. I also had one texting my work number multiple times, but non threatening. This is a different email to the detective. I eventually responded about a donation I quietly made to the Waukesha Fund. This was the other day. I just checked my messages and found that they made a mistake forwarding my message and responded to me instead.

This is the second time I’ve caught someone doing this. So, um, this you’ll see in the music video, the guy goes, good morning. This is one of the, the proud boy people messaging me. Good morning. It’s Larry. Please call me when you get a chance. And I, by the way, I looked up this guy’s phone number and he was a tow truck owner in a, in a local suburb close near to near to me.

He owns a tow truck company. So these are professional people. Um, Good morning, it’s Larry. Please call me when you get a chance regarding a road trip to Waukesha. Could save your career. I could leave in an hour’s notice. Yeah, like I’m going to go ride with some stranger to go to Waukesha. Why? The man killed them, and you know it.

Nothing to do with anything more than being a racist terrorist. He should be charged with both, and you know it. He’s a career domestic terrorist. If you don’t want any more communication, then change your email and phone number. I’m not stopping until I get to the, um, there’s a few more. Um, in my music video, I’ve folded out further.

Um, and then he messages me back a few days, a day later. This is November 28th. This is like 7 days after, um, this all went down. Uh, we goin I hope you watched 60 minutes. Specifically. Uh, you have it in you, which I doubt you might give a little insight as to the pain of losing a child looks like, much less a little boy and girl being hit by a 4, 000 pound car.

We need to comfort and support their community. Um, and that’s when I said I did not release a formal statement, but I gave 10, 000 to the United Way Fund for the Waukesha victims on Friday. This was the day after Thanksgiving. Um, that I did that and then he goes, not sure how to respond. She’s definitely doing damage control.

So he, he thinks he’s talking to somebody else. He’s thinks he’s forwarding my messages on to somebody else, but he actually just sent it to me. And then he goes, I’ve held onto a lot of texts and emails overnight and decided not to send them the next day. I got to think about this one. Maybe wait and see what her apology sounds like.

If it’s heartfelt or not. I hope it is. She should be in tears and humble when she does. I sure would be. And then he comes back two minutes later. Wrong person, Mary. FYI, I am done and thank you. Probably are a good person. Good luck and thank you for responding. God bless you and your family and have a merry Christmas.

Life is precious and short and we are only here for the ride. Coward. He got caught.

Uh, oh. I guess I have the more details on that one. I’m not stopping until I get to the bottom of your hatred to good people and the human race regardless of political beliefs of which I have none. I don’t care if someone is left, right, north, south, east, or west. We are all human. Yeah, you don’t have any political ideals that you just like went on and on about, um, people being racist terrorists and stuff.

Um, okay, what else?

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 8 - I Was Targeted By Proud Boys and the Far Right After Speaking at a School Board Meeting and You're Next - Part 1 of 3


On Election Day 2024, Mary Lemanski is hanging out live on Facebook and sharing some of the things she has been through for the past 3 years after speaking at a school board meeting with Proud Boys present and being targeted by them afterwards. Part 1 of 3.


 It’s Mary Lemanski, and this is the Mary Kinda Contrary podcast. And, um, I just want to, um, to say hi to everyone and see how your day’s going. I don’t know if you guys, it

looks like you can. Um, so drop a, drop a comment. Um, if you voted and I’d be interested in knowing who you voted for and why, if you are. Comfortable sharing that information. Um, I’m just decided to go live and I really, um, again, no fanfare, no music before this podcast starts because I really just want to get down to business and talk about things.

And, um, I, I see that there’s about an hour left for some places on the East Coast, maybe 2 hours. depending on what state you’re in. Um, but I just want to kind of hang out. It’s election night. Um, I just kind of wanted to hang out and talk about some of the things that I’ve been through in the past three years.

Um, and, um, yeah, share some things with you guys and all that sort of thing. So there was something I wanted to check. Um,

I’m just getting set up. So But I have no assistance or anything. I’m a single mom. I do this all by myself. , um,

I saw earlier where I could share my screen and stuff, and now I’m not seeing anywhere where that is. Um, moderation,

uh, well, settings perhaps.

Well, there’s a few things I didn’t set up. Uh, I don’t want that.

Okay. Uh,

Well, ooh!

Not sure what that’s about, but I know that I pretty much didn’t have anything going on. There’s some things I could be doing. Um, And I’m just, I’m just hanging out and, um, going to talk about what I went through the past three years. Um, I was hoping to share a screen with you, but I’m, oh, I’m not seeing where I can do that now.

Uh, perhaps in a bit I will research more fully where I can share if I can. It’s weird that you would be able to share. At the beginning of the broadcast and not in the middle of it somewhere.

I’ll, I’ll tackle that monster when I get to it. Anyway. Happy election night. I hope you all have voted and if not, you have one or two hours or maybe a few more hours if you’re on the West Coast to vote. It is five o’clock where I am, which means it’s six o’clock on the East Coast. Some of the polls will be closing.

If you go to pbs. org forward slash news hour forward slash politics. Actually, it’s probably just easier to look up. When is the poll? When are the polls closing? And my state, um, but PBS news has a page with them on there. Um, so after politics is forward slash here’s with no apostrophe dash when dash polls, dash hard dash, closing dash and you dash your dash state.

Um, you could just go to PBS news and it’s probably just search when her polls closing and, um, you can get. Those, those answers there. So, just to give you, I’ll just give a rundown just because I’ve got time to burn. Why not? Um, so, for, and all these are given an eastern time. So, you’re going to have to convert that to your time zone if this applies to your state.

But, the, um, states that have, uh, uh, A polling closing poll closing time of 7 PM. We’ve got Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Virginia, and Vermont at 730 PM. The polls closed for North Carolina, Ohio and West Virginia at 8. P. M. The polls closed for Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Maine.

Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington, D. C. Now, remember, these are in Eastern times. So those Midwestern states, um, you’re, it’s actually going to be 7 PM.

And then Arkansas 830 PM Eastern time. Um, is is when it closes, um. I believe they are, we’re in the central time zone. So it would be 730.

And then 9pm Eastern time

is Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. At 10pm Eastern time. Polls closing are Montana, Nevada, and Utah. Uh, polls close at 11 p. m. Eastern Time, California, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Hawaii closes at 12 a.

m. or midnight, um, Eastern Time. So if you’re like, why aren’t the results in? It’s probably because the polls are closed. Or why aren’t they completely, you know, why don’t they know who really is the winner? And if it’s close, it’s because Hawaii and Alaska are still out. Alaska, the polls don’t close until 1 a.

m. Eastern time. So, um, that gives you a rundown of when the polls are closing.

Okay. Um, First, let’s have, um, something, uh, lighthearted before we get into this heavy stuff. Um, I, I, I’m really thrilled because I found this, this sweatshirt and I’ve got to, I’ve got to show you the full extent of this sweatshirt because I’m going to stand on my chair, but it goes, it goes all the way.

I’m sorry for those listening to the podcast because you can’t see it. It all goes almost all the way down to my ankles and has a super huge pocket that you could probably store a baby in if you wanted to go around like a kangaroo. Um, yeah, I love it. And, and, oh, and I can look like a total hermit on top of it all.

So maybe I should get the whole podcast like this.

Anyway. I love this, uh, sweatshirt I got yesterday. Thought I’d share that with you.

Um, it’s very cozy, especially on these rainy days that we’ve been having the past couple days here in the Midwest, at least where I’m in the Midwest, where I am in the Midwest.

All right. I need sugar and caffeine again today to stay up to see if there’s any kind of decision tonight. I’m guessing there will not be, but you never know. It may be a landslide. All right, so um, let me get back over to my controls so I can see what’s going on.


all right, so, um, As some of you may or may not know, um,

about three years ago in November of 2021, um, when the Waukesha tragedy happened, I had made some remarks on my private Twitter and, um, it got blown up on Fox news. And, um, and so, uh, it was really bad. Um, but, um, I, you know, I took everything in stride. I, I spent a lot of time working on myself. And, um, and, uh, I still need to come out and, and, and tell my story about what happened before that and what happened after that.

Um, you, you all just saw like a little snapshot of, of me. Um, and I’ve explained in my, in it first podcast, you know, kind of my thoughts at the time of what was going on. Um, and I still stick with, you know, most of that. Um, I haven’t watched it in a while, so I can’t say 100 percent that I That the person I am today agrees with stuff they said back then, but at the same time,

if you go back and watch that, I kind of explain all of that, all about my thoughts and everything about that incident. And, um, and so that will fill you back in, uh, we’ll fill you in on the details about that story. But I would actually today first like to talk about what happened before that and what happened after that.

Um, I started writing a book, uh, all about this experience and I actually wanted it to come out before the election. Um, but I kept changing my focus and things kept happening to me. Um, so. It was hard to, to get the book out in the three years time. I honestly probably should have just kept a journal or whatever of my thoughts, um, and the, the happenings, um, as it was going on.

Um, but I, you know, you don’t really think about stuff like that. Um, It would have been nice to kind of a therapy tool because I’ve recently back gotten back into journaling and stuff. And, um, it’s I found found it very therapeutic. So, um, anyway, I digress. Um, so I started writing this book and at first I had a different focus and it’s changed a couple times with different things that have happened.

And, um, And I, I may still put it out after the election. We’ll see, perhaps I’ll, excuse me. Perhaps I’ll put it out on, um, Amazon and see how it goes. And then if it, you know, if people want a hard copy of it, then I’ll work at getting a hard copies done. But, um, for right now I have my copy of my book. Um, And I thought I would share with you, since it’s election night, what I’ve already written so far.

And I’m going to tell you that it hasn’t been edited, so it’s probably not the best. And, um, there may come some times when, um, people’s names might need to come up. And, well, some of those people are in newspaper articles and stuff, so I probably won’t bother I’m not saying who they were because everybody knows they were there.

Um, so, but like, I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m going to read to you the book, um, which is like a, you know, not very much of it, um, that I’ve feels ready to share, but I thought I would go ahead and start with, um, With that, and then from there, I would probably tell, go on and tell my story further. And, um, I wanted to share with you, um, I wanted to share with you on screen, some of the things that I have.

So you can actually know that it really is real and I’m not making this stuff up. Um, but. I am just not seeing on here where I can,

where I can, um, share my screen because I didn’t set it up through Zoom. Um, it was just at the beginning that it allowed me to share the screen. So, and I messed up and didn’t choose that option, I guess. Thinking, oh, why couldn’t you just share the screen in the middle of a broadcast like you would on Zoom?

But maybe that’s just not possible. Anyway, I don’t want to go on and on about that. Um, okay. Let me pull up my book. So, the working title of the book Currently, um, so if you, if you know my story, I, um, I said something about karma when it came to Waukesha and in regards to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict, which, um, uh, I, I don’t think that was appropriate thing to say at that time.

Um, but I said it on my private, um, Twitter account that I thought nobody listened to and I’ll tell you The whole story of why it went viral so the the the name of the book and the name there’s a music video out if You look up Mary Lomanski karma Klansmen are ruining my America k a r m a Klansmen are ruining my America The, uh, the first letter spell out karma of each of those words.

Um, anyway, uh, that, that video is available. You can watch it. It shows the actual, um, uh, uh, uh, like, um, well, first of all, it’s a music video. I took all of the, like, um, Uh, voicemails and I turned the voicemails into a song, like the clicks and stuff. I turned ’em into beats and then like the, the voice parts are like the people, um, bitching me out and then, and harassing me.

And then, um, then there’s, um, like a synth line that I, a added, but it all ties together and it’s, it’s, it’s a musical piece made out of the voicemails, the hateful voicemails that I received. Plus, in the music video, I added all the text messages, so you can see it, and I told my story through the video. If you, it goes pretty quickly, so if you really want to read it, and stuff, and actually understand what is going on in the video, you need to kind of slow it down to watch it.

But it was kind of just my way of saying, hey look, this is, What these people said to me, and these are all of their remarks and they all lean predominantly toward the white supremacist side, honestly, they’re, and really like, um, right, far right wing, uh, calls there. Um, I believe I got one or two, um, messages from people on the left, but it was predominantly all.

From people on the right. So the name of my book goes along those same lines. Cause we have a theme going here and the name of the book is karma. Klansmen are ruining my America and they will ruin yours too. And I was going to add whether you, uh, agree with me or not, but I didn’t add that, uh, but that’s what, how I feel.

Like, I, I feel like some people. Maybe they just don’t think ahead to the ramifications of some of the things that Trump has done, which I covered four episodes. My last four episodes were all of, um, broken down year by year of Trump’s, uh, civil and human rights rollbacks while in office. Um, and, um, let me, let me tell you, they’re all targeting.

LGBTQ people, women, people of color, and, um, and, uh, uh, the poor that’s predominantly who they were targeting. So anyway, I’m going to share with you the book that I started, um, what I’ve, what I feel comfortable sharing so far of. Karma, Klansmen are ruining my America and they’ll ruin yours too. So please vote tonight.

That’s not part of the title. First of all, the, the, uh, dedication. This book is dedicated to all those who are political targets, to those who are forced into silence for speaking their minds, to those whose views are not shared by the mainstream, to those canceled by society for their beliefs and actions.

You are not alone. You will live through the situation. You will overcome your demons. The situation will not define you. It’s just a passing moment, but use it as a teaching moment. You’ve been given a gift. Few have been given. Now rise like the phoenix.

Epigraph. Do not overcome. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12 21

Um, so, uh, here’s a little preface to the book that I wrote. On November 22nd, 2021, in the wee hours of the morning, some tweets of mine went viral. I was tired after working all day and fed up with the political situation in my country. I’m not defending what I said, but I will explain a few things. I’ve already apologized for the hurt it caused, but I want to tell the story of what happened and the events leading up to the tweet.

And in the months that followed it going viral, I feel is tremendously. And now I should say years that followed it going viral. I feel it is tremendously important that people know what our lives in America may become if we don’t stop domestic terrorism in its tracks. Now, having grown up in a family of local politicians from both sides of the aisle.

I feel that the United States of America is on the brink of losing the representative democracy that has held it together for nearly 250 years. And one reason we are losing it is because one side has become completely intolerant of anyone and anything opposed to their viewpoint. At the writing of this book, the conservative led Supreme Court broke 50 years of precedent to legislate from the bench.

For By overturning Roe versus Wade and a number of other civil, human, and environmental protections. The terrifying thing is that the conservative right has now also resorted to scare tactics, getting friendly with groups like the Proud Boys and other radical militia and white supremacist groups who show up to school board meetings and protests to intimidate those who speak out against their radical conservative viewpoints.

If you stand in their way and speak up against their fascist policies, they might just send domestic terrorists to follow you and bully you. They are hoping that they can terrorize enough people that nobody will speak up against them at all.

Over a year after my tweets went viral, so I, this was, this was a year after my tweets went viral that I wrote this preface, so I still need to go back and edit as you can see. But over a year after my tweets went viral, I’m still getting reminders every few weeks that I have not been forgotten. And I’m going to tell you that I have, I have been getting those, um, reminders every few weeks for three years.

I’ve decided to tell my story so that others might have the courage to tell their stories as well. And I know there are other people who have told their stories. suburbanite This is just an aside.

Together we can stand united against the tyranny that is destroying our nation. Together we can fix what has been dismantled and build back a nation that truly is a place of liberty and justice for all. Together we can create the country we all deserve and love. Let’s stand strong together.

This is my story of what it’s like to be a white suburbanite single mother who became the target of white supremacists who White supremacist domestic terrorist.

Sorry about that. Let me take a breath for a minute. Emotional on this, uh, this night that we might lose our nation.

All right, so here’s chapter one.

Life and politics.

This up.

My whole life I tried to avoid politics like the plague. I grew up in Springfield, Illinois, the capital of Illinois, home of Abraham Lincoln. Um, the first Republican president where my mother’s family has been involved in local politics for nearly a hundred years. I’ve had family members from both sides of the aisle in public office my entire life.

I love my family, but I’ve always hated the politics. There would be lively political discussions around the dinner table on Saturdays when my granny used to cook her famous chili for the entire family. Seriously, the best chili I’ve ever had to this day. Uh, she actually had an offer to can it commercially and she turned it down.

Anyway, as a kid, I would stay outside playing and away from the adult political discords. But as I got older and closer to voting age, I would listen to both the Democrats and the Republicans in my family. Later, there were even a few Libertarians. I was actually a Libertarian for 20 years, believe it or not, before they got run over by the, um, by the Tea Party.

Or overrun, I should say. Maybe that was a Freudian slip there. They got overrun and run over. Now they kind of tend to like, like Trump for some reason. I don’t know why they should like their own candidates. Never mind, I’m gonna, I’ll talk about the Libertarians in another episode. Um, anyway, I actually used to do social media for them.

Um. So anyway, as a kid I would stay outside playing and away from the adult political discourse. But as I got older and closer to voting age, I would listen to both the Democrats and the Republicans in my family. Later, there were even a few libertarians and I could empha em, empathize with both sides, at least on some issues.

But I decided at a young age that I most definitely did not want to be involved in politics. I just wanted to write and perform music and maybe act, write and do other artsy things. That’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do. However, I have always stood up against injustice and intolerance, which has led me into activism and charitable work throughout my life’s journey.

In 1979, at the age of four, I was completely baffled as to why my mother was against the Equal Rights Amendment after I asked her what ERA meant and she told me. Why were she and her friends against equal rights for themselves? It made no sense to me. I was four years old. Another time, around the same age, when other white kids were saying racist things about the only black boy in our neighborhood, I pointed out to them that my freckles, were made from melanin, and that he just had melanin all over his skin like my freckles, which is what my father had taught me.

And then I marched across the street to play with the boy while the other kids chanted the n word. That’s not all they called me though, nor was it the first time. From age one to age seven, I was bullied by the neighborhood kids for being Polish. My brother and I were called Dumb Polack Daily. My brother was dropped on his head while other kids laughed.

They forced my hand down on bees that stung me twice and sicked their retired police dog on me once. They hit us with wiffle ball bats. They pushed us down. They stole and broke our toys. They found a new reason to make fun of us anytime we went outside. The worst was that the ringleader was a police officer’s son who lived a block over.

And some of the kids were my own non Polish older cousins. They didn’t even stand up for us. My parents were afraid to report the daily assault because one, it might be dismissed because it wasn’t officers sons who were involved and two, it might make things worse. By the age of five, I was terrified to go to kindergarten because I thought everyone at the school would make fun of me for being Polish.

I refused to tell people my last name because it always seemed that people pointed out it was Polish. Sometimes adults would say, even say, Oh, you’re a Polack, which just made me cringe inside after having all these kids make fun of me. My parents had got me a sweatshirt with Snoopy holding a Polish flag, and I refused to wear it.

They bought me a coloring book of Polish history, and I refused to color it. It was a horrible blow to my sense of self at such a young age to be bullied for my ethnicity, but it also made me extremely sensitive to racism and bigotry. Being white and being targeted by other white kids for your ethnicity Ethnicity forces you to understand how language and physical violence is used in subtle ways, and not so subtle ways, to keep others down.

One day when I was seven, I was walking outside and had to pass by two of the kids house that were my bullies, who live three doors down from us. The main bully was not there, but his younger brother was. And I, Um, he was a year older than me. There were a bunch of kids hanging out in front of the house on the sidewalk and in the driveway.

I stopped to say hi. Even though I was bullied, I still always held in my heart that we could all be friends. At one point in time, I was an eternal optimist. Anyway, I do not remember what the conversation was about, but I think I remember correcting someone, because by age seven I discovered I was not a dumb Polack, but was one of the smartest in my class and a straight A student.

Since I was bullied, I stayed home and read a lot of the time, so I knew stuff. I had started reading when I was three. One of the girls didn’t, and I want to take a, uh, a pause here to, uh, to thank, um, Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood for, you know, teaching me, um, uh, how to read and also about healthy relationships.

So thank you PBS. This isn’t a plug for PBS, but it seems like it’s turning into one. I’ve already mentioned them twice. Anyway. We, we love our public broadcast system, right? We, we, that’s our taxpayers dollars pay for it. We want to keep it that way, right? We want to keep it that way. So please, um, vote for the, the party that will keep those things.

Uh, all right, let me get back into reading. If you are just tuning in, I’m reading the unedited version of the book. I was going to try to publish before the election, but I It was just, it was just too difficult. The focus changed a few times and, um, uh, it just, it just didn’t happen. Maybe I’ll get it out afterwards.

Anyway, it’s called Karma. Klansmen are ruining my America and they’ll ruin yours too. Um, okay, and I was just talking about, um, how I was bullied. By, um, other kids and other white kids in the neighborhood when I was, uh, when I was younger. Um, let’s see. Oh, I was telling the story. Okay. So, um, Again, by age seven, I discovered I was not a dumb Polack, but was one of the smartest in my class and had straight, and a straight A student.

Since I was bullied, I stayed home and read a lot of the time, so I knew stuff, and I had started reading when I was three. One of the girls did not like that I was right all the time and yelled, Shut up, you dumb Polack, and then tried to kick me. I grabbed your foot and flung it into the air as hard as I could, and all I could hear was the other kids screaming.

Yell No. After that, everything was like in slow motion. I saw her do a flip in the air and had enough to pray. Please God, not enough time to pray. Please, God, don’t let her land on her face. She’ll be hurt and they will kill me. Right before she landed on her face, on the torn up asphalt driveway. Then as she started crying and, and I stared in shock at what I, I had just done, the kids started yelling at me.

Mary, what did you do? They looked as if they were all about to surround me when something snapped inside of me. I completely flipped out, started screaming and went ballistic. I ran after the main bully’s brother and I just started beating and beating and beating on him. And the other kids tried to separate us and he ran off up the driveway and I went after him.

I had had enough. And you know what? After that day, the neighborhood bullies never bothered me again, and I never heard her dump whole lot from them ever again. And I learned from this incident that sometimes standing up to bullies is necessary if you want your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness back.

In high school, I was an honor roll student who was involved in music and theater. Most weekends, I would go to a dance club called Stage 2 for 12 to 20 year olds. For 5, you could hang out from 5 p. m. to 1 a. m., drink soda, and dance to the latest house, industrial, EDM, pop, R& B, rock, and hip hop hits. It was an eclectic mix of people and music.

And it was also a lot of fun and probably kept me out of trouble. I would also go to look local punk rock shows as well. Oftentimes if an ethically diverse band would play. the neo nazi skinheads would show up. And all you punk rockers who, uh, went to shows in the late 80s, early 90s know what I’m talking about.

Um, they were young men who had been recruited and indoctrinated by white supremacist groups. They didn’t want white people playing in bands with black people, I guess. I don’t know what their deal was, but they certainly were not there because they were fans of the bands. They got shows shut down for their violence.

I remember one show at a VFW hall, a friendly circle pit started. The neo Nazi skinheads decided it was an opportune time to ruin everyone’s fun. So they got into the pit and punched people until all that were left were the skinheads dancing. A friend and I were standing toward the edge of the pit watching the show.

The next thing I know, they had pulled her into the pit. Without thinking, I went in after her and pulled her out, but as I was pulling her out, they pushed me down. She was able to get out, but I was down in the middle of the circle pit, getting nudged by, uh, neo Nazis skinheads with their steel toed combat boots.

I put my left arm over my head to protect it. and started swinging at them as hard as I could, trying to hit them as hard as I could with my right. I was in fight or flight mode and afraid they were going to seriously hurt me, so I did what I could to get out of that situation. I probably hit five or six of them as they danced by me before a member of one of the local punk bands performing that night pulled me out of the pit.

Unfortunately, that was not the only time I had the opportunity to spend with white supremacists. My senior year of high school, I was dating a boy and we broke up. I was friends with his roommate because we worked together at the ice cream shop at the mall. She invited me to come over one night and spend the night.

She was having a party. She was out of high school and I was renting a house with my ex boyfriend. My mother dropped me off and when I went inside, there were a bunch of neo Nazi skinheads there. I felt like I needed to get away, but I couldn’t. This happened before cell phones. And the house had no phone, so I had to stay there all night until my mom came to get me there the next morning.

I did not realize my friend or my ex boyfriend hung out with neo Nazi skinheads. That night I learned some other things, though. I learned from white supremacists that I’m not white because of the freckles on my skin. They also told me I’m not white because I’m Polish. Because there’s a lot of Jew, Jewish blood in Poland.

Quote, unquote. Coincidentally, in high school, I had taken a psychology class in my junior year, where I wrote a thesis on the propaganda techniques used by Hitler and the type of people who would be persuaded by those techniques. It was the same type of people that are persuaded by white supremacists and neo Nazi group propaganda.

Some might think a person who would be persuaded Um, Turned on by these propaganda techniques would not be intelligent, but they are most of them are average or above average in intelligence. They have been disenfranchised for whatever reason. Maybe they live in the south and were raised by white parents who hated black people.

That’s just all the all they know. Um, maybe it’s because they were beat up by a minority. Maybe they lost a job opportunity or. Or saw somebody of color get ahead of them. Or maybe the person is just a loner with no real friends. The people that run these white supremacist groups look for people that are down and out and disenfranchised, and they make them feel welcome.

They build a brotherhood or some cases sisterhood with them. Back in the day, the female skin bird, uh, skinheads were called skin birds. Um, They became like a family to them. They make them feel accepted when others don’t. So when I was in my twenties, I lived out in Arizona and I had a friend who was a former skinhead.

Um, we’ll call him Ron. Ron was a former Arizona skin hammer skin. And I learned about a lot about, um, militant white supremacist groups from him. I learned about how the groups organize. They’re very militant and structured. I learned about their symbols. I also learned some of their code words and phrases like 1488.

The 14 refers to two slogans originating from David Eden Lane, who was one of the founders of a white supremacist movement. Separatist Insurrectionist group called The Order. The first slogan of 14 words is, we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. The second slogan is because the beauty of the white AAN woman must not perish from the earth.

The 88 comes from h being the eighth letter of the alphabet. It is code for HH, which stands for Heil Hitler. I also learned that somewhere in the early 2000s, the neo Nazi skinheads traded in their shaved heads for the rockabilly look. This does not mean that everybody with the greaser look is a white supremacist, but they changed their style up because it harkens back to the golden era of the 1950s American working class.

The time when men were men, and women did what they were told, and minorities were separate but equal. The previous skinhead style had been adopted from the British working class. The white supremacist groups needed an American look with, um, which everyone is familiar and at ease for their propaganda to continue to be effective.

Shaved heads remind Americans of the military and convicts. It’s a menacing look. The greaser look is much more friendly and familiar like Elvis and the Fonz.

Growing up as a Generation Xer, there was a time when if you saw someone with a shaved head at a punk show, you would ask them if they were skin or a sharp. Sharp stands for skinheads against racial prejudice. Of course, they would say sharp, unless they were, unless they had deceiving tattoos. You could not tell, but it only proves that the white supremacist leaders needed a new working class, all American look.

That was recognizable and distinctly theirs, but that would also make them no longer look so scary. They found it in the greaser style. I mean, who doesn’t love Elvis or the Fonz? They’re American icons. One night in Arizona, my fiancee at the time, and I went to the bars with Ron, and he ran into some of his old Arizona hammer skin buddies.

His friends wanted us to go hang out at their place afterwards. They were all rocking their pompadours, except one who looked like a mountain man with a beard and overalls. He also appeared to be the leader of the group. He called the shots and the others would look to him for guidance on what to do.

They lived in an apartment. I had strong objections to going there, but my fiancé and Ron insisted we go. We were sitting outside the front of their place drinking beer. In the apartment building next to us, there was a party of Hispanic and Black young people all underage Some of the white, uh supremacists went over to the party and had a confrontation with the people there I had not been paying attention.

I was talking to my fiance and Ron and not paying attention was going on with Ron’s friends Whom I did not want to be associated with anyway

One second. I need to get a drink. I’m getting dry here

If you’re just tuning in i’m reading, um Part of, uh, the book that I started writing, Karma, Klansmen Are Ruining My American, They’ll Ruin Yours Too. I’m telling you my, my history of life and politics and, um, it started when I was four, so, um, anyway. All of a sudden his friends come running back and they run into the apartment building, load up on guns, and they start handing them out to all the men in the group.

They come over and hand my fiancé and Ron guns and I immediately take off running across the parking lot away from the any potential violence. I was gone. I was like, see you guys later. This is not my kind of hang, sorry. I was not going to come back But we were three towns away from my home. My fiancé ran after me and talked me into returning.

By the time the police had showed up, and most of the party had, the, uh, most of the party had been diffused. The cops actually gave all the beer to the neo Nazis, because everybody was underage at the other party. We left a little while later. I’m including these stories about my experiences with white supremacists because it is important for the reader to know that I’m intimately aware of the dangers that these groups pose for all of us.

They have always gotten their way by intimidating others. Some of them even enjoy it. They are determined and ready for the long haul. They will continue to refine their propaganda because for many of them, this is their last hurrah. They are afraid for the future because white people are losing power.

And they are afraid that people of color will treat white people the way white people have treated other races. The main thing that really bothers some white people in American society is that in 2045, America will become what is called a majority minority. What that means is that although the non Hispanic white population will still be the largest single group in America, the combined populations of all non white racial and ethnic groups will make up more than half of the U.

S. population. Another thing Ron taught me about was that whites, the, about the white supremacy concept of Rahoa. Now this is where the religion gets tied into the. The racism. Uh, REHOA stands for racial holy war. This term was first used by Ben Closson, who was the founder of what later became known as the church of the creator.

It’s individual church members were called creators and the religion they practice was called creativity. Ben wrote a book called REHOA, this planet is ours. And in it, he claimed that Jews created Christianity in order to make white people weaker. He popularized the term racial holy war within the white nationalist movement.

And I think many of these white supremacists think that this is the time of the racial holy war for which they’ve been waiting. This concept has been fed into the evangelical Christian movement and their idea of the rapture and the returning of the savior. The fact that many of them consider former president Donald Trump to be the is the icing on the cake for the, this.

Heretical disaster, and it’s coming to a culmination tonight. That’s not in the book , but it is.

When Donald Trump was elected president, the white nationalist movement in America saw him as the Messiah for the race, racial Holy War. He was their chosen one. It just flowed right into their paradigm of how life is, and so they thought it was their time. They felt that Trump had come to bring about whatever heaven on earth they thought he was going to bring.

And they still believe that he will, although some are beginning to distance themselves from him. And hopefully enough will distance themselves from him tonight that we will defeat him and we won’t, we won’t have to worry about this anymore because he claims he’s not going to run for president again.

In May of 2018, when Donald Trump made the decision to move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said that it was filled with biblical significance. She said Donald Trump recognized history. He, like King Cyrus before him, fulfilled the biblical prophecy of the gods worshipped by Jews, Christians, and yes, Muslims, that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state and that the Jewish people deserve a righteous, free, and sovereign Israel.

This is the mindset of these people. Janine went on to call the move a truly historic moment in Israel’s history. You can’t get much more messianic than that. So if I hate politics so much, you might ask, how did I get involved in politics? From 18 to 20, I was a Democrat. When I was 20, I discovered the Libertarian Party.

I agree with most of the Libertarian Party platform, except voluntary taxation, because nobody is voluntarily wanting to fix our roads and bridges is now. And they are crumbling, so I don’t see that concept ever working. However, I must admit, the thing that attracted me the most to the Libertarian Party was the fact that they were the only political party at the time advocating for cannabis legalization.

Their policy seemed to me to be a mix of the best of the Republican and the Democratic parties. I ended up doing, I ended up volunteering to do social media for the National Libertarian Party because I felt anxious. That the only two viable parties in this country that they’re there. I mean, sorry that we only had two viable parties in this country.

And I really firmly believe that that is one of the major reasons why we are having the problem we are having today. There is no choice. There really is no choice. You have really horrible person that wants to take revenge on people for speaking out against him. Or you have. You, you have a person that’s at least qualified to do the job, but nobody really chose her, did we?

So we really needed, we really need more political parties in this country. Anyway, I ended up volunteering to do social media for the National Libertarian Party because I felt anxious that we only have two viable parties in this country. But I had some issues with the direction that the leadership of the party was taking during the Tea Party era and afterwards.

I also felt that the party was infiltrated by too many failed Republicans. The final straw was that I did a really huge project on my own to help them out for free. And it took me, well, they took the information I gave them and didn’t even acknowledge the three months of work I did. So I left, I quit volunteering for them.

From the day Donald Trump took office as president, his policies systemically attacked civil and human rights and dismantled the administrative agencies in the executive branch. You can see a full list of the civil and human rights rollbacks published by the leadership conference on civil human rights at civilrights.

org forward slash Trump dash rollbacks. And you can, I also read and commented. Did commentary on each year of his administration and the previous four episodes. So you can listen to all of that too, about how he did all of these things with, um, attacking our civil and human rights and dismantling the administrative agencies and the executive branch and appointing acting acting, um, secretaries in his cabinet.

I felt something needed to be done and there’s strength in numbers. So I became a Democrat again. I agree with the democratic platform. I just don’t like how slow the party moves. I gave Trump a year because everyone said to give him a chance, but his rollbacks to human and civil rights were just too much for me to take sitting down.

So in 2018, when I saw that the DuPage County Democrats were looking for someone to help them with their blog, I immediately volunteered. I have an MBA in e business and my specialty is. Internet and social media marketing. In other words, I know how to play the social media algorithms to get results. I also have an understanding of what makes posts go viral.

So I had lots of success with the DuPage Democrats blog and because of my experience and education, they asked me to sit in while they interviewed a possible candidate to be social media manager. The person did not show up but called and said to call him if we have any questions about his quote. The chair of the DuPage Democrats at the time turned to me and said, well, he’s not here and you are, you seem to be knowledgeable about social media.

Do you want to handle it for this election? And of course I said, yes. So DuPage County is the second largest county in Illinois after Cook. It has always been strongly Republican, despite being a color county of Cook, which is where Chicago is. Before the midterm election, there was one Democrat on the county board.

After the election, there were seven Democrats on the county board, as well as a Democratic judge and Park District Board president. My social media campaign was pivotal in attracting young voters and turning DuPage County from red, solid red, to purple. It was an historical win. The Chicago Tribune quoted Jim Rule, the chairman of the Naperville Township Republican Organization at the time, as saying that, quote, What the Democratic Party did was, well, was targeting young voters directly or via social media.

He’s talking about me there. That was my marketing idea, my memes, and my implementation. In the 2020 election, my social media campaigns, We’re helpful once again and winning more countywide seats and changing the county board from purple to a Democratic majority. Then in 2021, I decided to run for Downers Grove township clerk.

And while I lost, I only lost by seven to 10 votes per precinct. Not bad in my opinion for my first time running for office in a township who has never seen a Democrat hold a seat.

I was active as an elected precinct committee person as well. I started going to township and school board meetings to speak up about various local political and educational issues. In fact, I spoke at a school board meeting where the domestic terrorist group, the Proud Boys, were in attendance, which was covered by both CNN and the Chicago Sun Times, exactly one week.

Before my tweets went viral.

Let’s take a little break here for a moment and see what’s going down. See if anybody has made any comments.

How is everybody doing tonight?

Not seeing any comments or anything. Hopefully I’m not talking to myself again, but it happens. I do publish this to other places. So, um, and it should be up tonight. Maybe not before, well, maybe before some of the polls close. It’s coming up on 6 o’clock midwest time, central time, which is 7 o’clock on, uh, on the east coast.

So some of the polls will be closing in about four minutes. If you are in line, remember to stay in line. Um, and you can vote, but, um, if there are long lines, get in line and stay in line and you can vote. If, if the polls have closed at 7 o’clock or 7. 30, um, you will be able to still vote as long as you stay in line, if, and when, if you’re in line before the polls close.

Okay, what else? Oh, I’m going to continue on with my story, um, but I did want to take a quick break. Now this next, um, this next chapter is not finished. In fact, um,

well, we’ll see what I, we’ll see what I actually, um, read, end up reading. Um,

I do have my, um, I do have it kind of an outline, kind of measured out. So, um.

So I can kind of talk about what I would have written in some of these chapters that have not been finished yet. Um, okay.

Reading on. So that was the end of the first chapter. Life and politics. Now here’s the beginning of

This next chapter.


so this is Moms vs. Proud Boys. That’s the name of this chapter. Chapter 2. So, I’ll just read as much as I can.

After the Downers Grove Township election in early 2021, I was asked by members of the Downers Grove Township Democrats to help out with a special project. During the Township election, our campaign showed light on nepotism and corruption in the Republican dominated township. As noted previously, there has never been a Democrat elected to Downers Grove Township.

The plan for the Downers Grove Township Integrity Project was to continue to expose the corruption and lies at the township level. Around this time, far right groups were starting to show up at local school board meetings complaining about LGBTQ plus inclusion. masking, you know, wearing masks during the pandemic and critical race theory.

The Democrats felt something needed to be done to counter their harmful lies. This project came to be called the Downers Grove Township Integrity Project or DGT Integrity Project. The purpose of the DGT Integrity Project, which I believe there is still,

Uh, let me see.

Oh, there’s no website anymore. So the DGT Integrity Project,

uh, the purpose of the DGT Integrity Project is one of truth. The slogan is Stand for Truth. We wanted to provide resources and information for Downers Grove Township voters that were, that are based in hard facts and not the sensationalist, sensationalism people on the right side of the political spectrum were spreading very rapidly.

We wanted to bring truth to the people of Downers Grote Township because they were being bombarded with misinformation. We built a website to serve as a hub to disseminate information. The website reads, We are the Downers Grove Township Integrity Project. We are a committee of Downers Grove Township Democrats who are working to bring our communities together to accomplish the following.

We will promote the truth. We will seek out and share with you information regarding local, state, and national issues. We will pay attention to our local, state, and national government actions to better understand the issues and policies that impact our communities and lives and share what we have learned with you.

The website goes on to say about DGT integrity project, we support diversity, equity, inclusion in our communities. We support family and community values. We support critical thinking, reasoning and facts. In addition to the website, in order to counter the right wing racist and bigoted lies, we decided that we would all start going to the school board meetings in Downers Grove of Township and speaking out on issues like mask wearing book banning critical race theory, diversity inclusion, and how the far right are trying to literally whitewash history.

The DGT Integrity Project Committee would we meet weekly to discuss progress on the website. Talk about the school board meetings and discuss our research findings. We developed talking points on the purpose of an equity audit and why the school districts would benefit from one. We also developed talking points to use when discussing critical race theory and the culturally responsive teaching and learning standards proposed by the Illinois State Board of Education.

Two different concepts that Republican leaders were confusing and selling us the same at school board meetings. Some of these Republican leaders. We’re G knives, Terry Newsome, Laura hoist, who’s actually currently on the ballot here in Illinois for, I believe, county board and Jim Devitt and Dave Tomek.


1 2nd, I need to look something up.

So we went to the school board meeting. Um, oh, before I go on. Um,

Terry Newsome actually has a whole page dedicated to him on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s um, hate watch for 2022. Um, 11 30 2022, actually, coming up here. Um, so this, um, let me read, let me, let me read to you about Terry Newsome. Um, Illinois radical parrot activist has hate group ties. History of racist posts.

An official in Illinois DuPage County GOP who frequently appears in local and national media associates with extremist groups and shares racist posts on social media, Hate Watch has found. Content warning. This depicts symbols and gestures promoting white supremacy. Reader discretion is advised. If you want to.

Um, if you don’t believe me, just look up Terry Newsom and, um, the Southern Poverty Law Center and you’ll find the page. Um, Terry Newsom, 62, of Darien, Illinois, leads Illinois Parents Involved in Education. The group opposes public school policies such as accommodations for trans students, LGBTQ inclusive education, and classroom discussion of the U.S. legacy of systemic racism.

Newsom has a history of attempting to shut down community events associated with LGBTQ inclusion and smearing other parents in his community who challenge his views, like me. He participates in anti LGBTQ protests organized by the hate group The Proud Boys,

and he is seeking to organize a local chapter of the anti LGBTQ hate group Mass Resistance. On social media, Newsom posts racist memes and claims he was present at the U. S. Capitol’s Stop the Steal rally on January 6, 2021. Despite connections to extremist groups and a history of using bigoted rhetoric about Black people and LGBTQ people, Newsom won a seat as a Republican precinct committee person.

He has a growing presence in local media, which portrays him as the prototypical voice of angry conservative parents, often without disclosing his organized far right activity. While Hatewatch was in the process of reporting this story, Newsom sent messages to this reporter’s personal email address and LinkedIn page, inquiring about FOIA requests for his email correspondence with public officials.

He volunteered information about his family’s political affiliations and offered to contribute to any research. When Hate Watch contacted Newsom with a request for comment on the facts detailed in this reporting, he declined. In these exchanges, Newsom copied David Smith, the executive director of Illinois Family Institute, an anti LGBTQ hate group.

Newsom wrote, After further advice from counsel, I was suggested not to respond to your request. I was informed that Southern Poverty Law is A very extreme, discredited far left organization. Furthermore, I am, was informed that you are a self proclaimed far left activist intent on using social, um, using media and communications to disrupt privilege for the sole purpose of social justice.

Therefore, I will not be responding. Newsom did not respond to questions about whether his counsel was David Smith or anyone else affiliated with Illinois Family Institute. Uh, the Republican precinct captain from District 141, Newsom’s rise as a far right activist began, like many in his cohort, in, with the pandemic.

In 2021, he mobilized parents to oppose COVID 19 safety measures, particularly masking, in his suburban Chicagoland school district. Later, he pivoted to attacking critical race theory, inclusive curricula, and public education itself. Newsom now leads the Illinois chapter of U. S. Parents Involved in Education, a group committed to getting.

public education whose national president was endorsed by anti LGBTQ hate group family research council. Newsom also organizes with Awake Illinois, an organization led by the DuPage County chair of radical parent groups, uh, Moms for Liberty. So this article is written in 2022. I’m not sure if these groups are still active, but I imagine some of them are on some level.

They might be secret and hiding. Um, The professed goal of radical parent groups like Newsom’s, along with Awake Illinois and Moms for Liberty, is to stop what they say is indoctrination of children into a harmful non Christian and unpatriotic worldview. To accomplish their goal, these groups target school board meetings and members in pressure campaigns to ban books and curriculum from schools.

Similar efforts have taken place across the U. S., with the IR usually concentrated around the same few titles for high school audiences that spotlight race, gender identity, and sexuality. Here in Downers Grove, they targeted the group genderqueer, and I’ll talk a little bit more about that here in a bit.

These groups also encourage like minded people to run for local elections and support the political campaigns of hard right candidates. In June, Newsome defeated the incumbent to represent Downard Grove District 141 as their Republican Precinct Committee person or Precinct Captain. Precinct Committee persons serve two year terms and are responsible for for voter outreach, shaping party policy and selecting candidates for elected office at local, state, and national levels.

Just a month after he was elected as a GOP precinct captain, Newsom used his new position to circulate a propaganda video produced by U. S. parents involved in education about perceived leftist indoctrination in schools. Indoctrinating. Indoctrination. Indoctrination in schools. What did I say?

Indoctrination. Indoctrination in schools. Um, Newsom’s victory came after a year of involvement in hard right activism. An anti fascist collective first reported Newsom’s ties to the Proud Boys in December 2021 after he and Proud Boys members engaged in an online harassment campaign against participants in a holiday event at a Methodist church in Downers Grove, Illinois.

that featured a trans man dressed as Santa Claus. Actually, they attacked me a month before that, November in 2020, November 2021. They must have felt emboldened by it, so then they did this, um, impersonate, uh, online, I’m sorry, online harassment campaign. They did such a good job online harassing me that they did an online harassing campaign against participants in a holiday event at the Methodist Church in Downers Grove, uh, in here in Downers Grove.

Um, that featured a trans man dressed as Santa Claus. Newsome directed attention to the event on social media, and during his appearances on far right media, called for his allies to protest. A participant in the event, who asked to remain anonymous due to safety concerns, told Hatewatch the group received many threatening phone calls, emails, and online messages.

The nature of these messages were, you need to cancel it. Your groomers, your pedophiles. This is un Christ like. Santa Claus is a real man and you’re endangering children, the participant said. After the Proud Boys began targeting the event, organizers decided to move their holiday party to a church in nearby Naperville, Illinois, the participant said.

Protestors still appeared outside the church in Downers Grove and outside the new location in Naperville. Coming to threaten and antagonize children’s events does more harm than anything we could program, the participants said. In September, local media reported allegations from staff at the Downers Grove Public Library that they were experiencing harassing Harassment connected to a drag time bingo night planned for October.

Since August, Newsom had been using his public Facebook page to threaten to shut that event down, writing, This event will not happen. If it does, we will overwhelm it with tons of protesters from multiple organizations. I promise. Emphasis Newsom’s, um, in big letters, uh, upper case letters. Capital letters.

Organizers cancelled the event after library staff received a wave of threatening messages. Within a week of the cancellation, the library sent a bullet in the mail, along with a message signed, Your friends at MAGA, calling the staff commies, and threatening more to come. On Getter, Newsom denied having anything to do with the mail threat and denounced it as a hoax.

Newsom also began attending and speaking at far right events. In October, Newsom planned to speak alongside election deniers and COVID conspiracists, including Overstock. com founder Patrick Byrne, who helped fund the recount of Arizona ballots demanded by 2020 presidential election deniers, and spoke at a pro Trump rally near the U.

S. Capitol before this January 6th insurrection. The October event was canceled. Also in October, Newsom promoted and attended a MAGA themed rap show in suburban Chicago, which featured an on stage discussion between white nationalist Nick Fuentes and right wing provocateur Alex Stein. Fuentes, who received a subpoena from the U.

S. House Committee investigating the January 6th attacks, Insurrection is an anti Semitic far right influencer seeking to normalize white nationalism in the Republican Party, and he’s doing a good job of it. Stein peddles conspiracies on One America News Network. He had a brief moment of national notoriety after a video emerged of Stein sexually harassing Representative Alexandria Ocasio Ah, I can’t speak.

Ocasio Cortez on the steps of the U. S. Capitol. Several Proud Boys were also in attendance at the October show, including the head of the Illinois chapter, Edgar Remy del Toro Gonzalez, according to photographs posted to social media by one of the performers. Also in attendance, as seen in the same social media post, was Stephanie Trostle, who at the time Was campaigning as the GOP’s nominee for lieutenant governor.

Terry Newsom’s online presence reveals further ties to the Proud Boys. He was photographed next to a known member of the Proud Boys at a Blue Lives Matter rally in Mount Prospect, Illinois in 2021. It’s not clear if Newsom knew he was posing with a member of the Proud Boys, but the man was wearing the black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirt that has been adopted as the uniform of the hate group.

The rally occurred after community members asked the police department not to fly the thin blue line flag, which is used to signal support for law enforcement.

Some use the flag to oppose the Black Lives Matter movement. In the photograph, the Proud Boys member and Newsome give what appear, appeared to be the okay hand signal, which is used by far right activists to troll anti racists. Newsom also has an active presence on hard right social media, where he displays his extremist views and affiliations.

On Truth Social, which Trump founded after Twitter banned him following the January 6th insurrection, Newsom shared an announcement by the Proud Boys on July 12th, calling for a counter protest of a Pride event. At a bakery in suburban Chicago. Pride organizers canceled the event after a reported associate of the Proud Boys, Joseph Collins, allegedly smashed the windows of the bakery and vandalized the business.

Authorities charged Collins with a bias motivated crime. He pleaded not guilty and his trial is ongoing. I’m not sure what’s going on with that, as this has been written a couple years ago, I believe, but

Newsom has used I believe, um, Terry Newsom is coming up for re election, if he’s still a precinct committee person.

Coming up for election next year.

Newsom has used Getter, a popular site among white nationalists and other far right figures, to try to organize a local chapter of Mass Resistance, an anti LGBTQ hate group. Mass Resistance, founded in 1995 by vocal anti LGBTQ activist Brian Kamenker, Circulates anti LGBTQ pseudoscience under the guise of Christian values, while pushing policymakers to restrict the rights of anti LGBTQ Americans and remove LGBTQ references from schools.

Just like Trump did, uh, when he removed all the LGBTQ references from, um, the Department of Education, um, and other administrative agencies. That’s the theme. And then what they’re doing. Newsom has also used Getter to issue veiled threats against public officials and such events as the Downers Grove bingo night.

For example, following the FBI search of Mar a Lago, the re Possess several highly classified documents from former president Donald Trump, Newsome wrote on the site that Merrick Garland, the U S attorney general, quote unquote, needs to be removed from this earth in the days after the raid threats against the FBI Garland and the judge who signed this search order, drastically increased.

Newsome also used, uses getter to smear other parents in his community, including me, labeling them groomers and radical leftists. for supporting inclusive programming. On Getter, Hatewatch also found Newsome twice shared a racist caricature. The image features a cartoon depiction of a black man drawn with exaggerated features.

Hatewatch has chosen to provide that image to illustrate the exact nature of Newsome’s online activity. To view the caricature, which readers are reminded is explicit and offensive, click here. And you can see that if you go to the Southern Poverty Law Center website and look up Terry Newsome. It’s about three quarters of the way down the page you’ll see a paragraph and there’s a link to it.

You can see the image yourself with your own eyes. Whether you choose to believe your own eyes or not is up to you. White supremacists have used these caricatures for centuries. In the first instance on August 22nd, Newsom used the racist caricature to respond to a thread about former professional basketball player Dennis Rodman and imprisoned Dennis Rodman.

W, at the time, WNBA player Brittany Greiner. A few weeks later on September 8th, Newsom used the same image on a thread about a black woman who was running for Congress in Florida. Newsom deleted the racist caricature from his Getter page in early October. Also on Getter, Hatewatch found Newsom liking an anonymous comment that uses the n word.

More attacks on white Americans and they wonder why we call them n words. Uh, comment is now deleted. The comment is now deleted on the thread on Getter that Newsom liked. In September, Newsom went to, Newsom went to a hotel in Burr Ridge, Illinois, where migrants had been sent from Texas. He filmed people in the lobby, and there’s links to all of this, you know, there’s links to some of this stuff.

Um, so you know that these events actually happened and stuff. The Southern Poverty Law Center is doing good at leaving sources here. In September, Newsom went to a hotel in Burr Ridge, Illinois, where migrants had been sent from Texas. He filmed people in the lobby, many of whom were children, and posted the video on Getter.

Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, bused 64 migrants to Chicago in late August as part of a plan to protest President Joe Biden’s immigration policies. State officials reportedly housed the migrants in a shelter in the city before moving them to Burr Ridge, which is right next to Darien, where Newsom lives.

He drove to the hotel and recorded the video inside the lobby. He circles around the room to capture video of migrants who are mostly families with young children eating breakfast and talking amongst themselves. Nobody appears to notice Newsom recording the video, which lasts for about a minute.

Outside the hotel, Newsom records himself confronting a Spanish speaking person and attempts to use a translation app on a smartphone to find out when they arrived. After the migrant uses the translation app to respond, Newsom cannot figure out how to play it and condescendingly barks. No comprende before ending the recording.

Newsom also spreads misinformation about the January 6th insurrection online. Without furnishing proof, Newsom explicitly states on social media that he was on the Capitol grounds on January 6th, but he does not say whether he stepped inside. I was there. They didn’t even fight the cops during the initial confrontation between the Capitol police and protesters, Newsom commented on a June 30th Getter thread.

about whether the Oath Keepers inspired violence that day. His comments directly contradict extensive video evidence from the day of the attack.

Local media prominence. Since Newsom began his public activities, he has appeared as a source for NBC News, Chicago, ABC7, Chicago, WGN TV, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun Times, and the Daily Herald. I will read an article shortly about from the Chicago Sun Times that he, I believe he was quoted in about the Proud Boys Um, school board meeting that I was at

his connections to hate groups and embrace the far and embrace the far right extremist rhetoric have gone unremarked upon in these publications. The funny thing is, um, I told the Chicago Tribune my story and I told them that I had been believed I had been targeted by proud boys and I told them all of these reasons why that I’ll get into more of it later.

But. They didn’t even print any of what I said about being targeted by Proud Boys. And yet they let this guy go on there and say whatever, and they don’t point out that he’s a far right extremist.

He has also appeared on Newsmax, which circulates misinformation about COVID, the 2020 election, and crime rates. Newsom appears as a source in junk news outlets that disguise conservative talking points as local news coverage. These media operations use computer generated content and content published by outsourced writers who use fake names.

Commonly referred to as pink slime, which refers to a meat byproduct used by a filler in the beef industry, these These outlets were, are found across the U. S. Approximately 1, 300 of these news sites are operated by conservative operatives Brian Timpone and Dan Proft. In his appearances on these sites, Newsom largely plays the role of an aggrieved suburban dad upset at perceived leftist policies in his children’s schools.

Newsom also frequently appears as a guest in local Chicago media as a source for reporters looking for the voices. Voice of a parent engaged in efforts to ban books and curricula that challenge reactionary views on American culture and history. In September, Newsom appeared on a local news program, Chicago Tonight, opposite Jonathan Friedman, a director from PEN America, an organization that opposes efforts to by anti education activists to ban books.

After discussing efforts to ban the book Genderqueer, which I have already mentioned, Newsom tells Friedman, It has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with LGBTQ. The parents in my community are against the graphic pornography. Friedman’s response puts these images into a larger context that Newsom left out.

When you read that book from cover to cover, it is impossible to find those images tintillating in some way.

The book is about a main character’s feelings of asexuality and how off putting they find those acts. In that sense, it’s not really about sex at all. It’s actually about not engaging in sex. And the funny thing is, when these people showed up at the school board meeting, they were, they were, they were protesting banning this book.

And if, and I will share, um, maybe I can share the link. I’ll share the links to all these things, I guess I can do that for you. I don’t know. In the comments, so you can actually read them for yourself. So this is all about, um,

this is Terry Newsom and the Southern Poverty Law Center.



oh, I know I wanted to put in. So, in case you were just interested in reading it yourself and didn’t want to, um, look up the link, I am going to put the link for.

I’m going to put the link for, um, Trump administration, civil and human rights rollbacks

in the, in, so you can read it yourself. Okay,

let’s see, let me go back this way. I’m going to see something really quickly. Oops.

Okay. All right. I’m just looking up something really quickly. Okay. All right. So, um, all right. So that’s just a little bit of the, um, background on the people that are involved in and Jim Devitt also ran for, um, it was one of the people that I had mentioned before he actually, um, he actually ran for, um, Um, village commissioner of Downers Grove in the last election and, um, luckily he lost, but, um, But he, um, was working with Terry Newsome on a lot of stuff.

Like, I don’t know if he’s just, like, Terry Newsome’s sidekick or what. But, um, uh, I’m looking for something really quickly.

So, if you happen to be here on Facebook, I’d like you to look up, Mary Lemanski is misunderstood. And, um, Uh, these people created a, um, Facebook group and they were targeting me. Um, and, uh, I think they’ve gone through since and, um, and, um, deleted a lot of the posts. Particularly there was one, um, where Terry Newsom was talking about, um, about my body armor.

Um, And it was kind of suspect. I can, uh, I have saved a lot of this stuff in a folder. Um, and so, like, at some point, I’m going to go through it all and really, um, if I do the book and really post it, but, um, so, like, here’s, here’s one, um,

There, there’s just different, um, quotes, or they’re, they, they go on and, um, They, they shared my posts into these, this group and they, um, there was one where I was doing a little, it was, um, it was perform on your porch day. Or something like, I think that’s it, Perform on Your Porch Day. In August, it’s like the first, second, first or second Saturday in August is Perform on Your Porch Day.

And I was performing on my porch and I had posted on social media that I was performing on my porch and they were driving by my house while I was performing. Um, but you can, you can see, um, where they were targeting me. And, oh, here’s one. This is Jim Devitt Anybody know if she ever got like she wanted?

Too bad is illegal for a felon to have body armor lol They think I’m a felon. I don’t know where they got the idea that I’m a felon

I seriously don’t know

I like the reputation that I’m a bad girl, but But I’m definitely not a felon. I’m a single mom with two kids. Um, but he seemed very concerned that I, I, about whether I have body armor or not. So you can go and just look up, Mary Lewanski is misunderstood, and you will find the group on Facebook. Um, See for yourself, uh, they, they have deleted a lot of the posts on there.

I, because I called them out, uh, when Jim Devitt was running for Village Commissioner, I posted all of that stuff on Facebook, on the Downers Grove Facebook groups. I went around to all the Downers Grove Facebook groups I could find and posted, Hey, look, this guy targeted me on social media. Um, after my comment about, uh, after my tweets went viral.

They had this group and they continued to harass me for years afterwards. And they still, I’m still getting stuff. So you can see it for yourself. Mary Lemanski is misunderstood. Look it up. It’s a group on Facebook. Join it. Chat me up. Um, anyway, uh, let’s see, what else can I cover? Haha, I’m just getting started.

So one thing we learned, um, there was, so, so there was a group called Wake Up DG99, um, which is, was the, uh, DG99 is the school district, Downers Grove 99, District 99, uh, and, uh, so there was a group called DG, Wake Up DG99, and through our, um, research in the Downers Grove Township Integrity Project. We learned that, uh, Wake Up DG99 was funded by Wake Up Illinois, and Wake Up Illinois has ties to Turning Point USA.

Um, and Turning Point USA is basically, um, a, a group that, um, targets school boards all across the United States.

So, big money, huh? Let’s get into it, shall we? So they claim, okay, Trump, uh, Turning Point USA is a 501c3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote freedom. But yet they’re, they’re actively giving money to groups to go around and work on banning books.

Um, I’m not going to get into Turning Point USA right now. Uh, you can look into them yourself, research them yourself. Um, they have, it looks like a four day event. Um,

uh, ultra conservative people. Let’s see.

Student Action Summit is a three day event for students and young adults. This conference brings you the best and brightest speakers in the country, hundreds of like minded sponsoring organizations, and an energy you can feel. Student Action Summit was created to activate and mobilize a generation that will boldly defend America’s freedom.

I just don’t, and they have a Young Women’s Leadership Summit. I just, I just don’t see how banning books is



Um, the Wake Up Illinois Facebook group administrator, Dave Tillmack, was associated with the Freedom Movement USA.

And Freedom Movement USA

I am not findingFreedom Movement USA.

They seem to be a Trump hacker or something.

So it looks like it’s not being posted on currently. Since October 8th of last year, it hasn’t been posted on their, their, um, Instagram page has not been posted on. However, what did I see back there? It says,

if you want to hold a Trump rally or have one plan, let us know. We have a goal to help organize and then it cuts off. Um,

So yeah, they’re definitely, definitely, uh, a far right, um, group.

It’s Freedom Movement USA. So, um, one second. And I will, um, so,

I will read here, um, about,

I will read here about the Pratt boys, um, and how they came to the school. Um, so as I, as I was saying before, um, this is the part of the book that, uh, it’s kind of, I’m not all written down right here or it’s not written down in a way that I want to read. Um, So, I’ll just tell you. So, we, we, we’re, we’re doing these weekly meetings.

Um, we are doing a lot of research. We were, um, into these groups. Um, like, who is funding them? Who, who is funding Wake Up DG99 and all these other groups? And, um, what was that? Uh, Awake Illinois. And, and those we were looking into who was funding them. And, um, looking how to counteract the lies that they were spreading.

And, um, and so we were going to the school board meetings and speaking. Um, and, um, one of them happened to be at my son’s high school and the proud boy showed up

and, um,

they had us split up into two sides. So we weren’t all mixed up, or at least that’s the way people naturally sat. So, um, so on one side you had like Gene Ives, Terry Newsome, or, I don’t know if Gene Ives was there, but Laura Hoyce was there, Jim Devitt, um, Terry Newsome, I don’t know if Dave Tomek was there, but, um, But I know Terry Newsome and Jim Devitt and Laura Hoyce were all at the meeting.

The meeting and sitting on the same side as the Pratt boys. And I believe, um, Terry Newsome was the one that handed out the signs. Now, the signs, so they’re protesting, right? They’re protesting, pornography as they say, because these images they say are pornography and there are students on the school board.

There’s student representation on the school board and there were students attending the school board meeting because they wanted to get up and speak. And these far right activists are in proud boys. Well, the far right activists were the ones. The Namely, probably Terry Newsome. Um, He handed out signs.

To the proud boys and these signs were giant, like, like three foot, four foot signs of the, of the, the pornography that they didn’t want the kids to see. Like, let’s just blow it up. We don’t want the kids to see this, but let’s just make huge poster boards of it and show it to everybody. I mean, how does that make any sense?

Yeah, they were trying to probably show the adults, Oh, look at this bad thing. But the adults can pick up the book and read it and go and protest against you. You know, I mean, they can make educated decisions to not, to not go with your bigoted viewpoint. You don’t have to, to, to make a sign that’s four feet tall of what you consider pornography.

That you don’t want kids to see. That where there’s going to be kids doesn’t make any sense at all. None.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 7 - The Trump Administration's Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks of 2020-2021: Thank God Its Over!


Mary Lemanski reads and comments on a list, compiled by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, of the Trump Administration’s civil and human rights rollbacks during the final year of his administration.


Hello, everyone. It’s Mary Lemanski and you are listening to the Mary kind of contrary podcast. And I am just getting set up and started here on Facebook live. This podcast will later be distributed on all the networks that you find podcasts and listen to them. Um, the episode from yesterday is up.
Episode six, this will be episode seven, um, and there will be another episode either late tonight or early tomorrow, um, where I will talk about what I’ve been through for the past three years with, um, being the target of domestic terrorists, um, and, but for this episode, episode seven, we are going to be talking about, [00:01:00] uh, the civil and human rights rollbacks, um, from the Trump administration from his last year in office, 2020 into 2021.

And, um, if you are interested and this is the first time you are. Tuning into this podcast. Um, there are three other episodes, chock full of everything that he did the first three years he was in office. And, um, yeah, so, and check out my other podcast. Um, they, they’ve all been kind of political, but politically bent, but I’m hoping after tomorrow that I can talk about other things besides politics, because.

You know, I, I love arts and culture and stuff like that. And I do like to stay active about what’s, or I guess, um, aware of what’s going on politically, but [00:02:00] really it’s, I like the days when I, I didn’t really have to worry so much about, um, our freedoms and our civil rights and, um, human rights being violated by our government.

Um, currently they are not, but I fear what, uh, another Trump administration would do so, um, these next few episodes. I won’t be doing my usual introductory, uh, music because I just want to get down to business and talk about this stuff. Because tomorrow’s the day. So anyway, on January 3rd, 2020, let’s get right into it.

By the way, I’m getting all of this information from the leadership conference of civil and human rights. You too can look it up. If you go to civil rights. org forward slash Trump dot R dash [00:03:00] rollbacks. Forward slash, um, and that would, I’m sorry, that’s, that’s it. So that’s civil rights. org slash Trump dash rollbacks.

And then you’ll be able to read it for yourself. All right. So that’s the leadership conference on civil and human rights. This is on their website. And I’m just comment commenting on my thoughts on these things. And I’m not a lawyer or anything. I’m sure a lawyer would have a lot more to say than I would.

So anyway, this is, I’ve had law classes, but I’m, I’m not a lawyer, but just reading it, this is, just reading these words is my, these are my reactions to them. Okay. So, uh, this is 2020. This is the last year into 2021. [00:04:00] Cause it was, you know, President for 20 days, basically 19 days, um, into 21. So, okay. So on January 3rd, again, starting early in the, in the new year of 2020, remember this was the year of the pandemic.

So. Um, on January 3rd, the Trump administration filed a brief in June Medical Services versus GE, G E E, um, urging the court to allow a Louisiana abortion access law to go into effect. The civil rights community filed briefs, urging the court to strike down the restrictive law, highlighting the law’s impact on black women.

Starting off the year attacking black women. Okay. On January 7th, the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a proposal that would gut the agency’s 2015 affirmatively furthering fair housing rule. [00:05:00] Um, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s proposal would leave people of color, women, and other protected communities already harmed by unfair and unequal housing policies at a further disadvantage.

Thank you very much. So attacking the poor again. This is a regular theme in the past, you know, three episodes, including this one, fourth episode. Um, on January 13th, the Washington Post reported that the Trump administration would divert 7. 2 billion of funding from the Pentagon to fund the president’s harmful and wasteful wall along the southern border.

On January 13th, I already talked. I already said my thoughts on the law in the last episode. I’m not going to go on and on about it. On January 13th and subsequently on February 11th for the Senate Companion Resolution, [00:06:00] the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H. J. Res. 76, a resolution under the Congressional Review Act to overturn Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos borrower defense rule.

The leadership conference on civil and human rights supports this resolution. So going back to attacking the, um, the student borrowers, um, also on January 13th, the white house issued a statement of administration policy, opposing HR 1230, the protecting older workers against discrimination act. Oh man, they’re already working when they’re older and then you have to discriminate against them.

Okay, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. They didn’t support what Trump did. They supported the, the, um, House [00:07:00] resolution. On January 16th, nine federal agencies issued proposed rules eliminating the rights of people receiving help from federal programs to, one, request a referral if they have a concern or problem with a faith based provider.

And two, receive written notice of their rights. So
the changes would encourage agencies to claim broader religious exemptions to deny help to certain people while receiving federal funds. So you can receive federal funds and discriminate against people just because, you know, your faith supposedly says that. Although I thought Jesus opened his arms to everyone.

Um, and that those are the people that seem to be the most. Um, invested in these kind of rollbacks. Um, it seems [00:08:00] weird. Um, and let’s see. So they, you can’t, you can’t, if you have a, if you have a problem, um, with a faith based provider, you can’t even voice a concern about it, which, which seems to go against First Amendment rights, or you can’t request a referral, even if they have a concern.

Sorry. I misread that. Um, and receive written notice of their rights. So they can’t even tell you what your rights are. The federal government can’t even tell you what your rights are.

This is very concerning. Well, and when your rights change from state to state, how can they really tell you what your rights are? I mean, if you’re a woman, your rights change from state to state. Your rights aren’t the same in all the states. On January 23rd, the Department of State announced a new regulation [00:09:00] aimed at denying pregnant people, speaking of women, uh, pregnant people visas to prevent them from traveling to the United States.

The regulation represents an attack against pregnant people living in countries without access to the visa waiver program and immigrant women, particularly those of color and with low incomes. Again, attacking people of color and the poor. This is a regular theme. On January 30th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released block grant guidance to allow states to cap Medicaid spending, essentially putting forward the notion that we should ration health care for the most vulnerable people in our nation.

On January 31st, the Trump administration announced an expansion of its Muslim ban, which will expand restrictions on [00:10:00] additional countries, including Myanmar, also known as Burma. Um, I’m sorry if I, um, I, uh, if I butcher the names of these countries, I should know these things. I’m a travel agent. You would think I would know, but, um, Eritrea, Eritrea, um, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania.

So, um, again, uh, banning people from predominantly Muslim countries from coming into our country. On February 5th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing House Resolution 2474, the Protecting the Right to Organize [00:11:00] Act. They don’t want you organizing against your government.

The Trump administration doesn’t want you organizing against your government. Or, you know, organizing to protest or, you know, march. On February 5th, so, they issued a statement opposing the Protecting the Rights to Organize Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. On February 10th, the Trump administration released its fiscal year 2021 budget proposal, which included 1 trillion in cuts to Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act over 10 years, cuts to SNAP by 182 billion over 10 years, cuts assistance for some people with disabilities through Social Security disability insurance and supplemental security income, and reduces the temporary assistance.

For a needy families [00:12:00] program by 21 billion dollars over 10 years, among other drastic cuts going again, going after the poor again, um, and health care, social security on February 13th, the Department of housing and urban development proposed to amend the equal participation of faith based organizations rule that removes safeguards to prevent discrimination.

Why are we preventing safeguards to discrimination? We’re the United States of America. We’re the melting pot. We’re. You know, all of these, these high ideals of everybody coming together and building a nation. You can’t do that if you’re discriminating against people.

On February 14th, Valentine’s day, the [00:13:00] Trump administration announced the deployment of law enforcement tactical units from the Southern border as part of an arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country. This includes the deployment of members of the elite tactical unit known as which acts as a border patrol SWAT team.

So you remove them from the southern border to arrest people in sanctuary cities?

Why would you remove them from the southern border? Our border is being overrun. It’s not very, it’s not good military strategy.

Do you really want him in command? On February 20th, the White House published a memo [00:14:00] dated January 29th, signed by Trump That granted Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, the authority to ignore the collective bargaining rights of civilian employee, employees working for the Department of Defense.

Ignore your, your, the civilian employees working for the Department of Defense, a collective bargaining, the collective bargaining agreement. Their rights.

On February 25th, the Department of Justice sided with the plaintiff. Students for Fair Admissions. To oppose race based affirmative action at Harvard University and a friend of the court brief filed in the First Circuit Court of Appeals.

Um, this is kind of a 180 from what the Department of Justice usually did in the past, I believe. [00:15:00] On February 26th, the Department of Homeland Security expanded two pilot programs, the Humanitarian Asylum Review Process, HAARP, for Mexican nationals, and Prompt Asylum Claim Review, PACER, the fast track, that fast track the asylum process for migrants at the U.S. border. The American Civil Liberties Union argues that both programs deny asylum seekers due process since it is nearly impossible for the migrants to access legal help.

So, when the ACLU steps in, It’s usually rights are being violated, uh, pretty badly. So, um, on February 26th, the department of justice created a denaturalization section in its immigration office to prioritize stripping citizenship [00:16:00] rights from naturalized immigrants who commit certain crimes. So you’re a naturalized immigrant here in the United States, and you’re going to.
Get your rights stripped away from you for certain crimes.

What about birthright citizens? Does this open up a pathway legally for birthright citizens that are born here? That commit crimes to, I don’t know, I don’t know where they would send us, it would be like England sending us off to, you know, sending, sending, when England sent all of its, um, You know, convicts and stuff to Australia or whatever, what are they going to do with us?

I mean, what does that, what does that set the precedent for, for us? You know, [00:17:00] as people that are born here? I’ve, I’ve read that they want to get rid of the birthright citizenship too, which makes no sense because they don’t want people coming over here, um, and having babies and then, you know, The baby is a citizen of the United States.

They don’t, they, they don’t want that. So, uh, so they are trying to, you know, limit, limit people in so many different ways. Um, and this is just one of them. So they, sorry, they, um, I just hit something in my notes. My notes went flying away. So in this case, they created, created [00:18:00] a new section in the immigration office called the denaturalization section. And its main priority is to strip citizenship rights from naturalized immigrants who commit certain crimes.

Think about what that precedent sets for us that are born here.

On February 27th, the Department of Justice filed a statement of interest in support of a Kentucky wedding photographer who is challenging a city ordinance banning businesses from discriminating against gay customers. The photographer, Chelsea Nelson, refused to photograph same sex weddings due to her religious beliefs.

Um, so, Here’s one thing. Um, businesses have always been able to refuse customers for whatever reason they want. [00:19:00] And what, so then the, the, the Supreme court deciding that, um, that people can choose not to serve people, um, who are gay is, it’s just, it’s, it’s bringing to light that, that businesses, you know.

bigotry, but at the same time, any business can refuse service to anybody for any reason. Um, that was what I was told way early in my career. Um, and so that’s, that’s just a business role, but should we be discriminating against people, um, for, for, you know, Reasons that if you really think about it go against most religions, you [00:20:00] shouldn’t, you should love your neighbor.

You shouldn’t discriminate against them. So I don’t know it. This is this is where there’s a fine line between the legal and the moral. The moral part of it, would I discriminate, would I discriminate against, um, uh, you know, if, if, if I had, uh, if I had an ultra, um, ultra conservative customer come in and, and, and want to work with me, do you think I would turn them down?

Probably, probably I’ve said so in my social, other social media page that I would not, I don’t want their money. I don’t want to work with somebody like that. They’d have different morals than me. I just, I don’t want the hassle if they’re going to, you know, and, and the times that I have had to work, well, work with, um, conservatives, I’ve, they’ve been a little bit high maintenance, [00:21:00] just, just going to be honest.

So, um, anyway, onward, um, okay, on February 27th, the Department of Justice filed a statement of interest in support of a content. Whoops, I just read that. Um, okay, on February 28th, the Department of Justice proposed, the Department of Justice is busy. 26th, 27th, 28th, March 6th. Yeah. Okay, February 28th, uh, the Department of Justice proposed regulations, increasing fees of immigrants for immigrants and requiring asylum seekers to pay a 50 fee to have their cases heard in court.

Um, so these people are already poor and you’re going to [00:22:00] increase their fees. They’re already coming here because they’re, they’re seeking asylum and you’re increasing their fees. Um, fees for permanent. Residence permits would increase by 990 to a total of 2, 750 and the cost for naturalization of nudist citizens would increase by 445 to 1, 170.

It’s crazy.

On March 6th, the Department of Justice issued a rule saying that DNA data samples from migrants taken into federal custody after trying to cross the U. S. border can be stored and shared among federal agencies.

I’m telling you, if they can do it to the migrants that come over, they can do it to us. Do you want to give your DNA to the government and have it shared among the agencies? [00:23:00] I’m just saying, the legal precedent is there for them to do this. It’s there. And we, and we allowed them to do this. We elected them and, and thank God we have a chance to not elect them again.

On March 10th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing House Resolution 2486, the National Origin Based Anti Discrimination of Non Immigrants Act, which the Leadership Conference of Civil and Human Rights supports. I, I see during this time, like the, the Democrats, people putting forth these House resolutions, they really, they really drove home what the point of the, the bill was the National Origin Based Anti Discrimination for Non Immigrants Act.
No, it’s literally spells [00:24:00] no ban.

I wish they would like be that succinct and straightforward with their, their marketing of their candidates. You know what I’m saying? Nevermind. Um, on March 17th, the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs announced a decision to temporarily exempt and waive certain affirmative action requirements connected to federal contracts for coronavirus relief.
So, we’re into, um, we’re, we’re into the pandemic now, March 17th, um, so they’re, they’re temporarily exempting and waiving certain affirmative action requirements connected to federal contracts for coronavirus relief. How convenient.

How [00:25:00] convenient to, to, to hurt the people that need it the most. On March 20th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention imposed a 30 day restriction on all non essential travel into the United States from Mexico and Canada, an effort led by Stephen Miller to use public health laws to reduce immigration.

On March 24th, Attorney General William Barr signed a statement of interest arguing against the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference. Their transgender athlete policy, which allows athletes to compete as the gender with which they identify. So we’re back to attacking transgender people. It’s transgender people, poor people, people of color, women.

Those are, those are the people that they’re targeting. And if you’re in one of those groups, you might not want to vote for Trump tomorrow.[00:26:00]

On April 20th, the Trump administration extended its March, 2020 CDC rule on border restrictions until May 20th. 2020.

Not, not wanting, uh, not wanting people to come into the country. On April 22nd, Trump signed an executive order to temporarily ban the issuance of green cards to people seeking permanent residency in the United States, a move that was viewed as a shameless manipulation of the pandemic to justify the administration’s xenophobic policies.

On April 30th, the Department of Education issued guidance. Flouting congressional intent under the CARES Act that directs school districts to share millions of dollars designated for low income students with wealthy private schools.[00:27:00]

So why do the rich private schools need money from the low income students?

Share millions of dollars designated for low income students with wealthy private schools. So is it allowing, um, I’m not quite sure. I would like to read more up on that. What she, what the, what Betsy DeVos did there, uh, with the Department of Education. Um, and okay, that just sent me down a rabbit hole of thinking there that you just witnessed. Okay. On February 6th, the Department of [00:28:00] Education released its final rule on title, Rule nine that raises the bar of proof for sexual misconduct, bolsters the rights of those accused, and introduces new protections that include sexual harassment.

If the rule takes effect, it will silence sexual assault survivors and limit their educational opportunity. Oh, you’d expect so much from a rapist. A convicted rapist. On May 12th, the Department of Educate, of Agriculture appealed an injunction that blocked The agency from proceeding with cuts to the SNAP program food stamps. The new requirements if the USDA wins its appeal would strip 688, 000 Americans of their food benefits.

[00:29:00] Attacking the poor again on May 12th. The Department of Health and Human Services eliminated sex sexual orientation and gender identity and tribal data collection in the adoption and foster care and care and analysis and reporting system, which collects case level information in all children in foster care and those who have been adopted with Title four E agency involvement.
So they don’t wanna know if, if. They don’t want the Department of Health and Human Services to know your sexual orientation, gender identity, or if you’re tribal data, a Native American, um, in the foster care adoption system. These seem like things that need to be addressed. [00:30:00] Like tracked, especially if, if people, you know, have a tendency to be abused because of their sexual orientation, their gender.

On May 14th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing House Resolution 6800, the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions or HEROES Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. So they, they, they opposed. The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act in the middle of the pandemic.

On May 15th, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights sent a letter of impending enforcement action to the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference and six school [00:31:00] districts declaring that Title IX requires Schools to ban transgender students from competing in school sports based on their gender identity and threatening to withhold funding from Connecticut schools if they do not comply.

On May 19th, the Trump administration announced the indefinite extension of the CDC order that allows federal authorities at the border to immediately return migrants to their home countries. They’re using the pandemic to their advantage at this point. On May 26th, the Department of Justice filed a Statement of Interest in an Alabama federal court in support of the state’s onerous absentee ballot requirements that put black voters and voters with disabilities at risk during the COVID pandemic, COVID 19 pandemic.

Um, just a thing about absentee ballots, they’ve been used for decades, maybe centuries. [00:32:00] They’ve definitely been used for decades. And, um, our, our troops overseas vote by mail. I don’t understand what the problem is. Has our, our country, our voting system is one of the best in the world and, and, and most secure.

And it had been for, you know, decades. And now all of a sudden, since Trump’s running, it’s all of a sudden something’s wrong with it. These same people that were going, yes, USA, we’re the best. We’re the best. Right before Trump came along and said, you know, make America great again. We’re already great that that should have like, I don’t know, that should have been their reaction, but it wasn’t [00:33:00] and and now we have to, to deal with this one more time and and look at all this stuff that he’s done.

I mean, or did the last time I mean, all they’re going to do is just reverse the Biden administration and all this stuff is going to go back into effect. That’s I mean, the Supreme Court right now. It’s just shady. Sorry. Got to say it. Um, two, at least two of the people on the Supreme Court are bought and paid for by people with, um, not the best interests for our country.

It’s more like selfish billionaire interests, white supremacist interests. On May 29th, Trump vetoed a bipartisan resolution to overturn a Department of Education rule and hold Secretary of Law accountable for failing to provide relief to students defrauded by for profit colleges. [00:34:00] So, so, That’s, that’s actually why Betsy DeVos got into, into being a Department of Education, um, Secretary because she, she wanted to, to overdo that, you know, she’s, she has a, she has a finger in the for profit college pie.

On May 29th, Trump issued a presidential proclamation aimed at restricting the entry of graduate students and researchers from China, or as Trump says, China.

Can we, can we get a, a president that like, Treats other countries with respect, please. On June 20, on June 1st, police officers and the National Guard dispersed peaceful protesters outside the White House using tear gas and flashbang explosions [00:35:00] so that Trump could pose for photos while holding up a Bible upside down, by the way, which is kind of satanic, in front of St.
John’s Episcopal Church.

On June 3rd, the Department of Justice filed a brief in Fulton v. City of Pennsylvania, I mean, sorry, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, calling on the U. S. Supreme Court to allow religious affiliated adoption agencies to refuse child placement into LGBTQ homes. The Justice Department is not a party to the case.

So now the Justice Department is interfering in other cases that it’s not really a party in. On June 12th, the Department of Health and Human Services issued its final rule rolling back the Non Discrimination Protections Section 1587 of the Affordable Care [00:36:00] Act. The rule was, will promote discrimination in medical care.

So, take care of the sick, unless, you know, this or that or the other. On June 14th, the Washington Post reported that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will propose a rule that will roll back Obama era guidance requiring single sex homeless shelters to accept transgender people. So, they’re already thrown out of their homes, they’re living on the street homeless, they’ve been discriminated against, they can’t get housing of any kind, and now You’re making it okay for, um, single sex shelters, homeless shelters to discriminate against them.

Where do you want them to go?

On June 15th, a 161 [00:37:00] page resolution from the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice was published in the Federal Register that would make it exceedingly difficult for migrants to claim asylum in the United States. Like I said yesterday, Jesus was a refugee. All these Christians hating on people crossing the border for, because they’re trying, because they’re trying to escape, you know, harmful conditions.

And they come here and people are even worse to them. I mean, really, I mean, it’s really bad. I mean, we’re America. We open our arms to everyone. When has it been any different? On June 19th, the Department of Justice filed a statement of interest arguing that the Equal Protection Clause permits Idaho’s fairness.

in Women’s Supports Act, which bans [00:38:00] trans girls and women from school sports teams. On June 22nd, Trump issued a proclamation to expand and extend his April 22nd order that suspends some immigration from outside the United States. The new proclamation extends the initial green card ban in the April proclamation until, until December 31st, 2020, and includes additional significant restrictions on several categories, including Of temporary guest worker visas.
So people can’t even come over to, to guest work, but during this is also during the pandemic. Um, so they’re using the pandemic. To keep immigration at bay, basically, even people that are just temporary guest workers, which we need to, for, you know, um, a lot of the, the farming, you know, um, [00:39:00] the meat industry, we, we need temporary workers to come and work these jobs because Americans don’t want to do them.

And, um, and not having people to come in and work at these places. Probably actually drove up prices because then they couldn’t have the output that they, they would have had to. So that, I wonder who that helps. On June 24th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing House Resolution 51, the Washington, D.C. Admission Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. On June 24th, the White House issued a statement of administration opposing House Resolution 7120, the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports.

It’s like the House can’t get anything [00:40:00] done because the, um, well, the President saying he opposes it doesn’t necessarily mean that it got vetoed or anything, but, um, but still just having the President say that he, he opposes the House. Um, justice and policing that he opposes, um, uh,
you know, all of these different house resolutions that are meant to help people, especially during a pandemic. I mean, it’s really like cruel, cruel and thoughtless, um, thoughtless to the people that, um, make this country run.

On June 24th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting house resolution 3985, that just in unifying solutions. To [00:41:00] invigorate Communities Everywhere Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposes. So I’m, I’m guessing this was some kind of, uh, I would have to look this up.

Um, I’m guessing it’s some kind of, if it’s invigorate communities everywhere, invi, it’s probably some kind of open up too soon during the pandemic thing is my guess. But let’s look it up. Let’s, let’s just look it up really quickly. I’m not gonna be lazy. We need to know,
[00:42:00] uh, this bill addresses policies and issues regarding policing practices and law enforcement accountability. Oh, so it’s probably, probably an answer to the other one. The bill funds state and local grants, incentivizes state and local reporting on the use of certain policing practices, creates new federal offenses for certain misconduct, establishes a commission to study the conditions affecting black men and boys.

Well, that would have been a good thing. It establishes. Best practices and training requirements. Um, but I just wonder what the, what the motivation behind, uh, studying the conditions affecting black men and boys.

Introduced in the Senate. It wasn’t introduced by, oh, Senator Tim Scott [00:43:00] from South Carolina.

Huh. That’s another thing I should probably probably look into that I don’t have time for right now. Um, okay.

Okay. On June 25th, the Trump Administration filed a brief with the US Supreme Court arguing that the entire Affordable Care, uh, affordable Care Act should be invalidated saying the remainder of the Affordable Care Act should not be allowed to remain in effect. The brief was filed in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

It’s like they’re trying to kill us or something. On July 7th, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued its final rule on payday care and title lending, undoing consumer protections and threatening to devastate, devastate communities of color that are already facing the worst fallout of the pandemic.

Also on July 7th, the [00:44:00] Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights Issued a notice in the Federal Register proposing changes to the Federal Rights Data Collection, because, you know, you don’t want to know about stuff, including removal of several questions regarding school and district characteristics, discipline, school finance, and data disaggregation.

So, so the, the, the Office for Civil Rights, who you would think would want to know as much as possible about civil rights and who’s being affected, um, is, um, Removing certain questions, several questions about those things that we want to know about. On July 8th, the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice issued a proposal rule that would bar asylum seekers from countries with disease outbreaks.

The proposal does not [00:45:00] say whether it would only apply during a global pandemic, but instead would depend on determinations made by the Attorney General and Homeland Security Secretary in consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services. For On July 14th, the Department of Justice filed a brief asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas after a three judge panel of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the D. C. Circuit unanimously upheld a lower court ruling that blocked the work requirements. On July 14th, like the government, the federal government’s working against. The people that are trying to, to make things better, like actively working against them.

On July 14th, the federal government executed Daniel Lewis Lee, the first federal execution in more than 17 years, after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. So this is where Trump starts going on a killing spree. [00:46:00] This is the first federal execution. He goes on a killing spree for the rest of the year.

On July 15th, the Trump administration finalized a rule proposed by the White House Council on Environmental Equality to change how the federal government implements the National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA. NEPA is the federal law signed by President Nixon, a Republican in 1970, that safeguards air, water, and land by requiring environmental assets.

The results of major infrastructure projects the Trump administration’s rule limits the number of projects that require in depth environmental review and no longer requires federal agencies to weigh a project’s vulnerability to climate change or impact on global warming.

Now they’re, they’re attacking the earth. On July 16th, the Commission on Unalienable Rights, the formation of which was announced in July [00:47:00] 2019 by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, released a draft report to the public. Experts described the report as undermining decades of human rights progress. Do we need to, more of this stuff?

Do we need to, to elect these people again? On July 16th, because you know, the people That were on his cabinet back then are probably going to be the same people that are going to be on it acting again Acting not later. They’re not confirmed by Congress. They’re all acting puppet people On July 16th, the federal government executed Wesley Ira Perkey, the second federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty.
Also on July 17th, the federal government executed Dustin Lee Honkin. The third federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. [00:48:00] He’s finally getting to kill people. He’s killing like a million, a million, a million. He’s killing Americans by the tens of thousands with the pandemic.

And now he’s like literally killing people on death row. On July 21st, Trump signed a mirandum attempting to ban undocumented immigrants from counting toward congressional apportionment following the 2020 census. On July 23rd, Secretary Carson terminated the Obama era Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule, replacing it with a new rule called Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice.

The, um, Obama era rule Aim to combat segregation and housing policy. Ben Carson was a black man. You would think you would not want to have [00:49:00] segregation in housing policy, but I don’t know. That’s, that’s, that’s Not for me to, to make his decisions. On July 28th, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, issued a morandum to drastically curtail the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program, while the agency decides whether to rescind the program completely.

The memo is in response to the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in June 2020 that found the violated the Administrative Procedure Act when it rescinded the program in September 2017.

On July 30th, NPR reported that the U. S. Census Bureau would be cutting census door knocking a month short. On August 3rd, the Bureau released a statement confirming that both field data collection and self response would be ending a month early on September 30th. They don’t [00:50:00] really want to know about America, apparently, who really makes up this country.
On August 6th, Trump appointed J. Christian Adams to serve on the U. S. Commission on Civil Rights and was sworn in one week later. Adams, who is a member of the President’s Voter Suppression Commission, was appointed to the U. S. CCR. On the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, like a slap in the face, on, on August 8th, Trump signed a series of politically motivated executive actions amid the coronavirus pandemic. One of the memos he signed defers payroll taxes from September through December 2020. Trump also said that if reelected, he would permanently terminate the payroll tax. In a letter to Senate Democrats on August 24th, Stephen Goss Chief actuary of this [00:51:00] social secretary or social security administration said that such a move would deplete social security by mid 2023.

Good thing we didn’t keep him in office, huh? We wouldn’t have social security now.

On August 18th, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission signaled its intent to create burdensome new rules for its conciliation process that could tip the scales in favor of employers and potentially expose workers who file workplace discrimination claims, as well as potential witnesses, to retaliation.

Trump’s all about the retaliation, isn’t he? Let’s not vote him into office and see what he means by retaliating and being a Dictator for a day. A dick tator. On August 18th, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission signaled its intent to create burdensome new rules. Oh, I’m sorry, I just read that. [00:52:00] On August 19th, the U.S. Agency for International Development released an updated draft policy on gender and women’s empowerment that eliminated any reference to transgender people or contraceptives. See, they’re coming after your birth control. On August 21st, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing House Resolution 8015, the Delivering for America Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports.
On August 26th, Eric Dreeben, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, sent letters to the governors of Pennsylvania, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York, all Democrats, Requesting information under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act about the coronavirus response of public nursing homes in their states.

The move, which occurred during the Republican National Convention. It was viewed as a political move, targeting Democrats to [00:53:00] distract from the President’s failed response to the pandemic. On August 26, the Department of Education issued a Dear Educators and Stakeholders letter announcing the withdrawal of eight guidance documents, including its rationale that previous support the document, the Department expressed for diversity, for advocating for policy preferences and positions beyond the requirements of the Constitution in Title VI.

Thanks. I mean, if the stuff’s in there, why do you go through the hassle of removing it unless you have an ulterior motive for removing these protections against people? This guidance of how to handle certain situations. On August 26th, the federal government executed lesbian Charles Mitchell.

Killingsbury, the fourth federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. On August, [00:54:00] the next day, on August 28th, the federal government executed Keith Duane Nelson, the fifth federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty.

On August 31st, the Department of Education issued a notice in the Federal Register that it had rescinded almost 100 guidance documents issued since the 1990s. These guidance documents on how to handle different situations within the Department of Education were all rescinded by Betsy DeVos.

And if you wonder why the, the, why, why the current administration, why the, the Biden administration is having so much problems getting stuff done, well they had to undo all this crap that Trump did for four years, first. On September 2nd, Trump sent a memorandum [00:55:00] to the Attorney General and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget that threatened to pull federal funding from anarchist jurisdictions, quote, unquote, cities that are, quote, unquote, that are permanently anarchy, violence, and destruction.

This was also viewed as a political move targeting cities where people are protesting police brutality and systemic racism. On September 3rd, the U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued an opinion, later abandoning its long standing interpretation of Section 707 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, undoing, undoing long standing interpretations that people have fought for for decades. You know, hundreds of years. In some cases, just undoing them. On [00:56:00] September 4th, the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued a final rule that severely weakens the desperate impact tool under the Fair Housing Act, which will make millions of people more vulnerable to housing discrimination.

On September 4th, Russell Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, Voit, I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m so bad with pronouncing things. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget sent a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies instructing them to end anti racist trainings that address white privilege and critical race theory, calling them divisive anti American propaganda.

On September 8th, the Department of Justice filed a brief in support of an Indiana Catholic school that was sued for firing a teacher in a same sex marriage. Also, on September 8th, a whistleblower complaint from a Department of Homeland Security official [00:57:00] alleged that top Department of Homeland Security officials, including Chad Wolf and Ken Cuccinelli, directed analysts to downplay threats from violent white supremacy and Russian election interference.

They want to hide the fact that white supremacists were causing these riots. It wasn’t the BLM protesters, it was white supremacists, and if you look it up, you can find out, that you can see, that most of the people arrested were white supremacists, and Russian intellectual election interference, Russian election interference, I mean, we know, we know that has happened, the CIA has said it has, it happened, um, they, they went to downplay the threats. Why? Because it’s helping them. [00:58:00] On September 17th, the AP reported that the Department of Education is threatening to withhold some federal funding from Connecticut school districts if they follow a school, a state policy that allows transgender girls to compete as girls.

In high school sports on September 22nd, Trump issued an executive order prohibiting federal agencies, federal contractors, and grantees from engaging in anti discrimination workplace diversity trainings. The administration deemed divisive.

They don’t like diversity, do they? It’s, it’s only divisive if you’re white and you can’t accept the fact that black people and Uh, uh, LGBTQ people, uh, Muslims, you know, all of us, all of us are equal. It’s only divisive if you [00:59:00] don’t think that we’re all equal.

On September 22nd, the Department of Labor proposed a rule that would make it easier for employers to misclassify workers and deny them minimum wage and overtime protections, attacking workers. On September 22nd. Here we go again. Another killing spree. The federal government executed William Emmett LaCroix Jr., the sixth federal execution, in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. See, he doesn’t have to shoot somebody anywhere to have his followers do it. He can just go into office and kill people every day on death row. And that’s it. And people will elect him president.

Please don’t elect him president so he can do this. Please.

It’s, it’s very barbaric, very barbarian.[01:00:00]

On September 22nd, the Trump administration asked the U. S. Supreme Court to schedule oral arguments in a case related to Trump’s July 2020 memorandum attempting to ban undocumented immigrants from counting toward congressional apportionment following the 2020 census. On September 10th, a three judge district court had barred the administration from implementing the memo.

On September 24th, the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued its final rule to gut the desperate. impact tool under the Federal Housing Act, which will make it harder to challenge systemic racism by housing providers, financial institutions, and insurance companies that deprive people of the services and opportunities they need.

On September 24th, the federal government executed Christopher Andre Villalba, the seventh Federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration [01:01:00] resumed the federal death penalty. On September 30th, gosh, September is so busy. The state department told Congress that it would allow only 15, 000 refugees to resettle in the United States in the 2021 fiscal year.

Which began the following day. Wow. Talk about short notice. On October 1st, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing House Resolution 8406, the HEROES Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. We talked about the HEROES Act earlier. On October 6th, Microsoft revealed that the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs contacted the company over its commitments to increasing diversity.

According to Microsoft, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs has focused on whether Microsoft’s commitment to double the number of Black and African American people, [01:02:00] managers, um, senior individual contributors and senior leaders in our workforce by 2025 could constitute unlawful discrimination on the basis of race.

which would violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. The OFCCP contacted Wells Fargo for the same reason, saying that if they were to double the number of Black and African American people who are managers, senior individual contributors, and senior leaders, in the company that they would be in violation of the discrimination on, uh, would be in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
I mean, they’re, they’re really consistently attacking people that need the most help. On October 7th, the Trump administration filed an emergency application with the U. S. Supreme Court [01:03:00] in an attempt to halt the 2020 census count early. The application was filed under the 9th After the 9th Circuit upheld a district court’s ruling that the administration could not stop the count at the end of September.

See, remember, they wanted to stop it early. On October 8th, a Justice Department member suspended all diversity and inclusion training for the department’s employees and managers in compliance with Trump’s recent executive order banning anti bias trainings. I mean, we don’t, we, we want you to discriminate against people and we don’t even want you to know that you’re discriminating against people.

On October 21st, Trump signed an executive order that could expand his ability to hire and fire tens of thousands of federal employees. The order would allow federal agencies to reclassify certain workers, which would strip them of job protections. See, this is so he can appoint his own people. If he were to win the election in November, [01:04:00] um, this would have put all his, so he would have been able to strip these people of their job protections.

Take and put his own, you know, people in there that do his bidding. The National President of the American Federation of Government Employees referred to the order as the most profound undermining of the civil sense of the civil service in our lifetimes. The most profound undermining of the civil service in our lifetimes during the first Trump administration.

Let’s not make the same mistake again. On November 1st, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Department of the Treasury Approved Georgia’s waiver request under Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act, which allows the state to exit the federal marketplace without creating a state based marketplace to replace it.

This would endanger coverage and access to care for tens of thousands of people. On November 2nd, Trump has signed an executive order establishing the President’s Advisory [01:05:00] 1776 Commission to promote patriotic Education, quote, unquote, the commission teased by Trump in remarks on September 17th was reviewed as a political move aimed at censoring the teaching of American history and as an attack on the New York Times Pulitzer Prize winning 1619 project, which details the nation’s history beginning with the first enslaved Africans when the first enslaved Africans were brought to America on November 9th in a memo to U.

S. Attorneys. Attorney General Barr authorized the opening of election fraud investigations, quote unquote, if there are clear and apparently credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual state. The memo, for which there was no factual basis, was reviewed, was viewed as an attempt to sow chaos and led to the [01:06:00] resignation of Richard Pilger, Director of the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Election Crimes Branch.

On November 13th, U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced a revised naturalization civics exam that will create unfair and unnecessary obstacles to lawful permanent residents pursuing U. S. citizenship.

This country was built on immigrants. Why, why are we stopping it? Especially when, like, people are not wanting to have kids. We need the, we need people to come to this country to, for, to build and grow.

On November 16th, the Social Security Administration finalized a rule that could make it more difficult for people who apply for disability benefits to appeal denials by [01:07:00] allowing agency attorneys to hear appeals rather than impartial and independent administrative law judges. On November 19th, see, so, so they, they, they finalized this rule that allows the agency attorneys to hear the appeals rather than an administrative law judge because when Trump goes and appoints the people that he wants into the offices, then they’ll, they’ll, they’ll be free to, um, to deny people disability benefits.

On November 19th, the federal government executed Orlando Cordia Hall, the eighth federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. On November 24th, CNN reported that the Justice Department’s Executive Office for Immigration Review was ordering some immigrants facing deportation to file to stay in the [01:08:00] United States, rushing the process and increasing the likelihood of deportation.

The orders appeared to be signed by supervisory judges, not judges assigned to the cases. So now they’re trying to, to make it, you know, just putting in people just to, to sign off so that immigrants are deported quickly. They’re not even the judges in charge of the cases. I mean, think about what these legal precedents set for the rest of us Americans.

These are legal precedents that if they use it in this case, they can use it in another case. It can apply in another case. On December 7th, the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs announced a final rule that expands the ability of federal contractors to claim religious exemptions from federal non discrimination laws and regulations, allowing them to discriminate discriminate against people of color, religious minorities, [01:09:00] women, and LGBTQ people.

On December 8th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing the conference report to, uh, uh, um, accompany House Resolution 6395, the National Defense Authorization Act. Their opposition was based in large part on the inclusion of language that would rename all bases and other military assets named for the Confederacy.

We’re the United States of America. Why are we honoring a country that is not our country? The Confederate, the Confederacy is not our country. The United States of America is our country. Only American generals should have their names on U. S. military bases, not Confederate. The other side, that’s the other side.

I mean, yes, they’re in our own country, but it’s still the other side. And that’s not a country we [01:10:00] want. So don’t elect them tomorrow. That’s not the country we want. We want the United States of America back. I’m sorry. We want to keep the United States of America. We don’t want to make it great and Confederate.

On December 10th, the federal government executed Brandon Bernard, again, another killing spree, the ninth federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. On December 11th, the Departments of Homeland Security and Justice finalized a sweeping new rule that creates additional barriers to asylum eligibility and limits who can qualify for protection.

People who claim they will face persecution based on gender or gang violence, for example, would generally not qualify for asylum under these new rules. On December 11th, the federal government executed Alfred [01:11:00] Bourgeois, the Bourgeois, Bourgeois, Bourgeois. The 10th federal execution, more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty on December 12th, justice department lawyers acknowledged that the expulsion of 66.

Unaccompanied migrant children without a court hearing or asylum interview by U. S. border officials represented a contravention of a November district court ruling. On December 16th, the Department of Justice finalized a rule that strips the Executive Office for Immigration Review of its ability to make a reasoned decision on a fully developed record and blocks people in immigration proceedings from mounting an effective appeal.

So for like two weeks, he laid off, but then in 2021, [01:12:00] they started back up again on January 8th. They got to get in their last blows before they get out of office. This is January 8th, 2021. The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights released a memorandum misconstruing the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clinton County and its application to Title IX of the Education Amendments. of the, of 1972, refusing to apply Bostock, which prohibits discrimination against LBGTQ people, to federal education law. On January 8th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approved a new Medicaid financing system in Tennessee, a 10 year quote unquote experiment, threatening healthcare for the 1.

4 million people in the state’s Medicaid program. On January 12th, the Department of Health and Human Services finalized a rule that allows social service providers that receive government funding to discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity. They’re [01:13:00] using your tax dollars to discriminate.

On January 12, 2021, a letter from the Office of the Inspector General at the Department of Commerce outlined whistleblower complaints that Census Bureau Director, Dr. Stephen Dillingham, ordered staff to prioritize the unconstitutional and premature production of a technical report that would include data on documented and undocumented immigrants in the United States, a directive motivated by partisan objectives.

Dr. Dillingham resigned six days later following demands from civil rights organizations and members of Congress, On January 13th, the federal government executed Lisa Montgomery. Gotta get a woman in there, otherwise his killing spree wouldn’t be complete. The 11th federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. I’d be interested to see the races of these people [01:14:00] too.

On January 14th, the federal government executed Corey Johnson. He has nothing else to do but kill people at this point. The 12th federal execution in more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty. Imagine being like 5 days away from being president of the United States and your highest priority is killing people on death row.

On January 16th, the federal government executed Dustin John Higgs. 13th federal execution. Did I read about Cory? Did I just read about Lisa Montgomery? Did I read about Cory Johnson? We’ll read about Cory Johnson again, just in case. On January 14th, the federal government executed Cory Johnson, the 12th federal execution, more than 17 years after the Trump administration resumed the federal death penalty.

On January 16th, the federal government executed Dustin John Higgs. That’s like the 13th, the 14th, and the 16th were all 15th and 15th was probably I don’t I don’t know why he skipped the 15th. Probably had to [01:15:00] golf that day. I don’t know. Um, on January 16th, the federal government executed Dustin John Higgs, the 13th federal execution, more than 17 years after the federal government resumed the federal death penalty.

On January 18th, which is my birthday, which was also MLK Day, Trump’s 1776 commission issued a report calling for patriotic education, quote unquote. Comparing progressivism to fascism. Are you freaking kidding me? You’re the one limiting people. You’re the one discriminating against people. That’s what fascists do.

=And communism. Really? You’re centralizing the wealth into the hands of, of, of the wealthy, the, the billionaire class that seems more like communism, centralizing the wealth in the hands of one area that seems more like one, one that seems like communism to me. Centralized wealth.
Comparing progressivism to fascism and [01:16:00] communism and justifying the nation’s founding on the basis of slavery. So they justified slavery. We wouldn’t have this country if it wasn’t for slavery. Of course we wouldn’t. And you need to acknowledge that it’s bad. And no other country needs to be formed on that basis.

Otherwise you turn it, you have this, this problem that we have now where we have a white supremacist that’s running for office And he’s, could potentially be elected president again, after doing all this crap. Thankfully, that was the last day. Um, he had to get out of the office on the 20th so that Biden could come in and take over, but you know, he was busy back down to the last minute, killing people.

And his, his, his, um, pandemic policies killed a lot of people too. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, more than some wars. [01:17:00] So think about that tomorrow when you go to the ballot box. Um, and, um, I’ll be posting this pretty soon. You can find this podcast, Mary Kind of Contrary podcast, um, on all the places where you can find podcasts.

And also, um, I will have it up on marykindofcontrary. com soon. So thank you so much for listening. Um, And please vote tomorrow, no matter what party you are. I respect your right to vote. And, um, you may see me later today or early, early tomorrow morning because I’m going to lay out what has happened to me since I spoke at a school board meeting where Proud Boys were present.

What has been happening to me the past three years. Thank you and I’ll see you guys later. Bye for [01:18:00] now.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 6 - The Trump Administration's Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks of 2019: Will It Ever End?


Mary Lemanski reads and comments on a list, compiled by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, of the Trump Administration’s civil and human rights rollbacks during the third year of his administration. One more year to go in this four part series!


Hello, hello, hello. It’s been a while. I’m Mary Lemanski and this is the Mary Kinda Contrary podcast. And, um, I was just looking and it’s been a year and seven months since I put out an episode. Um, and so I thought, what the heck, I’m going to go live. I’m really nervous, but I’m going to go live. Um, I’m not going to play any music or do any kind of fanfare because I really want to get down to business because this is serious.

Our future of our country is at stake. Our civil and human liberties are at stake. And if you go look at my, or listen, I guess, to my past episodes at marykindacontrary. com. You’ll see the last two or the last two episodes were the first two years of, uh, civil and human rights rollbacks during the Trump administration.

I literally read everything, um, that happened in the year in each episode. So, um, today we’re going to be talking about 2019. But I already have episodes on 2018 and 2017. So if you want to check those out, plus a bunch of other, um, stuff in the other, uh, three episodes that were posted so far, but I really don’t want this, um, podcast to be completely about politics.

It’d be great to have just a segment about politics and talk about other stuff. Okay. Um, but right now it just needs to be about politics because Tuesday, um, America, we have an important decision to make. And the reason why I haven’t been putting out episodes is because every time I put out an episode, I get emails and, and weird calls and, and messages and my DMs.

That are there, some of them are scary and, and it’s just, it feels harassing and threatening. And so I feel I was, um, I was watching, I was watching TV the last week, I guess. Um, when, uh, uh, when Eminem got up and spoke, I was like, Um, in Detroit for Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, introducing Barack Obama.

And, and he said, um, you know, I don’t think anyone wants an America where people are worried about retribution and I’m living proof and over the next few days, I’m going to go live as much as possible. Um, and, and for, you know, an hour or so at a time. Um, these next two times this today, it’ll be right now we’ll be talking about, um, the civil and human rights rollbacks during the Trump administration, 2019, and then maybe later today or tomorrow, I will talk about the 2020 rollbacks, but then I’m going to get on here live again at some point before Tuesday and talk about.

What I’ve been through for the past three years, since I talked, since I got up and spoke at a school board meeting and they were a proud voice there. So I’ll tell you what it’s going to be like if Trump becomes president and you get retribution for speaking out against him or against Republicans. And they’re fringe groups.

So, I felt that I needed to come on here and do this as a last, you know, my last stitch ever. This is for me, um, but it’s also for all of you. And, um, okay, so, let’s just get into this. And we’ll talk about, we’ll talk about all of that later. Um, 2019.

Sorry, trying to get a hold of myself. Trying to get centered. One second. Pardon me, I’m gonna blow my nose. I’m not on camera because you’ll probably hear it, but I don’t want you to see it.

Okay, so for those of you listening to this later on, um, after I posted this as a podcast on the networks that regularly carry podcasts, um, uh, just so you know, this is being broadcast live on Facebook. And if you want to hear any of the live, future live broadcasts, Um, just go to facebook. com slash Mary kind is my kind of contrary podcast, I believe

so. Um, okay,

well, let’s get on with it.

2019 on January 3rd, uh, two days after new year’s starting early, the Washington post reported that the Trump administration. is considering rolling back desperate impact regulations that provide anti discrimination protections to people of color, women, and others. So if they want you to, to think that what happened at Madison Square Gardens, um, um, uh, a few days ago was, you know, like not normal.

On the, on January 3rd, 2019, the Washington Post reported that the Trump administration considered, was considering rolling back regulations that provide anti discrimination protections to people of color, women and others. It’s right there. They do, they did it and listen to the other two episodes before this, they did it and they did it.

And they’re doing it in this year and, and I mean 2019 and they’re doing it in 2020 and they’ve been doing it since. On January 4th, the next day, the Guardian reported that the Trump administration has stopped cooperating with and responding to United Nations investigations over potential human rights violations in the, in the United States.

Never did I think that the United Nations would be investigating, wanting to investigate the United States. S, that’s why Trump really doesn’t wanna be in the United Nations. On January 23rd, the Department of Health and Human Services granted a waiver to South Carolina to allow state licensed child welfare agencies to discriminate in accordance with religious beliefs.

What happened at his separation of church and state? On January 25th, the Department of Homeland Security began implementing the migrant protection protocols, also known as the Remain in Mexico policy. Which forces central Americans seeking asylum to return to Mexico for an indefinite amount of time while their claims are processed.

On January 29th, the department of justice reversed its position in a Texas voting rights case saying the state should not need to have its voting, uh, voting changes pre cleared with the federal government. So it can just do whatever it wants. In a federal election, career voting rights lawyers at the department declined to sign the brief.

On January 6th, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, under the direction of Trump appointed director Cathy Craninger, I believe, released its plan to roll back the central protections of the agency’s 2017 payday and car title lending rule.

So, rolling back consumer protections. On February 15th, Trump announced that he would declare a national emergency on the southern border in an attempt to end run the Congress in order to build a harmful and wasteful border wall. Remember this, I mean, there are, there’s rebar, pictures of rebar ladders going over this, these walls and I mean it hurts the environment.

It’s not really helping anything. Did the Great Wall of China keep people out? No. Um, I mean it did for a while, but I mean that was back then when people rode around on horses and didn’t have things that could blow holes in walls and could dig tunnels under walls. Well, maybe they had stuff like that, that back then, but anyway, I digress.

On February 22nd, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a final rule to significantly undermine the Title X family planning program’s ability to properly serve its patients and to provide its hallmark quality care. The rule’s provision will have far reaching implications for all Title X funded programs, the services provided, and And the ability of patients to seek and receive high quality confidential family planning and preventative health care services.

So, when they say they’re not coming for your birth control, they are. On February 25th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H. R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act, which the Leadership Conference in Civil and Human Rights supports. For Um, I’m getting all of this, by the way, I should say, um, from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

I, um, had mentioned this in the previous two episodes, but I should mention it here as well that this information is all coming from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, which basically is a watchdog group for Civil and Human Rights. Um, okay. On February 25th, oh, I already said that. On February 26th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H.

J. Res. 46, a resolution terminating the national emergency on the southern border declared by President Trump, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. On September 25th, the White House issued a statement opposing the Senate’s companion resolution. Um, so Congress basically terminated that national emergency on the southern border that the President declared.

And then he issued a statement opposing the, the House did that and then the, and then the White House, um, issued a statement opposing the Senate’s decision. Companion resolution to the house, which meant that the house and the Senate both thought that the national emergency on the Southern border should be terminated.

All the brown people coming over the border, um, uh, border crossing is a, is a misdemeanor by the way, not a felony. So when Trump and. And his buddies came up with the idea that taking children away from their parents for a misdemeanor crime, which, you know, like shoplifting or light shoplifting, um, to take their children away for a misdemeanor, um, that is now legal precedent in American history, that, that somewhere in American history, uh, we were, um, At a federal level, able to take kids away from their parents for a misdemeanor.

Um, and nobody really thought anything of it, or it didn’t seem like anybody did anything about it for months and months and months. Luckily that has been remedied, but we don’t want to go back. Um, okay, so, where was I? Okay.

On March 5th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H. R. 1, the For the People Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. On March 7th, the Department of Labor issued a proposed revision to the overtime rule, which proposes to raise the salary threshold to an amount of 35, 308.

A far lower than the Obama administration department’s previously finalized rule of 47, 476. Um,

yeah, so definitely not for workers there. On March 11th, the Trump administration released its fiscal year 2020 budget proposal, which requested 8. 6 billion for a southern border wall. Think how many Other useful things we could do with 8. 6 billion dollars as. As as a country, that’s a whole lot of money.

Um, so he, uh, that that budget proposal request 8. 6Billion dollars for the southern border law, put her law, put her. Pretty and slip their, um. Requested and inexplicably and. Irresponsibly low figure for 2020 census operations, so you didn’t want much money going toward the census and finding out what people really, uh, who it makes up America and, you know, their needs and propose deeply troubling cuts to the social safety net, including cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, social security, and snap.

So when he says that. He doesn’t want to take those things away from you. He already tried to with his fiscal year 2020 budget proposal. Luckily, there were enough Democrats to may say it. On March 12th, the department of defense issued guidance for enacting the transgender military ban to begin in 30 days.

So we’re not. We’re, we’re discriminating now against transgender people. On March 25th, the Trump administration said in an appeals court filing that the entire, entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down. That was March 25th, 2019. And you can look all these things up. It’s not like people make these things up and there’s not documents to back this stuff up.

He’s the president of the United States. Everything he did and said was documented. Practically, except those things that happened behind closed doors with Putin, but. On April 11th, the Trump administration ordered all federal agencies to put important policy decisions on hold until they had been reviewed by the White House, making it take even longer for independent regulators to respond to problems like risky lending practices.

Uh, you wonder why the government’s slow, let’s make it slower. On April 12th, Politico reported that the Trump administration will not nominate or re nominate anyone to the 18 member United Nations committee on the elimination of racial discrimination. Didn’t think that was important, I guess. On April 17th, Department of Housing and Urban Development proposed a rule eventually published on May 10th, seeking to restrict housing assistance for families with mixed citizenship status.

So, basically, if you, you are American and you have someone in your household. That is not, um. A citizen, you know. Uh, and. I don’t, you can’t be restricted from getting housing assistance. The agency’s own analysis showed that the proposal could lead to 55, 000 children becoming temporarily homeless. Just what we need, 50, 000, 55, 000 homeless children, in addition to the ones that we already have.

On April 19th, the Department of Health and Human Services published a proposal to reverse an Obama era rule. That required the data collection of the sexual orientation and gender identity of youth in foster care along with their foster parents, adoptive parents, or legal guardians. Um, so basically they wanted to collect information on, um, youth that are in foster care, um, whether they are transgender or had, um, their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Um, because a lot of times, you know, transgender kids are kicked out of the house. Gay kids kicked out of the house, um, or abused, and so, um, and so, you know, these things are important because, you know, if there’s, if there’s a pattern, then there is a, maybe if we find a way to disrupt the pattern, then, you know, we can help find a solution to the problem.

So, that’s why we want to investigate all these things and why we need to know these things. Um, I don’t know the, the, the mindset behind wanting to not know these things.

On May 2nd, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a final rule to allow health workers to cite religious or moral objections to deny care to patients, which will substantially harm the health. And well being of many people in America, particularly women and transgender patients.


so basically that’s the federal government deciding that its health workers can not give you a service, even though you’re a tax paying citizen, because they disagree with your lifestyle.

On May 6th, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services published a final rule targeting home care workers, who are mostly women of color, designed to stop them from paying union dues and benefits through payroll deduction,

again, attacking workers. On May 6th, the Office of Management and Budget proposed regulatory changes that could result in cuts in federal aid to millions of low income Americans. By changing how inflation is used to calculate the definition of poverty.

So, there is, he’s making fiscal changes to undermine poor people.

On May 20th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H. R. 15, the Consumers First Act, which the Leadership Conference in Civil and Human Rights supports. So, of course, he would oppose anything putting consumers first. On May 22nd, the Department of Housing and Urban Development proposed changing the Obama era equal access rule to allow homeless shelters to deny access based on a person’s gender identity.

So, okay, the people, the kids thrown out on the street now can’t go into a shelter either.

On May 24th, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a proposed rule to weaken the non discrimination, let’s weaken all these non discrimination policies and protections.

Um, announced a proposed rule to weaken the non discrimination protections of the Affordable Care Act. The rule, if implemented, would harm millions of people in America by allowing healthcare professionals or providers to deny care to marginalized communities and worsen already existing health disparities.

So we’re not quite, oh, we are almost halfway through the middle, halfway through the year. We still got June. A lot going on. Thank you. Um, on June 3rd, the White House that just to remind everyone, this is the Trump administration in 2019, the 3rd year of his administration. He’d been doing this for 2 years prior to that.

So go listen to the previous episodes on June 6. I’m sorry on June 3rd, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing HR 6, the American Dream and Promise Act. Let’s oppose the American dream and promises. Which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. Should we look up?

Let’s, let’s, let’s be curious and just look up what H. R. 6, the American Dream and Promises Act was. I’m curious.

Because you can look these things up.

Do your research. Like, for real. Watch YouTube videos. Look up the documents.

So it looks like there was one that came up in 2020. What was the one in 2019?

Oh, of course. Of course, the dreamers. The dreamers. This bill cancels and prohibits removal proceedings against certain aliens and provides such aliens a path toward permanent resident status. Of course he opposed that one. Of course.

People have lived here their whole lives. This is the, like, the only home they really remember. Yeah, we’re, we’re going to kick them out.

Okay. On June 6th, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a final rule that delayed the compliance date for the agency’s 2017 payday and car title lending rule. And there’s consumer protections again. On June 10th, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Kevin acting, I got it. I have to, to emphasize that, that most of the people on Trump’s cabinet were acting, they weren’t actually approved by Congress because they would never would have passed approval.

So he has this little puppet government in there acting. Um, on June 10th, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. Who wants an acting Secretary of Homeland Security? You want an actual, verified, congressional approved Secretary of Homeland Security.

On June 10th, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Kevin McLean, Announced that, Immigration hardliner Ken Cuccinelli was the new acting director of U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Five months later, the new acting Secretary of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, named Cuccinelli to be the senior official performing the duties of the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security.

A federal judge and the Government Accountability Office respectively said that Cuccinelli, Cuccinelli’s appointments were illegal.

The senior official performing the duties of the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security. Wow. Alright. So, um, just so you know, my, my, My theory is that if Trump does win the election on Tuesday, that the Supreme Court will make Joe Biden’s presidency null and void and all of these things will go back into effect.

That’s just my theory. Um, On June 12th, Trump asserted executive privilege to block congressional access to documents related to the addition of an untested citizenship question to the 2020 census. He didn’t want people to know the racist stuff that was said in the background. On, or the hateful bigoted stuff that was said in the background, probably, for, um, the untested citizenship question on the 2020 census.

On June 21st, it was reported that Trump had directed U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents to conduct a mass roundup of migrant families.

No, he’s not like Hitler at all. The following day, the president announced that the raids were delayed. But has continued to threaten them. And guess what? On that first day of dictatorship, ha ha, there’s going to be a lot of raids. On July 1st, oh god, thank god, it’s the second half of the year. Take a break.

There’s no alcohol in this, it’s just caffeine.

Too early in the morning to be drinking. Plus I don’t drink that much anymore. Alrighty.

I’m more of a social tricker. Alright. And when I do, it’s only like one to three drinks, depending on how long the night is. And, uh, I don’t know why I’m going into this talk about alcohol. Because I don’t want you to think I’m a lush because it’s 8. 30 in the morning. 8. 26 AM here.

And I’m drinking soda. Actually, Dr. Pepper, to be exact. Okay. Which isn’t good. I should be drinking like green tea, which I do a lot. Why am I telling you about my drinks? All right. Anyway, on July 1st, the Department of Education rescinded the gainful employment rule that identified higher education programs that routinely left students with unaffordable debt.

The rule had been designed to ensure that students who needed to borrow loans were able to reap the benefits of their investment in education. I mean, if you pay for something, don’t you want to be able to use it and reap the benefits? So, um,

so yeah, he’s attacking, um, now people that are paying back student debt. In case we hadn’t hit that yet this year. On July 3rd, the Department of Housing and Urban Development removed the requirements that applicants for homelessness funding maintain anti discrimination policies and demonstrate efforts to serve LGBT people and their families, which had included in notices of funding availability for several prior years.

So he’s allowing discrimination against homeless LGBT people. Cue people in case the other two things didn’t do enough that he had already done this year. That year, meaning 2019. Um, on July 8th, the State Department created the Commission on Unalienable Rights aimed at providing review of the role of human rights in American foreign policy.

Seven of the appointees to commission have disturbing anti LGBTQ records.

On July 15th, the administration moved to end asylum protections for most Central American immigrants, I mean migrants, deeming anyone who passes through another country ineligible for asylum at the U. S. southern border. So basically you had to fly in and then overstay your visa, then it’s okay. Then it’s okay.

Then you can stay here in America. But if you cross over that border, um, yeah, that, that’s not okay. Did you know that 80 percent of close to 80 percent were like 70, some high 70 percent of, uh, illegal migrants into this country are people that flew in here and overstayed their visa. It’s not. People crossing the border, um, the southern border in particular.

On July 15th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H. R. 582, the Raise the Wage Act. He doesn’t want you to have higher wages. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. Which the civil, uh, leadership conference on civil and human rights. Oh, my alarms.

Sorry about that. On July 23rd, the Trump administration published a notice in the federal registration, uh, federal register that expands expedited removals to a wider range of undocumented immigrants. The move threatened same day deportation for anyone who cannot immediately show they have been in the United States continuously for two years without.

a hearing, oversight, review, or appeal. It also threatens to trigger massive racial profiling and roundups for immigrants and citizens in the United States. So basically he expanded, um, the expedited removals of many undocumented immigrants, um, and including telling people that they had to go back right that minute, same day, um, if they couldn’t prove they’d been in the U.

S. for For two years and had been, and there’s no hearing, no oversight, no review, no appeal. Um, usually in this country, if a law has been broken, you have a right to trial and all that sort of thing. It’s in the constitution.

All right.

On July 23rd, the Trump administration proposed a rule that could cut more than 3 million people from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Let’s take food away from poor people. Aren’t we supposed to feed the sick? I mean, feed the sick. Feed the hungry and take care of the sick. And, you know, welcome the stranger, the migrant.

Jesus was a migrant. Jesus was a refugee. He had to cross over in Egypt because Herod wanted to kill him. His family. So they went over into Egypt. They were refugees. So anytime you speak bad about a refugee and you’re Christian, you need to think about Jesus being a refugee and hold your tongue or, you know, think about it.

So anyway, the Trump administration proposed a rule that could cut more than 3 million people from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, SNAP, or food stamps, after Congress blocked similar efforts into that in 2018. So Congress stopped Trump from cutting people off of, from having food, and then he tried it again the next year.

On July 25th, Attorney General William Barr announced that the federal government will reverse a nearly two decade moratorium to resume the federal death penalty. Yay! Let’s kill people on top of everything else. Let’s be barbarians.

On July 3rd, Bloomberg Law reported that the Department of Housing and Urban Development plans to issue a proposed rule to amend the agency’s desperate, desperate impact regulations that provide anti discrimination protections to people of color, women, and others. If enacted, millions of people in America would be more vulnerable to housing discrimination with fewer tools to challenge it.

The proposal was officially published in the Federal Register on August 19th. Look it up.

On August 7th, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, Raided seven food processing plants in Mississippi and arrested 680 undocumented immigrants, representing the largest workplace raid in more than a decade. The raids, part of this administration’s dangerous anti immigrant agenda, left some children parentless.

and locked out of their homes after school.

Where’s the compassion? Where, why are we paying taxes to be this heartless government? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. That’s said by the people up, up, up above that are the ones that give you the money so that you can buy those bootstraps. Maybe they need to give you more money so you can buy the bootstraps.

On August 12th, the administration announced its final public charge rule, which makes it more difficult for immigrants who come to the United States legally to stay as permanent residents if they have used or are viewed as likely to use public benefits. So you can’t stay here if you’re poor. Never mind about, you know, the American dream and You know, working hard and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, you can’t stay here if you’re poor.

On August 13th, Bloomberg Law reported that the Department of Justice is urging the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to change its position and urge the U. S. Supreme Court to rule that businesses can discriminate against LGBTQ workers.

That doesn’t sound like we’re all equal. Under the law.

What business is it of yours? What’s somebody’s sexual orientation is? I mean, if they want to outwardly profess it,

aren’t you, are you against freedom of speech? Are you against freedom of expression? What exactly are you against? You think their lifestyle is wrong. Well, then turn the other cheek. Walk away, shake the dust off your, your sandals and walk away.

It’s not for you. And it’s not for you to tell somebody else how to raise their kids. Do you want somebody else telling you how to raise your kids? Because I was raised in a, in a house where 700 club with Pat Robertson every night. And so not only did I have this guilt, but then I had the guilt on top of the guilt.

And I’m going to tell you that it’s fucked up. It’s, it’s messed up. That mentality is not right. You can have a personal connection with the supreme divine being that is, that, that created all of this. Without going after somebody else that the supreme divine being also created. So I just, I, I know all about, I know all about that mindset.

I used to be anti abortion until I needed an abortion.

And it was because my baby had died in me and my body wouldn’t abort it.

Um, If Republicans had their way, some women would just die because their baby died, because that’s what God, God wanted. Well, God didn’t want you to have a heart on either. So no Viagra for you. How do you feel about that? Because that’s the next step. If they can tell us what to do with our bodies, like I said, the legal precedent has been set that they can tell men what to do with their bodies.

And what health things they can do like Viagra. I they haven’t gone after Viagra yet because if they do that they lose all their all of their. All of their men voters. On top of it, but the precedence there, they can do it.

All right, none ranting over.

Where was I on August 12th? The administration announced the. It’s final public charge rule, which makes it more difficult for immigrants. Okay. I already talked about that. All right. On August 13th, Bloomberg law reported that the department of justice is urging the equal employment opportunity commission to change his position and urge the U S Supreme court.

That’s what I was just talking about. Supreme court to rule that businesses can’t discriminate, can’t discriminate against LGBTQ workers.

On August 15th, the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs unveiled a proposal that would allow government contractors to fire LGBTQ employees or workers who are pregnant and unmarried single mothers, um, based on employees religious views.

This is the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. That’s deciding That government, it allow, would allow government contractors to fire employees because they’re gay or because they’re a single mom who’s pregnant. I mean, alright, I mean, you get forced into having this baby and now we’re going to take away your job.

Okay. Because it doesn’t agree with our religious, our religious beliefs and we’re working, but the government, we’re still getting money from the government. We’re a business, we work for, we’re getting contracted by the government and we can lay off this gay person and this, this, this woman that just said she’s pregnant and she’s not married.

They can, they can just do that. Is this the kind of thing we want to go back to? We don’t want to go back to this. We don’t want to. We don’t want to be, it’s so exhausting. All these civil rights groups fighting every day, every day. Something new coming out of the freaking White House. So nothing, something new coming out of the Trump administration every freaking day.

Do we want to go back to that? No, we don’t. We don’t. It was so exhausting. We can’t handle another four years. It will tear this country apart.

On August 16th, the Department of Justice filed a brief with the U. S. Supreme Court arguing that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit discrimination against transgender people. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions previously reversed an Obama era Department of Justice policy which clarified that transgender workers are protected from discrimination under Title VII.

On August 16th, U. S. Citizenship And immigration services sent letters first reported in the Boston area stating that the agency will no longer consider most deferrals of deportation for people with a serious medical condition, asking people in extreme medical leave to leave the country within 33 days.

You have an extreme medical need and you’re here in the United States to get help. Get out of here. Go back in a month.

On August 19th, the Department of Justice filed a brief with the U. S. Supreme Court arguing that the Trump administration acted lawfully when it rescinded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program, or DACA, in September 2017. So, back to discriminating against the DREAMers again.

There’s a theme here. You see, if you go and listen to the other podcasts, you’ll see the theme. Targeting specific groups of people over and over and over again by rescinding stuff that’s already been, people have fought for 200, 400 years for these, these rights and these rules to get, to get passed. And they’re just doing away with them.

This is August 21st, 2019 acting homeland security. Kevin Mc. Alinen announced that the administration was moving forward with new rules aimed at ending the decades, decades old Flores settlement agreement that ensures constitutional protections for children in immigration detention facilities.

Without the protections of Flores, the government can hold immigrant children indefinitely. And in prison like conditions. With no hope for a timely release and no ban date. For appropriate care for traumatized children.

What about cruel and unusual punishment?

On August 23rd, his department of justice filed a brief with the U. S. Supreme court arguing that title seven of the civil rights act of 1964 does not prohibit, prohibit discrimination against gay, lesbian, and bisexual people. Here we are again, attacking LGBTQ people. On August 23rd, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that Attorney General Barr promoted six judges to the Board of Immigration Appeals, which sets binding policy for deportation cases.

All six of the judges have high rates of denying immigrants asylum claims, and four of them fill seats that the Trump administration created in 2018.

So, I mean, they’re, they’re attacking immigration. They’re undoing immigration rules and stuff to make it things worse. It seems like on August 28th, the Trump administration announced that some children born to us military members and government employees working overseas wouldn’t automatically be considered us citizens.

You are overseas, um, working for our government, maybe over there. With the potential to give your life for our country and your kids can’t come home. They, they’re not citizens of the United States. That’s Trump.

On August 30th, secretary of education, Betsy DeVoie announced final new borrow, borrower defense regulations. That rolled back protections for student borrowers against predatory recruiting and other school misconduct put in place in 2016. So attacking students now and, and, and the, you know, the lending and the borrowing, their borrowing.


and, and,

Sorry, I’m reading, um, so they, they roll back protections for student borrowers against predatory recruiting. I’m going to tell you, and I’m not going to say the school, but when I applied for college, there was a school I really, really, really, really, really wanted to go to. It was my top choice. And I had another school tell me that they would give me full tuition paid.

And. Um, this school, I really wanted to, the recruiter called up and he said, I, um, I have an offer for you from the school and it’s a really good offer. But first, before I tell you what it is, I need you to commit to going to the school.

And here I am having to, this is a serious financial decision. And they’re like, you know, I got to hear you say you like us, or I can’t tell you what we’re going to give you. I mean, that, that’s kind of what I would call, you know, predatory recruiting behavior. I really wanted to go to that school. It was my top choice.

I told him that it’s my top choice. Well, I need you to say. Well, I just told you this is my top choice. What more do I need to say? I need you to tell me how much money I’m getting to go to this school so I can make an adult informed decision about this.

Alright. But I didn’t have those words, you know, back then. I was 17 years old. Ha! . I, I didn’t know about boundaries. , I came from , a, a a a, a household that, you know, you’re my, my emotions and, and, and my, my needs were secondary, you know, um, very religious, kind of, you know, everybody else do for everybody else, you know?

Um, so, you know, I didn’t know how to defend myself against that. Luckily, I’m, I’m getting better, but I’ve been working on myself, especially the last few years. But anyway, on September 11th, September 11th, multiple reports confirmed that the Trump administration would not grant temporary protected status to Bahamians impacted by Hurricane Dorian.

The denial of protected status follows the Trump administration’s termination of the temporary protected status designated for several other countries.

So, you know, they’re, they’re impacted by Hurricane Dorian and no, you can’t come here, go find somewhere else to go, even if it’s just temporary, don’t come here. On September 17th, the White House issued a statement of administration. I just want to say something first. We do not have open borders. We have not had open borders since September 17th.

Since Ellis Island closed. When Ellis Island was open, you could come any time of day, whenever, and arrive at the island and wait to be checked in. That’s when we had open borders. We don’t have open borders now. So stop saying we have open borders. Okay. All right. It’s my pet peeve. I freaking hate it. I hate hearing we have open borders.

We don’t have open borders. On September 17th, we wouldn’t have, we wouldn’t have an immigration problem at the border if we had open borders. On September 17th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy opposing H. R. 1423, the Forced Arbitration Injustice Repeal Act, the FAIR Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports.

On September 19th, the Department of Education proposed removing gender based harassment, including harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and nonconformity with gender stereotypes, from the Civil Rights Data Collection’s definition of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex. So they proposed removing gender based harassment, um, from the Civil Rights Data Collection’s definition of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex.

So the government defines certain things a certain way so that they all know legally what they’re talking about and they wanted to take, um, gender based harassment out of the definition of harassment. On September 23rd, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McLean, and he’s a busy man, announced that the administration would soon end a federal immigration policy, commonly referred to as catch and release, that allows migrant families seeking asylum in the United States to remain in this country while their asylum applications are pending.

On September 24th, the Department of Labor released its final overtime rule Which raises the salary threshold to an amount far lower than the Obama Labor Department’s previously finalized rule. So, you know, let’s take money away from middle class. Lower middle class, by the way, 30, 000, 37, 000 a year is not really all that much.

Let’s be honest. I mean, to really like a single person, I think really needs at least 50, 000 to like, feel secure and have something, you know, to put away and be able to live comfortably and not in, well, it depends on where you’re at, I guess, but here in the Midwest. Uh, you know, you could probably do all right, most places for 50, 000 a year, unless you’re being extremely extravagant, you know, but I mean, you’d still be able to save for the future and, you know, be able to live quite all right and have a car and have, you know, everything that you need.

But 30, 30, 000, it’s a little tight.

All right, um. On September 27th, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division filed a statement of interest in defense of a Roman Catholic Archbishop’s decision that led to a firing of a gay married teacher, yet another move by the Trump administration to use religion as a shield against core anti discrimination principles that protect LGBTQ people.

Did Jesus discriminate? Did Jesus say, no, you’re gay, you can’t eat at this table? He hung around with 12 guys. On October 1st, the Department of Agriculture unveiled a new proposal to take away some state flexibility in setting benefit levels under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the administration’s third attempt in the past year to kick people off food stamps.

On October 4th, Trump signed a proclamation to deny visas to legal immigrants. Who are unable to prove they have health care coverage or the ability to pay for it within 30 days of their arrival to the United States. You’re here in the U. S. You got all these things to do and getting health care should be your top priority in the first 30 days.

On October 7th, the Department of Labor released a proposed tip rule that would eliminate the 80 20 rule, which says that when a tipped worker is assigned. Non tip generating side work that takes up more than 20 percent of their time, the employer can’t take the tip credit and must instead pay the worker the full minimum wage.

So, they basically wanted to eliminate that rule that protects workers that work for tips. Um, so that they would have no way of getting tips because they’re not working Non tip generating, they’re working a non tip generating duty, you know, um, a side, side job, whatever, and it’s taking up more than 20 percent of their time, which if you’re, you know, do 40 hour work week, that’s a lot of money.

That’s a lot of money working tables, if you’ve ever worked tables, or, you know. Um, that’s a lot of money. And, uh, so they’re saying that while you’re not getting those tips, now you’re not out there on the floor, getting those tips. You’re not, you’re not, you’re not, you’re getting paid, what, like 3 an hour or whatever, 2 an hour, whatever they pay waiters now.

Um, that’s all you’re getting to do the side work for 20 percent of the time. That is not fair. That’s, that’s, well, that’s what Trump’s Department of Labor proposed in 2019. On October 22nd, a Department of Justice proposal published in the Federal Register proposed to begin collecting DNA samples from immigrants crossing the border, creating an enormous database of asylum seekers and other migrants.

On October 23rd, the White House issued a statement of administration policy. Opposing H. R. 4617, the stopping harmful interference in elections for a lasting democracy act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights supports. So, the Republicans are sitting there saying, we don’t have fair elections, but then they stopped.

The Trump administration opposed the stopping harmful interference in elections.

I guess they prefer people with guns to like, you know. Stand outside voter, you know, uh, drop boxes.

On October 25th, U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced a new policy to narrow who can qualify for waivers of fees associated with applications for green cards for U. S. citizens, work permits, and other benefits. Chipping away at those immigration rights. On October 25th, U. S. Attorney General William Barr, who now is like, Like 180’d on Trump.

Wish he would have 180’d when he was in office. Attorney General William Barr issued two decisions made through his certification power that will limit immigrants options to fight deportation.

On November 1st, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule to undo requirements that its guarantees ensure that guarantees ensure that that is, I’m sorry. A little burp there. On November 1st, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule to undo requirements that its grantees ensure that the federal taxpayer dollars are not used to fund discrimination.

They wanted the Department of Health and Human Services wanted to do undo. Issued a rule to undo requirements that its grantees ensure that that the people that it gives grants to. Federal taxpayer dollars to are not used to fund discrimination. They went to federal tax pot, paying dollars to fund discrimination.

On November 1st, the department of education issued a final regulation permitting religious colleges and universities to ignore accrediting agencies. Let’s just throw our college system into havoc and. I mean, what are they trying to do? They’re like trying to undo everything that the executive branch has done for the past, like 200 years of presidents.

They’re undoing it. Like these rules are built on each other and, and people have been fighting for these rules to be passed and they just go on everybody’s rights gone.

On November 18th, the Social Security Administration published in the Federal Register a proposal to slash Social Security disability benefits, which could cut benefits for up to 2. 6 million people with disabilities.

Believe them

when when people say, no, no, no, we’re not going to cut this. We’re not going to cut that. That’s why are you even talking about it? Why are you even talking about it? You should be making it better. You should be improving it, not trying to cut it.

On December 3rd, the white house issued a statement of administration policy, opposing HR for the voting rights advancement act, which the leadership conference on civil and human rights supports

on December 10th, the equal employment opportunities commission. Revealed a proposed rule that would prohibit the use of official time by union representatives to assist in federal workplace anti discrimination claims.

So, I mean, not only are they, you know, making rules that discriminate against, uh, people, they’re also making it so that you can’t do anything about it either, at least during official time. You’d have to do it on your own time. On December 11th, memos obtained by NPR revealed that Secretary Betsy DeVos overruled career staff in the Department of Education’s Borrower Defense Unit, of course she did, who recommended to the department’s political leadership that defrauded student borrowers deserve no less than full relief from their student debts.

The secretary instead provided only partial or no relief to most such borrowers. Well, it’s because, you know, she has a stake in the game. That’s why that’s really actually what. On December 12th, the Trump administration approved a waiver following South Carolina. I’m sorry. The Trump administration approved a waiver, allowing South Carolina to require most Medicaid recipients to work on December

18th. Oh, thank God. It’s almost the end of the year. Whatever I’ve been going on. Hang on for like over an hour now.

Um, on December 18th, 2019, Attorney General William Byer announced the launch of Operation Relentless Pursuit, which was projected to funnel 71 million dollars to law enforcement in seven cities, Albuquerque, Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Memphis, and Milwaukee, under the guise of combating violent crime.

Operation Relentless Pursuit replicates the most devastating aspects of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, which flooded America’s streets with cops and dramatically increased incarceration rates, especially in black and brown communities.

On December 27th, HuffPost reported that the Department of the Interior removed eight of sexual orientation from a statement in the agency’s ethics guide regarding workplace discrimination. I mean, it’s just relentless against people that are non binary. On December 30th, the Department of Labor announced a proposed rule setting out new standards for when the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs could issue predetermination notices for preliminary findings of discrimination.

The rule would make it more difficult to identify and remedy potential discrimination in federal contractor and subcontractor workplaces, negatively impacting the right of federal contract workers to be free of unlawful employment discrimination. Basically, it probably is so Trump can appoint people into government that do his bidding.

No, you don’t want somebody fighting against discrimination within the system. Um, just the mere presence there, uh, goes against what they’re trying to do. And so they need these people out of the government so that they can put their own cronies and, and sycophants and, you know, people to do their bidding into government.

positions. So luckily that is the end of 2019. Nothing on New Year’s Eve. Too busy, um, doing whatever presidents do on New Year’s Eve. So, um, I will probably be back maybe this evening and I’ll finish up 2020. In the next podcast episode. So thank you all. If you have tuned into this, I don’t know. Maybe I’m talking to nobody.

But, um, if you are, um, tuning in here on Facebook, the video should be available. Um, after this, or if you are watching this later, you can also find the podcast. It will be up on my website. Um, maybe later today. At Mary kind of contrary. com. So thank you all for joining me and have a good rest of your day.

I’ll be talking to you later. Bye for now.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 5 - The Trump Administration's Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks of 2018: More Chaos and The Birth of a Theocracy


Mary Lemanski reads and comments on a list, compiled by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, of the Trump Administration’s civil and human rights rollbacks during the second year of his administration. More episodes to come covering all four years!


 Welcome to the Mary kind of contrary podcast. I am your host, Mary Lemanski, and today is Sponsor is Cyberpunk Web Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services. Cyberpunk Web Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services offers a variety of services to fit your small business needs. They can help you with your internet marketing, including website creation and maintenance, newsletter creation and social media management.

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All right, well last episode we were going through, um, a list of the civil human rights rollbacks done by the Trump administration, and we just covered 2017 and it was an hour episode. So I can imagine 2018, it’s probably gonna be about like that too. But, um, this list was compiled by the leadership conference of Civil and Human Rights, and I’m just kind of reading it and common commenting on what it actually means to these things.

Um, I’m not a lawyer, but I know how to read and comprehend quite well, so, so I’ll explain it to you. Um, I have taken law classes. I’m not a lawyer though, at any rate. I do understand what’s going on. So, um, so if you listen to the last episode, you’ll hear all of 2000 seventeens, um, civil and human rights rollbacks by the Trump administration.

And today we’re going to be talking about everything that Trump and his administration did in 2018. So what they did, basically, I wanna just say it out here right now, is lay the groundwork for what they’re doing now, which is, they started from the very beginning, eroding trust in the election. I mean, he won the election and Trump was saying that the election was, was rigged.

I mean, that didn’t make any sense at all. I mean, he was saying it before the election even started, and then when he won, he kept saying it was rigged. So did you really not win or what? But, uh, so, so they, they, they’re sowing distrust in our elections. They’re sowing distrust in our judicial system by undoing 50 years of precedent.

I mean, that is the reason why precedent is set. You can’t just up and get rid of it because you don’t like it just cuz you don’t agree with something. That’s not how a democracy works. We have to struggle to get civil rights changes done and you’re just gonna up, up, upend them in in two seconds. I mean, What, where is our government going?

And then, um, the Congress has pretty much, especially the house is pretty much turned into the judicial branch. There’s, they’re playing court to, to everything. And, and since they already went and, um, made congressional subpoenas null and void by ignoring all of the January 6th committee’s, subpoenas, nobody needs to pay attention to their subpoenas.

So this whole little fake court, they’re, they’re holding it in Congress about the weaponization of Amer, of the government against conservatives. I mean, it, it’s just not happening. Come back to reality people. The wizard has been exposed. We see him pulling all the levers. Okay? So come on, turn around and face us.

So anyway, this is the 2018 Civil and Human Rights rollbacks by the Trump Administration as put together by the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights. And you can go to their website@civilrights.org. So in 2018, they started early on January 4th, Jeff’s sessions rescinded guidance that had allowed states with minimal federal interference to legalize marijuana.

This move further reignited the war on drugs. You’d think that Republicans who are so, oh, the economy, the economy. We need to, we need to help our farmers. We need to help our farmers in such a strong, strong following. In the, in rural areas in the south, which is largely rural, um, you, you would think that these farmers would want new crops like cannabis and a hemp.

You would think, I don’t know what has convinced them to go against their economic interests? I have no idea what kind of wacky thing that Republicans tell farmers that you don’t need to grow crops. We got all these, we can keep subsidizing these, this land keep subsidizing this land. Subs, you know, subsidies are just really socialism.

It’s the government, the. Playing an ownership role in businesses and keeping them afloat. And the, the way our system works, the US taxpayers don’t see any return on their investment. I mean, maybe, maybe they pay interest to the government. Maybe these, uh, like for these loans and stuff, maybe, you know, when the banks crashed, maybe they paid interest on these loans.

But I, from what I understand of it, the interest rates were really low on them. So we really didn’t get our return on our investment. And so anyway, subsidies are just another form of socialism. Um, and I’m all for keeping our farmers, you know, uh, I, I think it’s very important to keep our food supply. In American hands, and so I’m all for farm subsidies, but oil and coal subsidies.

When there’s other forms of, uh, energy that are n not harmful to the environment, why would you even want to go that route? Just ween ourselves off of it and invest in the, these new technologies where we have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. What a concept you, you c you can’t literally can’t have businesses if there’s no people to take part in the services and to buy the products.

It’s just a losing business strategy to keep going with with these. Oil and coal and these things that are polluting our environment when we obviously have other alternatives. Why would you go that route is unless you’re just ho, heavily invested in it. Take some of those billions of dollars and invest in, in solar, invest in geothermal.

Um, come on. You got the money. You’re just not the, the head of the, you’re not the king on top. That’s what, what these, these oil and coal companies want. And this is coming from somebody whose grandfather was a coal miner and whose uncle was a coal miner and whose cousin was a coal miner. And guess what?

My uncle died from emphysema, probably related to being a coal miner. And, um, I don’t, I’m not quite sure how my grandfather died, but luckily my cousin got out because he saw what happened to his dad. And so why not invest in clean energy that’s not going to kill our family members. All right, so that little rant about really investing in, in things that are, uh, new technologies and new, new things like new crops like cannabis and all the things that can be made with it.

Why, why would you say no to that? Why would you convince farmers to go against their own economic interests? Those farmers need those crops. Look at all those fields. We’re paying them to keep bear. Why? Why not plant some cannabis there and grow the economy while we’re at it? Rant over. All right. On January 8th, Trump renominated a slate of unqualified and biased judicial nominees, including two rated not qualified by the American Bar Association.

Also, on January 8th, the administration announced it would terminate the temporary protected status designation for nearly 200,000. Salvadorians Dorians,

the Racism. On January 11th, the Trump administration released new guidelines that allow states to seek waivers to require Medicaid recipients to work. Requirements that represent a throwback to rejected racial stereotypes. Again, with the racism. On January 12th, the Trump administration approved a waiver allowing Kentucky to require Medicaid recipients to work.

On January 16th, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau under Mulvey’s Leadership announced it would reconsider the agency’s payday lending rule. Now they’re going after the poor. On January 17th, the administration announced its decision to bar citizens from Haiti for re receiving H two A and H two B visas.

You see a theme here, it’s, it’s brown people. That they don’t want coming into the country. You don’t see them banning Eastern Europe. I mean, again, not that Eastern Europe doesn’t anything except maybe Russia. But where’s the Russian ban? Can we have a Russian ban on January 18th? My birthday? Oh, let’s see.

Oh, they did two things on my birthday. On January 18th, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a proposed rule to allow healthcare providers to discriminate against patients and within the department’s Office of Civil Rights, a new division, the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, to address related claims.

So they’re, they’re going in and they’re changing our administrative agencies and how they operate. And they’re weakening them. Also, on January 18th, the C F P B had roughly dropped a lawsuit against four online payday lenders who unlawfully made loans up to 950% a p r in at least 17 states. I wonder what states those were.

That’d be interesting to find out. On January 25th, the Census Bureau announced that the questionnaire for the 2018 end-to-end census test will use race and ethnicity questions from the 2010 census. Instead of updated questions recommended by Census Bureau staff. This suggests that the Office of Management and Budget will not revise the official standards for collecting and reporting this data despite recommendations from a federal agency working group to do so.

See it is, and then now they’re attacking the census. We don’t wanna count, we don’t want to count certain people because they don’t fit into our worldview of how the world should be. On February 1st, the New York Times reported that the Department of Justice was effectively closing its office for access to justice, which was designed to make access to legal aid more accessible, again, discriminating against poor people.

So February 1st was certainly busy. Um, again, on February 1st, 2018, reports surfaced claiming Trump’s labor department concealed an economic analysis that found working people could lose billions of dollars in wages under its proposal to rule back in an Obama era rule. A rule that protects working people in tipped industries from having their tips taken away by their employers.

Really, you need every single little penny that we have. You have to go after people that are making two and $3 an hour and take their tips away from them, because that’s what happens when you take their tips away. They make two or $3 an hour. They’re the ones going around waiting on everybody. Why should the the owner get anything?

They’re not doing any work, really. They aren’t. They’re just l putting the whale into motion and hoping they make money. All right. Um, so again, on February 1st, multiple sources reported that acting, consumer acting, see, they’re always acting. They’re not actually appointed. So I don’t know what that does for, um, How much blame can be put on them.

Oh, I was just doing what I was told I was acting. Um, but, you know, that could misfire and all, every, all the directions came from somebody, right. We all know it came from somebody. So, um, anyway, on February 1st, multiple sources reported that acting consumer financial protection Bureau director, mic Mulvaney had transferred the Consumer Agency’s office of Fair Lending, an equal opportunity from the Supervision Enforcement and Fair Lending Division to the director’s office.

They’re reshaping the way the administrative agencies operate and it probably affecting their efficiency and their effectiveness. Uh, the move essentially. Gutted the unit responsible for enforcing anti lending discrimination laws. Well, there you go. Dismantling and making these administrative agencies that are all under the president, all under the executive branch, making them basically non-functional so that there’s less people around and, and they’re consolidating the size of the government to the point that there’s only a few people that are in the in crowd that are gonna be in power when it all goes down

on February 12th, the Trump administration approved a waiver allowing Indiana to require some Medicaid recipients to work. So you’re gonna see a theme here where they’re requiring Medicaid recipients to work and they’re gonna roll these back in. All these states. Aren’t some of these Medicaid recipients old and sick?

Is that why they’re not working? Do they really need to be working? On February 12th, the Trump administration released a fiscal year 2019 budget proposal, which would deny critical healthcare to those most in need, simply to bankroll the president’s wall through border communities. The proposal would also eliminate the community relations service, a justice department office, established by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which has been a key tool that helps address discrimination conflicts and tensions in communities around the country.

So they went to so more division. On February 12th, the Trump administration released an infrastructure proposal that would reward the rich and special interest at the expense of low income communities and communities of color and leave behind too many American communities and those most in need, again, attacking the poor and people of color.

On February 12th, Buzzfeed News reported that the US Department of Education would no longer investigate complaints filed by transgender students who have been banned from using the restrooms that correspond with their gender identity. On the same day, the department released a statement saying, Trump’s budget protects vulnerable students, a most dubious claim as we have seen.

They’ve been so busy. Trying to erode transgender rights and women’s rights, then it makes you wonder who’s this next? On February 26th, the US Department of Education proposed to delay implementation of a rule that enforces the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or I D E A. The rule implements the I D E’S provisions regarding significant disproportionality in the identification, placement, and discipline of students with Discipl Disabil with regard to race and ethnicity.

On March 5th, the Trump administration approved Arkansas request to require some Medicaid recipients to work. On March 5th, the Office for Civil Rights at the US Department of Education released a new case processing manual c p m that creates greater hurdles for people filing complaints, and allows dismissal of civil rights complaints based on the number of times an individual is filed.

So if you’re continually harassed for on about your civil, you know, your civil rights are constantly being violated. That’s not a bad thing. That, that you just dismiss that, that thing that, I mean, that seems like it should be doubly, doubly investigated, not dismissed. Uh, March 5th was another busy day for the Trump Administration.

March 5th, 2018, a Department of Housing and Urban Development memo announced Secretary Ben Carson’s consideration. Of revising the agency’s mission statement and removing anti-discrimination language and promises of inclusive communities. I wonder how following the Republicans Plan worked out for Ben Carson.

On March 12th, attorney sessions announced the Justice Department’s school safety plan, a plan that civil rights advocates criticized as militarizing schools over policing children and harming, um, disproportionately students of color. You see the theme Attack education, attack, the administrative agencies attack transgender people, attack women, attack people of color, who’s left.

On March 14th, the White House issued a statement of administration, administration policy supporting HR 49 0 9, the student teachers and officers preventing or stop School Violence Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed. On March 23rd, Trump issued new orders to ban most transgender people from serving in the military.

The latest iteration of a ban that he had initially announced in a series of tweets in July of 2017 in the Justice Department was, or not to Justice Department, but the, uh, Pentagon and, and the military were pretty much, you know, surprised by it. Surprised. Guess what we’re doing? Uh, shouldn’t you have conferred with US Commander in Chief?

It’s like he doesn’t even care about national security or something. On March 23rd, Trump signed a spending bill that included the Stop School Violence Act, which civil rights organizations are were concerned would exacerbate the school-to-prison pipeline crisis, further criminalize historically marginalized children and increase the militarization of and over-policing in schools and communities of color.

You know, once they take over the communities of color and they’ve got EV that all under control, then they’re gonna come after all the rest of us. You guys realize that, right? This is how authoritarian states operate. On March 26th, 2018, secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, announced that he had directed the Census Bureau.

To add an untested and unnecessary question to the 2 20 20 census form, which would ask the citizenship status of every person in America. On April 3rd, secretary of Education, Betsy Duo restored recognition of for-profit school accreditation, A C I C S, which the prior administration had terminated as a federal aid gatekeeper based on A C I C S’S documented failures to set mon monitor or enforce standards at the schools it accredited, including the now defunct, uh, Corinthian I t t, and fast train.

On April 6th, attorney General Sessions announced that he had notified all US attorney’s offices along the southwest border of a new zero tolerance policy toward people trying to enter the country. A policy that quickly and inhumanely separated hundreds of children from their families. So all these people that are saying, oh, the the child separation policy, the children in cages started with Obama.

The child separation policy started with Obama. The the keep holding children in the cages probably did start with Obama, but the zero tolerance policy of separating children from their parents and then losing the children because they didn’t keep track of them. That all started under the Trump administration.

Under attorney GE General Jeff Sessions on April 6th, 2018. On April 10th, a federal official announced that the Department of Justice was halting the legal orientation program, which offers legal assistance to immigrant immigrants. On April 10th, Trump signed in an executive order directing federal agencies to push for work requirements for low income people in America who receive federal assistance, including Medicaid and snap.

So now they’re just not going after the states, they’re going after everybody. On April 11th, 2018, the Bureau of Justice Statistics announced that it would stop asking 16 and 17 year olds to disclose voluntarily and confidentially their gender identity and sexual orientation on the National Crime Victimization Survey.

On April 17th, the White House issued a Statement of administration policy supporting SJ Res 57, a resolution under, under the Congressional Review Act to repeal the consumer financial protection Bureau’s guidance on indirect auto financing. The sole purpose of the resolution was to undermine the ability of the um, C F P B to enforce laws against racial and ethnic discrimination and auto lending, which is why the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights opposed it.

On April 25th, secretary Ben Carson proposed changes in federal housing subsidies that could triple rent for some households and make it easier to impose work requirements. It’s like they’re out for people of color and transgender people and the poor. Why are you so harsh on the poor? People are just trying to get ahead and you’re just pulling out the rug from underneath them.

On April 26th, the Trump administration announced it would terminate the temporary protected status designation in 12 months for approximately 9,000 Nepali immigrants. See the theme On May 3rd, 2018, Trump signed an executive order creating a White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative tasked with working on religious liberty issues across federal agencies.

The order deleted protections for beneficiaries receiving federally funded services from religious groups. Uh, so they’re the, they’re basically trying to create a theocracy, it seems like. I mean, It’s what it sounds like to me. On May 4th, the Trump administration announced it would terminate the temporary protected status.

Again, we see another theme designation in 18 months for approximately 57,000 Honduran immigrants, more brown people on May 7th, the Trump administration approved New Hampshire’s request to require some Medicaid recipients to work or participate in other community engagement activities, whatever that means.

On May 11th, the Federal Bureau of Prisons released changes to its transgender offender manual that rolled back protections, allowing transgender inmates to use facilities including bathrooms and cell blocks that correspond to their gender identity. Hmm. I think that might translate into cruel and unusual punishment in some people’s eyes.

On May 13th, the New York Times reported that the Department of Education had effectively killed investigations into possibly fraudulent activities by several large for-profit colleges where top hires of Betsy DeVos, the education Secretary, had previously worked by reassigning, marginalizing, or instructing its fraud investigators to focus on other matters.

Wow. How convenient. How convenient that she’s helping out the people she used to work for. And, uh, uh, another thing I I, I went to a for-profit college for my mba. I went to the University of Phoenix, but I went there for a reason. It was because I was working and I. I could earn my online degree, my MBA online.

I was, this was in 2003, this was 20 years ago. It was probably one of the first people to get my MBA online. And so I, I valued my for-profit education. But you know, there’s standards that they should be held to and they should be held to, uh, uh, the standards, same educational and social standards that all the other colleges are held to.

Okay. Moving on. So on May 18th, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it would be publishing three separate notices to indefinitely suspend implementation of the 2015 affirmatively furthering fair housing rule. You don’t wanna give people fair housing or what? On May 21st, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which repealed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s guidance on indirect auto financing.

Let’s just screw poor people over some more again, on May 21st, the White House issued a Statement of administration policy supporting S 2155, the Economic Growth Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed. On May 22nd, 2018, the Trump administration issued a draft notice of proposed rulemaking designed to block access to healthcare under Title 10 and deny women information about their reproductive healthcare options.

See there’s this just constant attacks on women. I thought men were supposed to protect women and make sure that they were safe and make sure they, they got cared for. It doesn’t seem like these men care for women at all. It’s like they don’t even care if they die, and yet they, they want their white population to keep populating.

Well, when you’re killing off all the women, it just doesn’t work that way. Guys. On May 24th, 2018, Trump signed the Economic Growth Regulatory Relief in Consumer Protection Act, which will undermine one of our nation’s key civil rights laws and we can Consumer protections enacted after the 2018 financial crisis.

So we tried to fix things, but they just wanna make it worse. The law rolls back more Expansive. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data requirements for banks that generate fewer than 500 loans or lines of credit each year, thereby exempting 85% of banks and credit unions. On May 24th, 2018, the Department of Education announced that it did not plan on implementing rules designed to protect students in online degree programs from being taken advantage of by schools that load students up with debt, but offer useless degrees and instead plan to delay implementation of the rules and rewrite them.

How convenient. On June 6th, mc Mulvaney fired all 25 members of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Consumer Advisory Board. That seems like a. Good idea for an acting person to do. Wow. I told you they were dismantling the government right in front of your eyes and you cheered them on the whole time.

On June 8th, 2018, a Department of Justice filing argued that the Affordable Care Acts protections for people with preexisting conditions are unconstitutional. The brief was signed by Chad Reeder, uh, justice Department Official, who Trump nominated and Senate Republicans confirmed to serve on the US Court of Appeals for the sixth Circuit on June 11th.

Attorney General Sessions ruled that the fear of domestic or gang violence was not grounds for asylum in the United States. Again on June 11th. It’s like they like to be particularly cruel on certain days. On June 11th, US Citizenship and Immigration Services Director l Francis Csna announced the creation of a de naturalization task force in a push to strip naturalized citizens of their citizenship.

So now you can’t even become a citizen of the United States anymore. On June 11th, the Department of Justice announced that it would delay implementation of a permanent program for collecting information on arrest related deaths until fiscal year 2020, a full five years after the Death in Custody Reporting Act was signed into law.

And two years after the Department of Justice last published its near final compliance guidelines, they were just lazy. Again, dismantling things that have already been put into motion. On June 12th, the Department of Justice sued the state of Kentucky to force it to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the registration records.

This voter purge lawsuit was filed one day after the US Supreme Court upheld Ohio’s voter purges in Houston versus a Philip Randolph Institute. The timing. The timing, see, so they got that, um, the Supreme Court upheld that law, and then the next day, you know, they pretty much set it into precedent. On June 18th, Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, announced that the United States was withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council.

Seems like a really dumb idea. We don’t wanna be world leaders anymore, is that what we, we don’t wanna be involved in what’s going on in the world. That doesn’t seem too good for national security. It’s best to have an open dialogue, I would think. On June 27th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HR 61 39, the Border Security and Immigration Reform Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed on July 3rd, right before the 4th of July.

They just can’t take a day off, can they? Well, they took the, they took a few days off after that. Actually gotta work up to the last minute. It’s your patriotic duty. On July 3rd, attorney General Jeff Sessions and Education Secretary Betsy Duo rescinded a guidance from the Departments of Justice and Education.

That provides a roadmap to implement voluntary diversity and integration programs and higher education consistent with Supreme Court holdings on the issue. So they’re basically checking the power of the Supreme Court, is that what they’re doing? An administrative agency is doing that. Oh, I wish we could get this all organized and back the way it was before all these people took over our country and ruined it.

We had such a great plan going and now who knows what’s going on and what the precedent for all this stuff being moved around and all that is doing, I hope. I hope the people in the Biden and administration are reversing a lot of this. It seems like a big mess. On July 10th, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced cuts to navigator funding for outreach to hard to reach communities.

So basically, People out in the country for the fall 2018 Affordable Care Act, open enrollment period. On July 25th, the Department of Education proposed new borrower defense rules, which would further exacerbate inequalities, making the already unfair and ineffective student loan servicing system even more harmful to all students, particularly to borrowers of color.

The proposal would strip away student borrower rights and key deterrence of predatory school conduct and make it nearly impossible for students hurt by school misconduct to get loan relief. Why are you attacking poor college students that, I mean, they don’t even have any money. It’s just the cruelty of it.

It’s really, it just seems like they do it for the cruelty of it. On July 26th, 2018, the Trump administration failed to meet a court ordered deadline to reunite children and families separated at the border. Like I said, it’s the cruelty is the point. On July 30th, Jeff Sessions announced the creation of a religious liberty task force.

Once again, insti integrating religion into our government at the Department of Justice, which many saw as a taxpayer funded effort to license discrimination against L G B T Q, people and others. On August 10th, the Department of Labor encouraged the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, the C F C C P staff to grant broad religious exemptions to federal contractors with religious based objections to complying with executive order 1 12 46.

And deleted material from a prior O F C C P F A Q on sexual orientation and gender identity, non-discrimination protections that previously clarified the limited scope of allowable religious exemptions. They’re basically discriminating against people. They’re basically discriminating against people under the guise of religion, of religious liberties.

I just wanna say a couple things about that because these people purport to be Christians and I consider myself a Christian. Um, and I don’t think that they’re Christian, not in the way that Jesus Christ was a. Christ was, I mean, Jesus Christ was a Jew, but, but if you’re, if you call yourself a Christian, it’s that you believe in the teachings of Christ.

And there’s, you know, a lot of preachers and they talk a lot of stuff, but a lot of times they don’t always put things into historical context that’s in the Bible. Sometimes they do. Some preachers are really good about it. And then some people, not so much. Some people use certain messages in the Bible to manipulate people because people, when it comes to spirituality, it’s a very scary thing because it’s so very, very individualized.

It’s an individual thing. Your beliefs are yours own. You don’t have to follow along with the group. And anyway, Jesus was very, very clear about how women should be treated. It’s pretty clear that he saw women as equals because Jesus spoke to women in public. Sometimes when he was alone with them, he spoke to them in public, which is forbidden.

Even today, in some places in the Middle East, those laws still exist today, that you’re not to talk to women in public. Men are not to talk to women in public. Women in some countries are, are supposed to be accompanied at all times by a male. So to speak to a woman who is by herself alone in the Middle East, back in that time period was revolutionary.

Jesus thought women should be treated as equals. Why aren’t these Christians, or as they say they are, why don’t they treat women as equals? Another thing that Jesus did was that he always brought Samaritans into his parables. And if you notice in his parables, the Samaritans do all the good things. The Samaritans are the good guys in his parables.

Well, Samaritans were a people that were only partially Jewish. They were only half Jewish, and so many Jews did not accept him. They were racist against them. So if you wanna know what Jesus thought of racism, it’s right there in the parables. He was not for racism. So this warped evil thing that Christianity has become.

Is a 180 from what Jesus Christ was and what he taught. So just before you agree to have a religion, take over your government, just make sure that it’s really a, a religion that’s true and not one that’s made up. On August 13th, secretary Ben Carson proposed changes to the Obama era affirmatively furthering fair housing rule, which aimed to combat segregation and housing policy.

Why he would do that is beyond anybody’s logic, but whatever. Rest in peace, Ben Carson. On August 15th, the Federal Register published a Trump administration proposal to restrict protest rights in Washington DC by closing 80% of the White House sidewalk. Putting new limits on spontaneous demonstrations and opening the door to charging fees for protesting.

Protesting is your first amendment right. You don’t need to pay to exercise your first amendment rights. On August 29th, 2018, the New York Times reported that the Department of Education was preparing rules that would narrow the definition of sexual harassment. Holding schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.

They would also establish a higher legal standard to determine whether schools improperly addressed complaints, so make it harder. For women to report these things as if it’s not already hard enough, and the fact that a woman is doing this is just ridiculous. How do these people sleep at night? On August 30th, the Department of Justice filed an amicus brief opposing Harvard College’s Motion for Summary judgment in Students for Fair Admissions Inc.

Versus Harvard choosing to oppose constitutionally sound strategies that colleges and universities use to expand educational opportunities for students of all backgrounds. It’s the, there’s a constant attack on our education system too, in addition to everything else, because you gotta keep the populace dumb to buy this stuff that they’re trying to sell.

On September 5th, the Trump administration sent sweeping subpoenas to the North Carolina State Elections Board and 44 county sports. Requesting voter records to be turned over by September 25th, two months before the midterm elections, civil rights advocates worry. This effort would lead to voter suppression and intimidation, which we all saw in the 2020 election with armed people standing outside voting boxes.

On September 6th, 2018, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Health and Human Services announced a proposal to withdraw from the floors settlement agreement. The Floors agreement is a set of protections for underage migrant children in government custody. So they got all these kids in government custody cuz they’ve separated them from their parents and they roll back the set of protections for them.

And, and, and they, and you hear all over these conspiracy things, networks and social media. How, how, how they think that the Democrats are trafficking children. What do you think’s going on here? Setting it up so that they can traffic children. Luckily we’re in September and the year is almost over on September 13th, 2018, the National Labor Relations Board proposed weakening the joint employer’s standard under the National Labor Relations Act, which would make it difficult for working people to bring the companies that share control over their terms and conditions of employment to the bargaining table.

There’s something called a labor market and the labor market like every other market. The oil market, the coal market, shoes, cars, everything has a market. And the labor market is a market within these markets. And what the labor market is, is the price of the labor. So if you have any self-esteem at all, stick up for yourself and ask for a raise because you’re worth more than that.

You’re worth, you’re there working your fingers to the bone while the c e O gets paid $5,000 an hour and you get paid 15. And they think that’s a hardship on them. It’s it’s high time that people were paid a livable wage. At least give them a livable wage. At least give them that. If you’re not gonna raise the minimum wage, I mean, at least pay that yourself or you’re not gonna have money flowing back into your pockets because nobody’s gonna have money to buy all the stuff that you’re making.

It starts from the ground up. And then why not invest in your employees? Make them want to stay at your company. That’s a whole other debate. On October 1st, a policy change that the Department of State took effect saying that the Trump administration would no longer issue family visas to same sex domestic partners of foreign, um, diplomats or employees of international organizations who work in the United States.

See, the cruelty is the point. Who cares if they’re here just while they’re working here? Who cares? On October 10th, the Department of Homeland Securities proposed public charge rule. It was published in the Federal Register. Under the rule, immigrants who apply for a green card or visa could be deemed a public charge and turned away if they earn below 250% of the federal poverty line and any of, and use any of the wide range of public programs, so discriminating against poor immigrants.

On October 12th, the Department of Justice filed a statement of interest opposing a consent degree negotiated by Chicago Mayor Rama Manuel, and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan to overhaul the Chicago Police Department. You know, why not help the Chicago fight the crime? Why would why go Just complain about it and then don’t do anything to help.

And take away or, or just oppose it, you know, whatever.

On October 15th, Trump vetoed a resolution passed by both chambers of Congress that would’ve terminated his declaration of a national emergency on the southern border with Mexico. On October 16th, the administration released its fall 2017 unified agenda of federal regulatory and deregulatory actions.

The document details, the regulatory and deregulatory actions that federal agencies plan to make in the upcoming months, including harmful, civil and human rights rollbacks. Great. Something to look forward to. On October 19th, the Department of Justice ended its agreement to monitor the juvenile court of Memphis.

And Shelby County and the Shelby County Detention Center in TE Tennessee, which addressed discrimination against black youth unsafe conditions, and no due process at hearings. Shouldn’t we all be afforded these protections? On October 21st, the New York Times reported that the Department of Health and Human Services is considering an interpretation of Title 10 that would define sex as either male or female.

Unchangeable and determined by the genitals that a person is born with effectively erasing protections for, for transgender people. And then they turn around and say, oh, these people are not being discriminated against. Yes, they are. On October 22nd, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued new guidance on the Affordable Care Act.

1332 waivers that would expand a state’s flexibility to establish insurance markets that don’t meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, dismantling things that work again. On October 24th, the Department of Justice filed a brief with the US Supreme Court arguing that the federal civil rights law does not protect transgender workers from discrimination on the basis of their gender identity.

On October 30th, Axios reported that Trump intended to sign an executive order to end birthright citizenship and birthright citizenship, so you can’t even be born in the United States anymore. In a tweet the following day, Trump said it will be ended one way or the other. I think the reasoning behind that is if they end birthright citizenship.

Then they can make the argument that the fetus is a person legally, because the Constitution says that you have to be born to be a citizen. So if you’re wondering which direction they’re going, that’s where they’re going. On October 31st, the administration approved a waiver allowing Wisconsin to require Medicaid recipients to work continuing theme.

It was the first time a state that did not expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act was allowed to impose work requirements. Uh, almost toward the end of the year. Don’t, don’t have too many more weeks. I don’t know how much more damage they can do, but I’m sure they can do something. On November 5th, 2018, the Department of Justice filed a petition with the US Supreme Court to circumvent.

Three separate US Courts of Appeals on litigation concerning the Deferred Act for Childhood Arrivals are DACA program on November 7th on this la, his last day as Attorney General, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum to gut the Department of Justice’s use of consent decrees. Oh, of course, let’s just recomplete havoc.

On the way out. On November 8th, the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice announced an interim final rule to block people from claiming asylum at the entered the United States outside legal ports of entry. Did you know that a large portion of illegal immigrants here are people that just flew into the country and overstayed their visa?

So they’re, they’re rich. It’s okay if they fly in and stay too long. It’s not okay if they walk across the border. On November 8th, the Department of Labor rolled back guidance issued by the Obama administration that clarified that tipped workers must spend at least 80% of their time doing tipped work in order for employees to pay them the lower tipped minimum wage.

Why are you attacking tipped workers? On November 16th, the Department of Education issued a draft Title nine regulation that represents cruel attempt to silence sexual assault survivors and limit their educational opportunity and could lead to schools doing even less to prevent and respond to sexual violence and harassment.

On November 23rd, the Office of Personnel Management rescinded guidance that helped federal agency managers understand how to support transgender federal workers and respect their rights initially issued in 2011 and updated several times since replacing it with vaguely worded guidance, hostile to transgender working people.

Oh boy. He’s only got another month to go. On December 1st, 2018, Trump declared that he would be proud to shut down the government, which he did. It resulted in the longest government shutdown in US History, 35 days. Oh, I’m sure. He is. Just proud of that, which harmed federal workers, contractors, their families, and the communities that depended on them.

And just to point out, this happened right before Christmas. Merry Christmas. On December 14th, buds Feed News reported that the Department of Housing and Urban Development was quietly advising lenders to deny DACA recipients Federal Housing Administration loans. So now you’re attacking their, their ability to become citizens and taking away their homes.

And this seems like a good idea. This seems like a a a po, a positive policy where we’re moving America forward. On December 18th, the Trump Administration’s School Safety Commission recommended rescinding Obama Error School Discipline Guidance, which was intended to assist districts and schools in developing practices and policies to enhance school climate and comply with federal civil rights laws.

Trump doesn’t want you to have your civil rights. If he had his way, he would probably rescind the Bill of Rights. On December 21st, four days before Christmas, following the recommendation of Trump’s School Safety Commission, the Departments of Justice and Education rescinded the Dear Colleague letter on the non-discriminatory administration of school discipline.

Both departments jointly issued the guidance in January of 2014, and luckily after that it was the holidays, so they took a break, but not very long. They got started back in again on January 3rd, 2019, but that’s for another episode. We have finally finished 2018 and all of the Trump administration, civil and Human Rights rollbacks.

My great accomplishments, huh? Republicans are proud, at least the MAGA Republicans as they’ve been become known now, um, the extreme MAGA Republicans, which I’d like to differentiate from more moderate Republicans, but on, but not really because the moderates are just going along with it. If there’s really enough moderate Republicans, they could up rise and take their party back.

I, I just, they just need somebody with money to, that’s more powerful than Trump to take over. But I, I don’t think that person exists. I think that the Republican party is doomed. And this comes from someone whose grandfather was a vice-chair of the Republican party in Springfield, Illinois. I didn’t know him.

He died before I was born. But my uncle, his son was also a Republican and he was financial commissioner of Springfield and also served as interim mayor at times. And, and he was a Republican. And so knowing that, knowing what I know about both of them and what I know of my uncle, um, I don’t know that, I don’t know how they would feel about what’s going on.

I, I just remember, cuz I have other relatives in my family who are Democrats that are, these are politicians that have run for office and have served in Springfield government and Sangamon County government, um, Democrats and Republicans. And, um, they, they used to argue at my grandma’s about money. And, and social programs and how much money it was supposed to go into this and that and the other.

And now it’s about ethics. We used to have a common American, I guess, value. And it seems like these fringe elements are just taking over our country. We used to agree on things and I, I think really, I mean, 75% of Americans believe that abortion should be legal. I don’t understand why they’re going against what their constituents want.

It’s not a good reelection campaign for sure. It hasn’t been working so far. Um, maybe that’s the point. Maybe they want to take the party of Lincoln, the man that freed the slaves and drive it into the ground. Maybe that’s the whole point. Revenge. They just do the ugliest, most hateful, cruel things to people unnecessary and, and dismantling things and, and sending things into chaos and disorder, and making things ineffective for people, making agencies not work for people.

Do you want really want more of this in 2024? We don’t need this. We need to elect Democrats and people that are going to move the country forward and make this an egalitarian society where everybody is equal. That’s all I have for today. Thank you for listening to the Merry kind of contrary podcast.

I’m signing up. Have a good one.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 4 - The Trump Administration's Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks of 2017: Just Getting Started


Mary Lemanski reads and comments on a list, compiled by The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, of the Trump Administration’s civil and human rights rollbacks during the first year of his administration. More episodes to come covering all four years!


Welcome to the Mary Kind contrary podcast. I am your host, Mary Lemanski. Welcome and thank you for listening today. Our sponsor is Cyberpunk Web Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services. Let’s talk about your business. Are you a solo professional who needs a little extra office help from time to time?

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Just visit cyberpunk marketing.com. Go to contact us and schedule a free 30 minute discovery call today. Again, that’s cyberpunk marketing.com today on the Mary kind de contrary podcast. Um, and for the next, well, for four episodes, I guess I will be doing this is I have decided, um, because, uh, last year I had gone through and posted this on my Facebook, which, so if you’re interested in my Facebook, it’s, uh, at Mary kind of contrary, um, and just go there.

Um, but I had listed for, um, several weeks. I was going through and listing every single. Civil and human rights rollback done by the Trump administration in the four years that he was in office. And I got my information from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. So I thought I would take that to my podcast and, um, actually go through and dedicate, um, an episode to each year of the Trump administration and, um, read to you all about his, uh, civil and human rights rollbacks and his administrations, um, cuz he didn’t act alone.

I am getting, again, my information from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. If you go to their website, they have a, uh, section of it de dedicated to this. It’s titled the Trump Administration Civil and Human Rights Rollbacks. And, um, they have every year of his administration starting from the beginning and they do a date by date, um, progression of what exactly his administration did in office.

It says, since Trump took office in January, 2017, his administration worked aggressively to turn back the clock on our nation’s civil and human rights progress. Um, now keep in mind, this is just his civil and human rights rollbacks. This doesn’t include his environmental rollbacks. , it doesn’t include how he basically dismantled the executive branch and rearranged it to his liking.

Um, and how he had, you know, acting, acting people in, they weren’t even, you know, appointed or anything. They’re just acting. So it’s kind of like a, a puppet government pretty much. Uh, see, the thing is our constitution and our country is founded on an experiment, and this crate experiment is dependent on everybody believing in it and everybody working toward the dream, working for a better society, a better educated society, a.

Free freer society and when people come along and they start eroding trust in our agencies and our administrative agencies in the executive branch and, um, eroding trust in our court system and eroding trust in our Congress, which has been going on for a long time. Let’s be honest, Congress doesn’t really get much done.

And, um, like all these civil rights rollbacks, like those, if those were codified in law, Trump could not have rolled all these human and civil rights rollbacks, back . He couldn’t have rolled them back. Um, if they were codified in law, he would’ve a lot harder time doing it anyway. Um, So Congress by neglecting that opened the door for Trump to do all of this.

Um, and he undid, you know, 200 plus years of people fighting and clawing and scratching their way towards freedom and towards equality. And he just pretty much, you know, did away with a lot of this stuff. So that being said, here we are, starting in the beginning on, in 2017. Now, he was sworn into office on January 20th as all presidents are.

Uh, so on January 27th, seven days later, uh, he starts with, um, Trump. He signed an executive order. The first version of his Muslim ban that discriminated against Muslims and banned refugees. Then on January 31st, a few days later, uh, under his new chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pie, um, if you will remember him, and this is not brought up in these civil and human rights in this list that I remember as I was reading through it.

Um, this was also the guy who got rid of net neutrality. So there’s another blow by the, by the Trump administration to a free and fair internet. Um, but this chairman Naji Pi, under his leadership, the Federal Communications Commission refused to defend critical components of its prison phone rate rules in federal court.

It under the Obama administration, it, it was ready to defend these critical components of its prison phone rates rule in federal court. But, uh, under the new chairman, aji PI’s leadership, they decided to refuse to defend it and, um, the rules were ultimately struck down in June.

Um, on February 3rd, Trump signed an executive order outlining principles for regulating the US financial system. Because he does his, does so well with his businesses and calling for 120 day review of existing laws like the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The order was viewed as Trump’s opening attack on consumer protection laws.

That was not even a month into office yet. February 3rd, again, on February 3rd. He was a busy day that day. Um, especially for the fcc. The fcc, uh, rescinded its 2014 joint sales agreement guidance, which had led to the only increase in television diversity in recent years. So we’re already starting to attack, uh, diversity and, and inclusion.

Again, on February 3rd, FCC Chairman PI revoked the Lifeline broadband provider designations for nine broadband service providers, reducing the number of providers offering broadband. So it the, it’s, that’s the government interfering with the marketplace, by the way, in case you are, uh, missed that. Um, and thus decreasing the competitive forces available to drive down prices.

Cuz if there’s more peop more companies offering broadband service, it draws Dr. Drives down the price. But when you get rid of nine of them and prices go up. So that happened busy day on February 3rd, February 7th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting h J Res. 57 a resolution under the Congressional Review Act to overturn a Department of Education accountability rule that clarifies state’s obligations under the Every Student Succeeds Act.

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposes or opposed that resolution. On February 9th, Trump signed three executive orders to fight crime gangs and drugs, restore law and order and support the dedicated men and women of law enforcement. You see, he did that so well on January 6th. The orders though vague reviewed suspiciously by civil rights organizations.

So when you start to undo civil rights, then you need to beef up your police force. because people get mad. Um, and you know,

it, it seems like, uh, the militarization of the police, it, it is a problem and seems like this, the wording of this kind of feeds into that militarization kind of a police state, if you will. Um, on February 10th, senators Patty Murray and Maria Conwell of Washington wrote to Education Secretary Betsy Duo.

After the centralized resource website for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act became inaccessible to the public for more than a week on February 17th, DEO. Issued a statement blaming the previous administration for neglecting the site because we all know when, when webpages are up, they just disappear for no reason.

You know, the, um, do they think we’re stupid? On February 21st, the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo updating immigration enforcement guidance, massively expanding the number of people subject to detention and deportation. The guidance drastically increased the use of expedited removal and essentially eliminated the priorities for deportation.

So, as you can see, um, the, that was basically a month into the administration. They did all that. Um, it’s like they’re dismantling, um, things and changing policies that have been long set or, you know, or that were just set by the previous administration. On February 22nd, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education’s office for civil rights jointly rescinded Title IX guidance, clarifying Protections under the law for transgender students.

So when Republicans tell you they’re not being discriminatory, they’re, they, they started like a month right off the bat. I mean, you can’t, you can’t say that they’re not discriminating. On February 23rd, attorney General Sessions withdrew an earlier Justice Department memo that set a goal of reducing an ultimately ending the department’s use of PRI private prisons.

Um, I have a very strong objection to private prisons. I also have a strong objection. To healthcare for profit and to a lesser extent, education. Um, I believe that profiting office, somebody’s pain and suffering is unethical, and it shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be encouraged by our government. Nobody should make money off of somebody’s pain and suffering.

So that includes sitting in a prison because there’s always ways of driving up your profit margin and somebody ends up paying for this. and when it comes to medical bills, it’s the patient. And so you’re nickel di these patients to death. And it’s unethical because on top of that, they’re suffering.

They’re, they may even be dying. And it, the way our healthcare system is, I wish we would go to a nonprofit format for it because nonprofits can exist in a capitalist state. They operate just fine. But that would take away these huge profits that are just given to shareholders at the expense of people’s healths and lives.

And I, I, I wanna include the pharmaceutical industry in this too. Uh, charging somebody outrageous amounts of money for insulin when it’s been low cost for years is just ridiculous.

So that’s my suggestion. Let’s all go nonprofit on the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. Take the profit out of it. Take the profit out of prisons. There’s no reason why any outside company should be involved in the punishment of a, a civilian in, in as, as a part of a, uh, state decision. So that’s my 2 cents on that.

Um, anyway, continuing on. On February 27th, the Department of Justice dropped the federal government’s longstanding position that a Texas voter ID law under legal Challenge was intentionally racially discriminatory. Despite having successfully advanced that argument in multiple federal courts. So the, the Department of Justice had held that a Texas voter ID law under Legal Challenge was intentionally racially discriminatory and had advanced that argument in multiple federal courts, and they just suddenly dropped it.

On February 27th, 2000, uh, 2017, the district court subsequently rejected the position of Jeff Session’s Justice Department. And concluded the law was passed with discriminatory intent, so they lost on that one. On March 6th, the Department of Justice withdrew its motion for a preliminary in John Injunction against North Carolina’s anti-trans gender HB two law.

So it had put in injunction under the Obama administration against North Carolina’s anti-trans gender HB two law, and the department under Jeff’s sessions, department of Justice under Jeff’s sessions on March 6th, withdrew its motion for the for the preliminary injunction.

On March 6th, Trump signed a revised executive order restricting travel to the United States by citizens of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, and drastically cut back refugee admissions. So, um, so he has a Muslim ban and then he, he tried to restrict travel, um, and then of course he wants to build a wall, you know, wanted to build a wall against Mexico.

I think we see a theme here with people of brown color. So on March 6th, a week after Trump called on lawmakers to repeal the Affordable Care Act during his address to Congress, house Republicans released a proposal to replace the ACA with a law that would end the Medicaid program as we know it. And defund Planned Parenthood again on March 6th.

That was a busy day. That was four things. Now, on March 6th, the Department of Health and Human Services proposed ending the collection of data on L G B T Q, individuals with Disabilities removing questions on L G B T Q demographics from the Centers for Independent Living Annual Program Performance Report Survey On March 10th, the Department of Housing and Urban Development with Truist Survey proposed in the federal register meant to assess the efficacy and applicability of H U D funded programs to address L G B T Q Youth Homelessness.

According to its own data, 40% of young people experiencing homelessness identify as L G BT Q. So ensuring that its programs are adequately meeting the needs of young B lgbtq Q people is critical to H U D meeting its own mission. After significant public outcry, the assessment survey was eventually reinstated.

On March 13th, the Department of Health and Human Services released a draft of the annual National Survey of Older Americans Act participants, which gathers data on people who received services funded through the Older Americans Act. So now they’re going after the elderly. The Department of Health and Human Services draft collection instrument omitted the questions on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Asked on the previous years survey after receiving nearly 14,000 comments on the data collection proposal, and after facing bipartisan opposition from Congress, the Department of Health and Human Services restored the question on sexual orientation, but omitted a question that yielded information on gender identity.

So you, we see a theme here against L G B T Q, transgender, um, old people, brown people, but it’s only March. Um, so on March 16th, 2017, the Trump administration released a budget blueprint that proposed a 54 billion increase in military spending that would come from 54 billion in direct cuts to non-defense programs.

The blueprint also proposed spending $4.1 billion through 2018 on the beginnings of construction of a wall through communities on the US Mexico Borderer.

I wonder why the wall was so important. Where did that steal for the wall come from? Did it come from Russia? Just curious if, if somebody can get me an answer on that, that would be awesome. On March 17th, the Department of Housing and Urban Development removed links to four key resource documents from its website, which informed emergency shelters on be best practices for serving transgender people facing homelessness, and complying with H U D regulations.

So once again, they’re attacking the homeless, 40% of which are L G B T Q. As we learned earlier

on March 22nd, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HR 1628, the American Healthcare Act, which leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed. The White House issued a statement supporting the Senate’s Motion to Proceed to this legislation on July 24th. March 27th was another busy day for Trump.

On March 27th, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which repealed a Department of Education Accountability Rule finalized the year before that would clarify state’s obligations under the Every Student Succeeds Act. Also, on March 27th, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which repealed the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Executive Order.

The order signed by President Obama represented a much needed step forward in ensuring that the federal contractor community is providing safe and fair workplaces for employees by encouraging compliance with federal label labor and civil rights laws, and prohibiting the use of mandatory arbitration of certain disputes.

So now he’s attacking federal workers. I guess nobody is safe. On March 29th, the US Census Bureau asserted that there was no federal data needed to justify the collection of sexual orientation and gender identity data. In the American Community Survey, the Bureau’s original submission to Congress included a table suggesting that it planned to collect data on sexual orientation and gender identity in the a c s starting in the next iteration of the survey.

But by the end of the day, the Bureau hastily removed any reference to these topics in a revised submission. During the Obama administration, at least four federal agencies had asked the bureau to add these questions. See, they’re undoing things that previous presidents worked for, uh, that other people had asked for, not just Obama.

On March 29th, the Washington Post reported that the Department of Education decided to terminate the opening Doors expanding Opportunity Grant Program, which helps local districts devise ways to boost socioeconomic diversity within their schools. In a March 31st memo, Jeff Sessions ordered a sweeping review of consent decrees with law enforcement agencies relating to police conduct a crucial tool in the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure constitutional and accountable policing.

The department also tried unsuccessfully to block a federal court in Baltimore from approving a consent decree between the city and the Baltimore Police Department to reign in discriminatory police practices that the department itself had negotiated over a multi-year period. So see, people are working on these things for years, and they’re just coming along and, oh, nope, we don’t need that anymore.

It’s kind of like they, they’re, they’re, they’re dismantling things. They were dismantling things, uh, dismantling, um, the ex, the executive branch, getting rid of various policies that protect people. Um, the, the homeless, the poor L G B T Q community, people of color and old people. And then they also, um, put distrust in these things that, you know, distrust in the fbi, distrust, distrust in the Supreme Court now, because, I mean, you have, uh, justices that are changing 50 years of president like that just because they don’t like it.

And then there’s, um, Uh, uh, our, our election system, I mean, people have been voting by mail for centuries, right? That people have, our men overseas have been voting by mail for centuries and, and, uh, so I don’t see why all of a sudden there’s something wrong with our, our voting system. And, and it wasn’t.

They had like 40 cases, 60 cases, whatever it was, and they were all, all dismissed because there was not enough evidence of voter fraud or election fraud. Um, going on. We’re still in 2017, by the way. This is just April. Um, Trump took office in January. On April 3rd, attorney General Jeff Sessions tried to back out of a consent decree to address civil rights violations by the Baltimore Police Department.

On April 11th, the administration proposed removing a question from the National Survey of Children’s Health going after kids. Now regarding preschool suspension and expulsion, without access to valid and reliable data, parents, advocates, educators, service providers, researchers, policy makers, and the public will not have the information they need to ensure early childhood settings are developmentally appropriate and non-discriminatory.

So when they, when they accuse Democrats of going after children, Trump actually was going after children right there, April 11th, 2017. On April 13th, Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which overturned the US Department of Health and Human Services final Rule.

Updating the regulations governing the Title 10 Family Planning Program, a vital source of family planning and related preventive care for low income, uninsured and young people across the country,

once again, attacking the poor and young people. On April 14th, the Department of Justice voluntarily dismissed its lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s anti-trans gender HB two after the law was modified, although private challenges continued on April 26th. Trump released an outline of a tax reform plan that was reviewed largely as a tax giveaway for the wealthy and big corporations.

We all know how that turned out. The tax cuts are going away from the middle class. Yep. Gone. But guess who still has them? People who don’t need them. On April 26th, Trump signed an executive order directing Secretary of Education, Betsy Duo, to conduct a study on the federal government’s role in education.

I mean, why, what a waste of taxpayer money. We know why kids need education. Do we want our country to fall behind and science and, and everything else? On May 2nd, the White House issued a Statement of administration policy supporting HR 1180, the Working Family’s Flexibility Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Humans rights opposed on May 4th.

Trump signed an executive order that he claimed that he claimed to overturn the Johnson Amendment, though it did not, which precludes tax exempt organizations, including places of worship from engaging in any political campaign activity and would curtail the contraception mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

So he, he, he tried to do something, but he really didn’t do anything on May 10th. Just Sessions announced in a two page memo that the Department of Justice was abandoning its smart on crime initiative that had been hailed as a positive step forward in rehabilitating drug users and reducing the enormous cost of warehousing inmates.

Um, it’s, it’s, it’s interesting that they’re all worried about fentanyl now, when they did away with the smart on Crime initiative. I mean, really you can’t complain about something when you made it, made it worse. On May 11th, Trump signed an executive order creating the so-called Presidential Advisory Commission on election integrity headed by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State, Chris Kobas, who has a history of trying to suppress the vote in Kansas.

Oh my, the very best people, huh? On May 23rd, Trump released his fiscal year 2018 budget that included massive, unnecessary tax cuts for the wealthy and large corporations, which would be paid for by slashing basic living standards for the most vulnerable and by attacking critical programs like social security, disability insurance, Medicaid, food assistance, and more.

Also, on May 23rd, Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposed eliminating. See, here’s where Swear, he starts, um, trying to manipulate the office, the, uh, the executive branch itself, and get rid of agencies. Uh, on May 23rd Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposed eliminating the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and transferring its functions to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

This would ha have impeded the work of both the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, as each have distinct missions and expertise, and would have thereby undermined the civil rights protections that employers and workers have re relied on for almost 50 years.

They want to tear down our government. I mean, that’s why they’re talking about seceding, that’s why they’re talking about. At the southern states leaving the, the, the union, again, this is why, you know, they’re, they’re, they’re having this divisive language at, at cpac. They’re, they’re wanting to break our country.

On June 5th, Trump released an infrastructure plan. This is June 5th, 2017. We’re still in his first year of office. This is just June. He’s only been, he hasn’t even been in office for six months. On June 5th, Trump released an infrastructure plan that focuses on putting public assets into private hands, creating another giveaway to wealthy corporations and millionaires at the expense of working families and communities.

On June 6th, the Department of Education’s office for Civil Rights issued unclear new instructions on transgen transgender student discrimination. On June 8th, the Office for Civil Rights, uh, the Department of Education’s acting head. Acting head, right? Not see, they’re all acting. Nobody actually has any accountability.

I guess the Department of Education’s office for Civil Rights acting head sent a memo to OCR staff discouraging systemic investigations in favor of individual investigations of discrimination. So they’re only looking for individual, individual instances rather than problems that happen systemically.

They really don’t wanna solve the problem is what it is. . So then on June 14th, Devo Devo decided to delay implementation of and to renegotiate the borrower defense to repayment and gainful employment regulations, important regulations that had been designed to protect students from predatory conduct by for-profit schools

back to the for-profit. So I did, I talked a little bit about for-profit in healthcare and, uh, prisons, how, how unethical it is. I have mixed feelings about for-profit schools. I think education should be available freely, but then if there’s a specific kind of thing that you’re teaching that’s different, I could see where somebody would want to charge for their program, um, at a, you know, a profit.

But if your, your program is n not really any different than any other college, I don’t understand why, why you would have a, have a for-profit school. Why wouldn’t you have a nonprofit school? Uh, ed education is not my area of expertise, although I, I mean, I’ve, I’m a teacher , I, I, um, I’m not like an administrator or anything like that.

You know, it, I’ve taught music, so, you know, maybe I don’t know some things, but it just seems that education for the most part should be freely available if we want an educated society. And so that is why public education is important. If you want to pay to send your kid to private school or a for-profit school, then by all means you can do that.

You have that freedom. But if we truly want an educated populace, which we should want an educated populace, then education needs to be freely available for people at some level. That’s just my 2 cents anyway. Onward. So on June 14th, 2017, the Department of Education withdrew without any explanation, a 2016 finding that an Ohio school district discriminated against a transgender girl.

On June 15th, the administration rescinded President Obama’s deferred action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent residence program, an initiative that. Had it gone into effect would’ve offered a pathway to citizenship for immigrant parents with children who are citizens or residents of the United States.

So now he’s Administ administration was attacking people have lived here mostly their whole life. On June 27th, labor Secretary Acosta requested information on the Obama era overtime rule signaling his intent to lower the salary threshold of the overtime rule. Also, on June 27th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HR 3 0 0 3, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed.

As I mentioned before, at the beginning of this, I am reading all of this. Off the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights website, you can go to civil rights.org and find this. I’m just reading it and giving my commentary on it. So also, again, on June 27th, this is the third thing, uh, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HR 3004 Kate’s Law, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed.

On June 28th, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division sent a letter to 44 states demanding extension information on how they maintain their voter roles. This request was made on the same. That President Trump’s so-called commission on election integrity sent letters to all 50 states demanding, intrusive and highly sensitive personal data about all registered voters.

You can see how fascist, this is starting to sound. Oh, we’re in July. Oh, he went almost a month without doing anything from June 28th. This is just for the civil rights, right? We’re not talking about environmental or anything else. Infrastructure. Nothing like that. Uh, so on July 24th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HJ Res one 11, a resolution under the Congressional Review Act to overturn the consumer Financial Protection bureau’s Final rule on forced arbitration clauses.

The leadership conference on Civil and human rights opposed the resolution. The White House issued a statement on October 24th, opposing the Senate companion resolution. July 26th was another busy day on July 26th. Trump declared in a series of tweets that he was barring transgender people from serving in the military.

He followed through with a presidential memo on August 25th, though the issue, um, well at the, at the time of the writing of this was still being challenged in the courts. It’s no longer of course. Um, on July 26th, again, the Department of Justice filed a legal briefing arguing that Title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, a decision that contravened recent court decisions and equal employment opportunity commission guidance.

So basically now they’re wanting to discriminate against, against people because of their sexual orientation. On August 1st, the New York Times reported that this Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirm of affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants in a move without recent precedent.

This investigation and enforcement effort was planned to be run out of the Civil Rights Division’s front office by political appointees instead of by experienced career staff in the division’s Educational opportunities section, let’s just appoint random racists to, to make decisions about, uh, affirmative action.

That sounds like a good idea. On August 2nd, Trump announced his support of Republican backed legislation that would slash legal immigration in half over a decade. On August 7th, 2017, the Justice Department filed a brief in the Supreme Court in Houston versus a Philip Randolph Institute arguing that it should be easier for states to purge registered voters from their roles.

Reversing not only its longstanding legal interpretation, but also the position it had taken it in the lower courts in that case. So basically throwing our court system and into turmoil. I mean, the Justice Department had already already taken a position in the lower courts on the case and just reversed it.

Does that make you feel safe when you go to a court? Does that make you feel like it’s a stable court system that we have? and, and then the Supreme Court add the icing on the cake with the reversal of Roe versus Wade. And then, you know, certain justices on the, on the, on the court are now just shocked.

Why don’t people respect the court anymore? Gee, I wonder why it’s your own fault Dip shit. On August 28th, sessions lifted the Obama administration’s ban on the transfer of some military surplus items to domestic law enforcement. See, like I said, militarizing the police rescinding guidelines that were created in the wake of Ferguson to protect the public from law enforcement misuse of military grade weapons.

So they won a police state. So they control our every move, our, our, I mean, when they set the precedent that a woman does not have control over her uterus. , they can have then set the precedent that a man doesn’t have control over his body either, because if a woman doesn’t, then they can take it away from a man too.

Because when they, when they rescinded Roe versus Wade, they got rid of the, the argument for right to privacy. There’s literally one court case now holding up right to privacy. So they’re getting rid of right to privacy, um, causing turmoil, uh, and distrust of our US institutions, our elections, our uh, administrative agencies and our judicial branch on September 5th, still in 2017.

Jeff Sessions announced that the administration was rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the DACA program. On September 7th, the Department of Justice filed a brief with the Supreme Court in Masterpiece Cake Shop versus Colorado Civil Rights Commission, arguing that businesses have a right to discriminate against L G B T Q customers.

On September 12th, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HR 36 97, the Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed. On September 15th, the Department of Justice ended the Community Oriented Policing Services Collaborative Reform Initiative, a Justice Department program that aimed to help build trust between police officers and the communities they serve.

I guess that’s not important anymore. People don’t need to trust the police officers in their community, I guess. Seems like a real smart thing to do. What a mess. Huh? What a mess. On September 22nd, duo announced that the Department of Education was rescinding guidance related to Title IX and school’s obligations regarding sexual violence and educational opportunity.

On September 24th, Trump issued the third version of his Muslim band, which unlike the previous versions, was of indefinite duration. On September 27th, the Trump administration and Republican leadership in Congress unveiled tax principles that would provide trillions in dollars of unnecessary tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations.

And they wonder why we’re our deficit is. So high now, and they’re so worried about the debt ceiling and all this. Well, it’s your own damn fault. On October 2nd, 2017, still duo resented 72 guidance documents outlining the rights of students with disabilities. Though it wasn’t until October 21st until the public learned of the rescissions, nice to keep people informed and nice transparency there, huh.

On October 4th, the Department of Justice filed a brief in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, asking the court to dismiss a lawsuit against the president’s transgender military ban. On October 5th, Jeff Sessions reversed a Justice Department policy again, reversing. Which clarified that transgender workers are protected from discrimination under Title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

On October 6th, the Department of Justice issued sweeping religious liberty guidance to federal agencies, which will create a license to discriminate against L G B T Q individuals than others. What if your religion says that you can discriminate against Republicans? Is that okay? On October 8th, the White House released a list of hardline immigration principles, a list of demands that included funding a border wall deporting Central American children seeking sanctuary and curbing grants to sanctuary cities.

Effectively stalling any possible bipartisan agreement on a bill to protect dreamers. Why don’t they want people coming here? Why don’t they want people to come here and build the life? Well, I hinted at I, well, I didn’t hint it. I more than hinted at it in my, uh, one of my earlier podcasts about white supremacy.

So if you wanna go back and listen to that, that’s shockful of information. My thing with this podcast is I wanna talk about things that the regular media is not talking about. They’re not talking about this. People are like, oh, the, the, the people on, on the news are saying We’re, we’re, uh, we’re losing our country, but, you know, I’m fine.

Nothing’s happening with me. Well, this is why we’re losing our country, because they chipped away at it for four years. And I’m just, you know, I’m just in October. It’s not even the, the end of the, the fourth quarter yet. They’re just getting started. Folks, on October 12th, Trump signed an executive order to undermine healthcare, and later that day announced that he would end subsidies for certain healthcare plans.

On October 27th, the Department of Education announced it was withdrawing nearly 600 policy, 600, 600 policy documents that people have worked on for years, probably regarding K through 12 and higher education. If this doesn’t make you mad, I don’t know what will America wake up on November 1st. Trump signed a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act, which repealed the consumer Financial protection bureau’s rule on forced arbitration.

Overturning the rule will enable big banks, payday lenders, and other financial companies to force victims of fraud, discrimination, or other unlawful conduct into a kangaroo court process where their claims are decided by hired arbitration firms rather than by judges and juries. Harming consumers and undermining civil rights and consumer protection laws.

On November 6th, the Trump administration announced it would terminate the temporary protected status designation for Nicaragua. Boy, they’re trying to lock out all the brown people, huh. On November 14th, 2017, the White House issued a statement of administration policy supporting HR one, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed.

The White House subsequently issued statements supporting the this legislation on November 30th, the Senate version, and on December 18th, the conference report. On November 16th, the Federal Communications Commission voted to gut lifeline the program dedicated to bringing phone and internet service within reach for people of color, low income people.

Seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities, with particularly egregious consequences for tribal areas. They also voted to eliminate several rules, promoting competition and diversity in the broadcast media, undermining ownership chances for women and people of color. I mean this, this doesn’t sound like America to me.

On November 20th, no, 2017, the Trump administration announced it would terminate the temporary protected status designation in 18 months for approximately 59,000 Haitians living in the United States. On November 24th, Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney as acting director, acting against, still see the SH shadow puppet government.

Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney as acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as a member of Congress. Mulvaney supported abolishing the consumer Bureau. All the best people, huh? All the best and has in the past, referred to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as a sick, sad joke, quality man quality.

On December 4th, 2017, the Department of Labor proposed changing its long-standing position, codified in regulation that prohibited employers from pooling together tips and redistributing them to workers who don’t traditionally earn tips. Now they’re ripping off people that work for tips. Do you need every freaking penny we have?

Really? Do you need every freaking penny? I don’t think you need anymore. On December 12th, the Department of Justice wrote to Acting Census Bureau Director Ron Jarin requesting a question about citizenship on the 2020 census. It was untimely and un unnecessarily intrusive request that would destroy any chance for an accurate count, discarded years of careful research and increased costs significantly.

And finally, right before Christmas on December 21st, 2017, it is R. It was reported that Jeff’s sessions rescinded 25 guidance documents, including a letter sent to Chief Justices and court administrators to help state and local efforts to reform harmful practices of imposing fees and fines on poor people, again, attacking poor people again, again.

do poor people really need to be attacked anymore? So that was 2017. That was 2017, and I’ve been talking for an almost an hour. So that is everything that Trump did to Ro rollback Civil and human rights in 2017 alone, his first year in office. We’re just getting started. I’ve got three more episodes planned, so look forward to more.

And in closing, I, I just, I just wanna say that our democracy is still on the line. These people that spent four years destroying our country, some of them are still in office, some of them are in Congress right now. Some things that are not talked about in here, like I said before, is, Environmental rollbacks.

He, I mean, gosh, I could probably do four episodes on that every year. I just, I think that we all need to realize that our freedom is buried, fragile, and it doesn’t take much to undermine our freedoms. And if somebody spent four years, I mean, you just heard that was just one year. It got four more, three more to go.

All those, uh, things that he did, I don’t think that Joe Biden has gone back and, and fixed them. So they’re still broke. And so if Trump or another Republican comes in office, they’ll just do more. He was literally dismantling the executive branch, taking apart all the policies. , um, trying to get rid of some of the offices, fold them into other offices and lying the whole time saying that he’s there for us, the American people, when he’s really just there for his buddies, the other millionaires and billionaires, and the cruelty is what gets me the cruelty towards people with disabilities, the cruelty towards the poor, the cruelty towards transgender people and other LGBTQ community.

The hatred toward people of color, discrimination against women. I mean, is this the America that we really wanna live in? We really want more of this. We really want four more years of this, eight more years of this. I mean, I’m never honestly ever going to vote for a Republican ever again in my life after this.

They’re not to be trusted. , they’ve been lying, and they’re obviously compromised. Something’s going on where they’re all in lockstep with each other. I mean, that’s not normal. Even the de the Democrats aren’t even in lockstep with each other. It’s un cany and unnatural. And who supports Russia? Who has ever supported Russia in this country?

You’re going against the fbi, you’re going against the cia. You’re going against all of our intelligence agencies. You’re going against our military itself. The military has been supportive of Ukraine, and the misinformation is what kills me is just flat out lies. And then people believe it by the time that the truth has got its shoes on.

The lie is halfway around the world. There’s no stopping it, and then everybody, you know, it’s spread and the truth never really gets disseminated, I don’t think. I mean, look how many people’s reputations are ruined by the media and my own included. And, uh, they didn’t tell the whole truth. I, I told, I told the Chicago Tribune that the proud Boys targeted me, and they just, they left that all out.

The whole, my whole, how I knew that the Proud boys made my tweet go viral. And then I, I told the, the Chicago Tribune that, and they’d left all of my story out. They only, they only gave the story that fit the narrative that everybody else was giving. And, and I had given them an exclusive story where they could have actually, actually shared what I actually said.

and my viewpoint of what actually happened, because I have a degree MBA in E-business and I’ve done social media forever. And I know from my statistics and my, uh, analytics in the backend exactly what happened. And I know because I spoke at a school board meeting a week before it happened, and other people in our group were targeted.

So if, if you want more of that elect Republicans, if you want more fascists at school board meetings, targeting moms who get up and speak at school board meetings, elect Republicans, because that’s what we’ll. And I’m going to read and comment on every single one of these civil rights rollbacks for the next three podcasts after this one, because it’s important that everybody gets this out.

And please share this podcast. Please share it with people so that they know all of these things that the Republicans and Trump did while he was in office. And this is just 2017. We’re just getting started. So I guess that’s all I really have to say for now. I hope you all have a great week. I will be back with another podcast soon and, um, you’ll get to hear all of the civil and human rights rollbacks of Trump from 2018 next episode.

So until then, have a good one later.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 3 - My First Trip to the Grammys


In this episode of Mary Kinda Contrary Podcast, Mary Lemanski talks about her first trip to the Grammys in 2022 for the 64th Grammy Awards.


Hello, you’re listening to the Mary Kind de Contrary podcast, and I’m your host, Mary LeMans. I’m a musician, actress, writer, business owner, and creator of this podcast. Welcome and thank you very much for listening. It’s been a while since I have done a podcast. The last year’s been kind of hectic. It’s actually probably almost been a year.

It’s probably been a, at least. Eight months. Anyway, I am back. Um, and the last time I was, um, podcasting, I had said that I would talk about my trip to the Grammys, which happened last year. So I figured. Since it’s Grammy week, it’s a good time to reboot the podcast. Ooh and talk about the Grammys again. Uh, before we do that, I have quite a few things.

Well, not quite a few things. I have a couple things to talk about. First, I’d like to talk about our sponsor for this episode. Cyberpunk Web Marketing and Virtual Assistant Services. Cyberpunk helps creatives, solo professionals, entrepreneurs, and small businesses to focus on their larger goals while they meet their web-based creative and administrative.

Cyberpunk Web marketing and virtual assistant services uses a blend of leading edge technology and the d i y ethos of punk rock to achieve positive results for every client every time. Those in need of intelligent, independent, and tenacious online promotion and executive and administrative assistance would be wise to connect with cyberpunk today.

You can do that by going to cyberpunk marketing.com. All right. And that’s, so that’s our sponsor for this episode. And moving on, I would like to do a little public service announcement and remind you all that the even numbered years are not just election years. Every year is an election year because in the odd numbered years, you elect your municipal and local people.

So I would suggest that you all get out there and vote every year, every year, every election is important. You know why? You may not think that the, the local elections are as important as the president, but you know what? You don’t actually elect the president, the electoral college does, and the local people decide.

Your schools are gonna use their money, how they’re, how the libraries are gonna use their money, how taxpayer money reaches you and how it is used at the local level. So you really wanna get out and vote for people that support your values. There are ways to find out, it’s hard sometimes to find out information about local candidates, but a lot of times if you search their names, you can find their party.

Um, just search their name in Republican or Democrat and you can usually find that out, um, or libertarian or whatever, green party. Um, we want to always mention all of the parties because we don’t have enough of them, I don’t think. I think that’s why we’re in the problem we are now. Just get out and vote and vote your values.

Do your research on your local politic. . Um, and yeah, that’s all I really have to say about that. Every year is an election year. Don’t, when they say election year, don’t even listen to them. Every year is an election year, and the elections that affect you the most are the local elections, so get out and vote.

All right, now that I got those couple things out of the way, I am going to move into the, the meat and the heart and soul. This episode, uh, my last episode, which I think was probably like 10 to eight months ago when I thought I would be putting it out the next week. Uh, that’s sometimes that’s how life is.

Anyway, my last episode, I, um, had said that I was going to talk about my. First trip to the Grammys, which was last year. Um, and it was very recent at the time, but , now it’s Grammy week and it’s time for another Grammys. So of course the Grammy’s last year got, um, uh, pushed back due to Covid. So it, uh, wasn’t in Los Angeles as planned, it was in Las Vegas.

But I was able to go to it. Uh, I had planned for this. For a couple years actually, because my ex and I, um, have our, uh, time with the kids and I wasn’t sure that, you know, the Grammys they used used to be able to get four tickets, um, and now you can only get two when they initially offer them. Later on, if nobody buys the tickets, then you can get the ticket.

More tickets. They changed the policy from four to two, so I can’t take my kids with me . So, um, so I just decided to go by myself because I had no date. Um, and I didn’t wanna pay for somebody else . Um, so I went by myself to the Grammys and. You have the Grammys, but then you have Grammy week and there’s lots of events leading up to Grammy week.

Lots of networking and schmoozing and you know, maybe even some educational things. I not, I have not gone to any educational things, but, um, so anyway, they have these events leading up to. Uh, the actual Grammys and, uh, I flew into Vegas on Thursday. I was able to arrive the first day that they started offering tickets.

Um, and I was so glad I did. If you ever have to go to the one of these events and you can go early, go early, um, because there was no line to get. Grammy tickets and my, my Goodies bag, which I’ll talk about in a bit. But, um, I, I just, I, I, I arrived in Las Vegas. I, I took my time, I got my bags, got my rental car.

Um, and then I drove to the hotel where the Grammy’s were at, which I immediately had one. Knew they were changing venues. I got a room at, at the ca at the hotel, the mgm, where it was at. Um, I had got my room and it, I, I had a nice view of the, the, the Vegas Skyline Billboards, , and um, and so I got to my room, I got to kind of relax and I had a day to just, you know, get my tickets.

and just hang out and enjoy a little bit of Las Vegas. Um, uh, and then the next day, I was so glad that I had done that because Friday was the Music Cares, uh, person of the year benefit concert and dinner, um, at the mg. Everybody was coming in on Friday and um, also on Saturday for the Grammys on Sunday.

So the lines were long, uh, at the hotel. They were along waiting for tickets to get, get your Grammy tickets and your gift bag and, um, . I was so glad that I got there on Thursday because I didn’t have to wait in those lines. And the gift, the gift bag was awesome. Uh, it was a collection of products by Biro, their bitter green essence toner, which normally retails at $95, their tofu gel cream.

normally, normally retails at $85 and they’re fig renewal oil, which normally retails at $72. And I have really enjoyed these products, I must say. They’re very nice and they, we, they even gave us a, a discount code. I wanted to talk about my trusses. Um, so I’m very fortunate to have a cousin-in-law who is a fabulous.

Seamstress. And not only that, she is a, an up and coming fashion designer who goes by the name Meg Mansky, M E g M A N S k. I check her out. Um, her, her creations are just gorgeous and so, I, um, I got four dresses from her, one from, for the person of the year benefit, one for, uh, a get together, uh, a party on, on Saturday night, and then my dress for the Grammy’s, and then a addressed for the after party.

Well, the after party didn’t end up happening, so I didn’t, I’ve got a fourth dress that I’ve yet to. To, um, wear, but, um, I Did you wear the other three all by Meg Mans? went shopping for shoes and bag to, to wears. The great thing about my Meg Mansky creations is that, uh, they all had matching masks to go along with the dresses since it was co covid was so prevalent.

So that was very nice to have matching masks with my dresses. So I enjoyed my My Chill Thursday and then Friday, April 1st was the, as mentioned before, the person of the year benefit concert and dinner, and it was honoring Joni Mitchell. And Steven Stills was there. And um, then there were performances by, um, Brandy Carlisle and Herby Hancock, Sarah Burs, Cindy Lauper, Chaka Khan, Leon Bridges, pentatonics, uh, the Black Puma, John Batiste is amazing and Maggie Rogers.

And Mickey Gek. It was all just a wonderful, wonderful show. And, um, uh, the dinner was great too. Um, I don’t have the breakdown with me. It was, it was, um, you know, salad and then the main course, and then the desserts were, were crazy , uh, uh, you know, sculpt, you know, little sculptures and stuff. made out. Cake

So anyway, um, uh, so the dinner was great. Um, I, I got there and I sat down and at my table, and just to kind of give you the context of this, um, it had been, you know, a few months since the whole Waukesha thing. and I was really, actually pretty wary about being out in public, um, and how people were going to react to me honestly.

So I, I, I go to my table and I sit down and I just, you know, they, they, everybody was going around and introducing themselves. and I introduced myself and, and they ask, you know, oh, what do you do? And I said, oh, I’m a, I’m an independent musician. And the guy next to me is a older gentleman. Uh, he says, oh, independent musicians make enough money for tickets to.

So right off the bat, this guy was not sitting well with me. Um, what does it matter? Uh, I mean, really, why would you say that to somebody? Um, so I just kind of, you know, brushed it off and I’m like, oh, I do. All right. Um, you know, and, uh, and so. I sit down and this, this, um, woman comes over and sits down next to me and she introduces herself to the table.

Um, she’s a journalist and, um, So we’re all, you know, talking as the night goes on and, you know, watching the performances and all of this. And, um, so it comes up. People are like, uh oh. Uh oh, oh, oh. I know I have it. The, the guy next to me starts talking to me and. , he is like, tell me more about your music or whatever.

And I was like, well, you know, I, um, I’ve been putting out my own music since 1999 and, and I, and I said, and I’m like in Chicago area right now. I play around town and, and then he just cut. I play around Chicago and or I, I said, I play around Chicago and. . Um, I’ve toured the United States, but he, he, he only heard I play around and then starts talking to the rest of the table, like, oh, did you hear?

She plays around? And I was like, you didn’t hear the rest of my sentence. I said, I play music around Chicago. And so this is strike two for this guy. Um, Oh wow. He didn’t even know who I was really at that point. And then, so then everybody else is, oh, let’s hear your music tells us about your music and let, what’s your latest release?

And so then at that point I had put out Karma Klansmen are ruining My America. The music video. I started to tell people about Waukesha and I. and I started telling them my story. Like you can hear, if you hear some of my earlier podcasts, I, I was like, yes, I’m that girl. I’m that girl that said that stuff.

Um, but I collected all the voicemails and I chopped them all up and I turned them into a song, wanna hear it? And I made a music video detailing everything that I’ve been through and. . So then after that, people didn’t, didn’t wanna talk to me, the , the guy sitting next to me, like moved and his wife moved next to me.

well at some point. Um, but, uh, . But, uh, so, so this woman next to me, this reporter, she didn’t tell me what channel or anything that she worked. And I was like, um, you know, I don’t give a fuck if this is Fox News or not , I’m gonna tell this woman my side of the story. And so I did, and it probably went on for like 10 minutes.

Um, but I was not gonna sit there and ha, you know, feel like that and not speak my. . So I sat there and I told this woman everything, and, and I said, yeah, the, the, the proud boys targeted me after speaking at a school board meeting. And um, a week later they made my tweets go viral. If you look at my stats, I mean, , they, they ganged up on me and they made my tweet go viral and they made Fox News pick it.

And Fox News jumped on the, because I was the man social media manager for the DuPage Democrats. And, um, and I had, I was w a, a key part in bringing out the youth vote and changing DuPage County from red to purple to now almost completely. and, um, I fear that they’re losing that youth vote. As I talk to my son every day and, and, um, I hear some of the things that he says that.

I just, there, it’s really strong. We, we need to, um, we need to fight back against this white supremacist, domestic terrorism that is taking over our country. But aside from that, um, I just, I, you know, I didn’t care that this woman was from Fox News. I was gonna tell her my story. One thing about Fox News is there were a lot of influencers.

I. I saw, I found a, a graphic and it had compiled all of the people that said bad things about Waukesha, and there were some major influencers on there. And there was actually a woman who was, um, higher up, like in charge of the, the Democrats at the, at a county level. And she wasn’t targeted like I was.

And I, I honestly think it’s because I was so pivotal in turning a. The largest red county in Illinois to blue. There are reasons why I was targeted and not all those other people that said the exact same thing I did. So anyway, I had to tell this woman my peace. I had to speak my peace. And um, so I did.

And then she revealed to me that she was, uh, she worked for an affiliate of Fox. in a state out east. I won’t even say where she was from because I don’t, I don’t rat out people. I don’t put people, I don’t call out people unless really there there really needs to be a reason. Yeah. So, um, anyway, aside from from, uh, being the, the pariah at the table, I really enjoyed the Music Cares concert and seeing Joni Mitchell and seeing all of the performers, it was really just lovely.

It was amazing. Um, and I’m so glad I had the chance to do that. So, if you ever have a chance to donate money to music care, and, um, and go to the person of the year award fest, uh, person of the year award, um, festivities, the, the dinner and the, the production. Um, you should, you should do it because it was really something and, um, I, it was a fabulous evening.

Good food, good music, mostly good company . I guess as long as I’m not there. It’s a good company, huh? . Okay. Um, so that was Fri that was Friday night, April 1st. So Saturday. Saturday I had two events. Um, in the afternoon there was the global reunion 2022, um, which was hosted by. Stuart Copeland, Ricky Ke, and Lonnie Park.

And um, if you don’t know who those people are, I will tell you, um, so you’ve probably heard of the police, the ban the police, and if not, you should probably look them up because they’re rather influential. , but, um, Stuart Copeland, I was the drummer for the police from 1977 to 1986, and then again from 2007 to 2008.

And so he was one of the hosts and Ricky Ke. Ricky is a two-time award-winning and three-time Grammy nominated Indian music composer and environmentalist. He has performed at venues in over 30 countries, including at the United Nations headquarters in New York and Geneva. In December, 2022, Casu was announced as uh, A U N H C R, Goodwill Ambassador.

Um, and then also Lonnie Park. Lonnie Park is a 2013 Grammy nominee, artist, musician, composer, producer, and author. He’s a renowned vocalist, instrumentalist, songwriter, engineer, producer. His, his, uh, he works across all music genres, including progressive and symphonic metal, country, hip hop, world folk, instrumental pop and gospel.

Um, that’s just a little bit about him. Um, he’s worked, he also works with many other Grammy winning artists and activists. That’s a little bit about who hosted the party. And it was really nice. It was held in the courtyard at Hoff Bra house in Las Vegas and there were quite a few people there. Um, a lot of people.

Um, indie musicians that, um, and, and others that I have, um, been in contact with over the years through the recording Academy. Um, Or through just, you know, um, other connections and, um, it was, it was neat to, to actually meet people in person. Some, some people that I’ve talked to online for years. There was other people there that I also knew, you know, from Chicago and, and the scene here.

But it was, it was good to connect with everybody there. Um, it was a nice crowd. Crowd. It’s kind of just mellow, everybody talking. There was. Some food and get beverages and, and yeah, it was just real nice chill, laid back kind of networking. Get together, reunion. To see people we haven’t seen in a long time, or people that we’ve been in contact with for years but have never actually met.

So it, it was really neat. And then later in the evening, well, oh, so I, I did have a guest with me for Saturday’s events. It was my vocal coach, Katie Power, and, um, she was with me for the first event and then we. Got ready to go to the second event. So they had a red carpet and you could walk the red carpet and get interviewed by the wonderful Annemarie Paterno, um, who is a musician in her own right.

She’s an, uh, Americana. Uh, Um, composer, country dance folk, indie pop rock, um, songwriter, um, and world artist from Nashville. She was interviewing people on the red carpet. And so my, my vocal coach and I are, we were making our way to get in line to get on the red carpet and uh, this gentleman just appears in front of us, in line and.

And he’s like, oh, you’re so well trusted. And he’s just like, he is just like inches away from grabbing me . My, my, I turned around, um, when he like stopped to talk to somebody else. And my, my , my, my vocal coach is like, uh, do you need any help ? So anyway, uh, He, he introduces himself to me, and I’m not going to put a Emma on blast here.

I will say that he was a politician, he was a Republican and he was running for a very high office in the state of Nevada. and he may have been married. I couldn’t get a definitive answer on that. Maybe he was divorced, maybe that’s why he was divorced. But he was really like really close to me, invading my personal space so much so that as the line progressed and people were getting interviewed, Annemarie, Paterno thought that we were together.

And so we had to, I had to walk , I had to walk out on the red carpet with , a Republican. Of course. We were each on each side of. and Marie, so there was space between us as the interview went on. Anyway, so , but I, I, I thought that was, uh, rather humorous. I don’t know what to think of that. , um, But yeah, that happened at the, the, the party at Suge.

Um, but it was really nice. I, I got to see even more people that I had never seen before that I’ve been talking to online for years, voting for their music, even, you know, for the Grammys. Um, cuz they write really good music and so, It was, it was great to see people that I’ve, I’ve voted for and supported and be able to, you know, talk to them, be in the same room with them.

And I, I met a lot of people. I met some people from, um, from Chicago, even so small world. So that was, that was fun at story. Aside from having my, my personal space violated unwillingly, but it’s, it’s, it’s okay. That’s a part of being in a crowded situation. Um, so then, uh, the next day was the Grammy’s. It was really an amazing day for me because I’ve dreamed about going to the Grammy’s since.

I was young. I’ve dreamed of winning a Grammy myself since I first became serious with music, uh, or realized that I had talent, which was I think around age 11 when they pulled me out of Catholic school classroom to go play a funeral on the pipe organ. . Um, and then they paid me 40 bucks. And I was like, yeah, I think being a musician would be all right.

So, so then I started dreaming big and I, I wanted to, I wanted to win a Grammy. Um, but we’re just watching it on, on TV as a youngster. I thought, wow, what? It would be neat to be there, huh? Um, so I think everybody has some sort of, Uh, well, maybe not everybody, but a lot of people have that. And so anyway, so there’s actually two Grammy ceremonies.

You have the premier ceremony, which, um, are basically all of the awards that are not broadcast on television. Uh, there’s lots of awards that are given away for production, classical music, world music in jazz, lots of genres, um, that are not covered on the broadcast. That everyone sees on tv. Um, there’s lots of genres, uh, with awards that you guys probably don’t even know about.

So if you ever get a chance to look at the full list of winners, Please check it out and please check out other forms of music. Uh, not just the stuff you usually listen to. Um, it gives you a wider appreciation for music in general when you do stuff like that. So anyway, so you have the premiere ceremony, which starts, you know, around noon.

and then, um, that goes on till you know about, uh, whenever it gets done. Um, then there’s like a short time to walk the red carpet. And then they have the regular telecast, which you everyone else sees on tv. And that’s usually, you know, in the evening. So I got up early on. Sunday and I, you know, cuz I kind of wanted to take my time getting ready and so as I did it in stages, so, um, I got ready, got dressed, um, did my makeup, and then got dressed I guess, and then went down to the premier ceremony.

And watched most of that. And then I headed to the main arena where the telecast was. So I got to the main arena and I, uh, found my seat where it was, and then I decided to go out and get some water and use the restroom before it all started. And, um, as I went out there, I discovered that they weren’t taking cash.

For, uh, water and I had left my card in the hotel room, so I was kind of s sol at that point. And so I got a little bit upset and I went and talked to the security guard. They were able to get a manager to, to go over and I paid for my, you know, I offered to pay for my water at that point. She just gave it to me for free, but, All I wanted was water.

And I, uh, I, I, I was in, in the desert, you know, I , I, I was like, where can I get water? Then, you know, all the water fountains are shut off because of covid and, you know, I’m not gonna make it through the ceremony without water. So I was able to get water and then as I was waiting, Line to get back into the arena too.

Well, because at that point then the, uh, people had started, more people had started showing up, um, as I went. To go back into the arena. I saw this, uh, I couldn’t really see her face when sh because I kind of looked up as she was going by, and, but she, she looked very shiny and very nude underneath the shiny and

I was like, that lady wants to be naked and shiny and. Turns out it was Paris Hilton walking by me. So we, I sat in the same section as Paris Hilton at the Grammys. And , my vocal coach actually sat in the same section too. She was a seat warmer. She got hired as a seat warmer. I told her, you know this, they hire seat warmers for the the for award shows so that they can fill in the seat so it doesn’t look so empty.

Maybe you can get a job doing that. just to go to the Grammy’s and she was able to do it . So she sat in the same section as Paris Hilton too. So we were all sitting in the same section. And so eventually we all got into our seats and, you know, we’re waiting for the, the show. They made an announcement that the show is gonna start.

Um, so to make our ways to our seats. And so throughout, it’s very interesting, throughout the. The Grammy ceremony, what happens behind the scenes on tv? They, they would announce to us, you know, uh, when the commercial breaks were getting ready to be over so that we could run back to our seats and, um, so people could socialize when it went to commercial, um, with each other, which was.

An interesting part that you don’t see when you’re watching the Grammys. Um, you’re like, I wonder what all those people do during commercial break. They’d get up and they’d talk around and, you know, talk to each other and visit with each other. So we all were, you know, seated ready for the. The Grammys to start and they made the announcement it was gonna start and to everybody get to your seats.

And then they opened up this, the ceremony. So Trevor Noah was the host that evening, and um, he, he did a great job. I thought it was entertaining. Uh oh. I, uh, foo fighters were supposed to perform, but Taylor Hawkins passed away, so they were not able to perform. and I believe Billy Eilish performed in their place.

And, uh, let’s see, the performers were, uh, silk Sonic, who I thought were awesome. It’s Bruno Mars and Anderson Puck. And then there was Olivia Rodrigo and, uh, Jay Bevin BTS performed. Amy New Viola, um, Lil Nas X uh, Billy Eilish. , Brandy Carlisle, NAS, Chris Stapleton, um, Maverick City Music. And then there was the tribute to Ukraine with John Legend and others.

Um, lady Gaga’s tribute to Tony Bennett, Billy Strings. And then there was the, the Sondheim segment, which was glorious. Then there’s John Batist. And then, um, Justin Bieber, her Carrie Underwood, and then the Brothers Osborne. And it was, it was really neat to see everyone performing on the stage and, you know, seeing the transitions and everything that went.

That you don’t always necessarily see on camera a lo uh, an experience of a lifetime. I, I’ll say that, you know, I don’t know if I’ll ever get to go back to the Grammys again. So I decided to do it in style. I decided to pay the extra money to go to the, the person of the year event and, um, to have, you know, nice showy, uh, gown to go to the Grammy’s, and, and I, I just did it up because, you know, you never know, this might be the one and only time I get to go to the Grammy’s.

So it was quite the experience and I enjoyed myself fully. I wish I could live it over and over and over again, and maybe I will. Maybe I’ll get to go next year. , who knows, even they may even expand the number of tickets and I can take both my kids with me. But, uh, I do have a song that I did enter this year in the new category, best Song for Social Change.

And, um, it’s not picked by the regular balloting process. It’s picked by a blue ribbon committee. Um, and, um, so anyway, the, the regular balloting process works like this. Everybody submits their music. that they went to win a Grammy and in into the various categories that it belongs to. And then, um, then there is, uh, a vote that goes, all the members voting, members of the recording academy vote and is on.

You have, uh, It, it changes from year to year, but you have a certain number of categories that you can vote in, plus the major categories like Album of the Year, you know, record of the year, song of the Year, artist, best New Artist of the Year. Um, so everybody votes in those categories, but, um, then everybody.

also votes in their own particular genre categories that they know about, that they’re knowledgeable about, that they listen to regularly. Um, so, uh, so, so we do first round voting and then after that, the, you know, they go through and they, they see who the top winners are in each of the categories.

Usually the top five, I guess. And then those are the nominees. And from there, uh, there’s a second round of voting. and then the nom from the nominees, the winners are picked and that’s what you see on television for some of the categories. Like I said, there’s a whole other ceremony before the telecast ceremony called the Premier ceremony, and that’s where all of the other awards are, uh, given out, and there’s performances there.

So anyway, I, I have entered a song in the best song for social change, uh, this year. And as I said, it’s picked by Blue Ribbon Committee and I don’t even know who’s on the Blue Ribbon Committee, so I can’t even tell you if they’re qualified. , I’m sure they are , uh, but I’m sure they are. But, Uh, I don’t know who’s on the Blue Ribbon Committee, so I can’t tell you that, but that, that is who picks best song for social change and the song that I entered was Karma Klansman Are Ruining My America, which is made up of all of the voicemails that I received, the hateful voicemails I received after my comments about Waukesha went viral.

Um, and they went viral because I was targeted by Proud Boys after speaking at a school board meeting a week earlier. And so they got their little crew of Griper Army guys and Proud Boys and made my tweet go viral and then Fox News picked it up. And anyway, the, the voicemails I received in backlash to that.

Were mostly by white supremacists talking about the black guy driving the car, um, and, you know, stuff like that. But anyway, so I took all those angry voicemails that, um, I received and I made a song out of them. Well, I mean, like, what else would I do with them? And then I, um, also took all the angry.

messages I received from texts and emails and Facebook messages. And I made and, and, and mail. I had mail too. Um, and I made a music video out of it. So you can see all of that. And it is, um, In the running for Best song for social change at the Grammys. Uh, we’ll see if it wins or not. I’m hoping it does. Um, but we shall see.

Uh, and anyway, that brings us to the present moment, and the Grammys are this Sunday, the 65th annual Grammy Awards this Sunday, February 5th at 8:00 PM. Uh, again, Trevor Noah is hosting and, uh, it’s at the crypto.com arena in Los Angeles. And, uh, yeah, you can watch it on cbs. I don’t know if there’s streaming from a grammy.com or not, but, um, uh, That may be an option, but definitely on cbs.

So I hope you tune in for the Grammys Sunday, February 5th, 2023 for, it’s the 65th annual Grammy Awards. So hope you all tune in and um, I hope you’ve enjoyed this podcast. I will be back with regular pod weekly podcasts. I hope , that’s the plan and I have allotted time out in my schedule now to properly do this podcast and to, um, bring you some, some interesting shows.

So I hope you have found my little trip to the Grammy’s. Interesting. I hope that you all have a great week, and I will talk to you soon.

Mary Kinda Contrary: Episode 2 - The RNC Hack, Racial Holy War, and the Erosion of Our Civil Liberties by the Far Right


In this episode of the Mary Kinda Contrary Podcast, Mary Lemanski talks about the Russian hack of the Republican National Committee (RNC) that nobody talks about, explains the dangerous, white supremacist concept of Racial Holy War (RaHoWa), and explains how politicians on the far right, like Ron DeSantis, are diluting our “right to privacy” and the First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech.


You are listening to the second episode of the Mary kind of contrary. And I am your host, singer songwriter, musician, actor, writer, producer, former politician, business owner, mother, and closet comedian, Mary Lamansky. I’m a Jill of all trades and a mistress to none, at least at the moment. Um, so start off.

I just want to do a short plug for my music video. Um, for the, um, for the song that I talked about in my last podcast, which is karma, clansmen are ruining my America. And, um, in that song I had taken, um, all of the voicemails I’d received after my tweets went. Viral after the Waukesha, um, tragedy. And, um, I took the hateful voicemails that I received and I cut them up and I took some of the pops and clicks from the calls and that were in the voicemails and I created a beat and then I laid a baseline and a synth line.

And. Uh, and then I took the rest of the like, uh, bacterial, uh, messages and turned them into the vocals of the song. Um, and so that was karma. Clansmen are ruining my America. So you can actually hear what people said to me after, um, the Waukesha tragedy. It might tweet somewhat viral. And then, um, I made a video and then, um, so you can see the video.

Um, I hope to have it up on my website@marionlemanski.com soon. Um, I’m working on getting, renovating the website and I’m hoping to have it ups this weekend, but I doubt that that is going to happen because I have other things I need to work on. So, um, but hopefully within the next week or two, I will have a fully finished website up and you can watch my video on there.

In the meantime, you can see it on YouTube. Um, it is also available if you go to. Uh, so if you go to facebook.com and go to painted girl records, Facebook page, um, you will find. You will find, um, the video for karma. So in the video I took, um, all of the text messages and Facebook messages. And, um, what else?

Uh, oh, the, uh, I had gotten mail and, um, so I took pictures of that too. And you can see all of this in the video. Um, So you could see what people had written to me. Um, but one thing, um, that did happen that you can also see in the video is that, um, there was definitely a concerted effort by a group to target me.

Uh, I caught people, not only once, but twice, um, forwarding my messages. So, so they had sent me some kind of message and I had responded back cause I was responding back to some, um, not at all. I mean, I would obviously not the death threats, but, um, I was responding back to some people just to like set them straight on, you know, lies that are circulating about me on there.

And so, um, I, so I did respond back to some people and when I responded back, um, a couple of the people who were forwarding my messages onto others, and you can see what they were saying. Um, it’s very, quite interesting. Um, but you’ll have to watch the video. But then I’m also in one of the messages where they were forwarding on.

Um, they make reference to, uh, um, I’m holding on to some messages and waiting to see how she responds is basically what they said. So apparently they, I don’t know if they had canned messages that they had prepared messages ready to send me in case I responded so-and-so or WhatsApp. I dunno, it’s very odd and weird.

Um, but you can see all of that and the music video. So I encourage you to go, um, to my YouTube page, um, and my, um, and to the peanut girl records, Facebook page and watch the video. Um, and hopefully in the next couple of weeks, it will also be on my website@marylemanski.com. Uh, In the meantime. Um, I guess that’s my plug for that.

Um, I would like to talk about a few things today. Um, and in general, we’ll just say, I’m talking about, um, the erosion of our civil liberties. Um, and also I want it to. Talk a bit about, um, add on to what I had talked about in the, my first episode about white supremacy. So, uh, I guess before I talk about all that though, um, I kind of want to set the tone and the stage, cause this is all very, very convoluted and complex.

I, well, you know, at first I need to explain. I started out at 18 as a Democrat and at age 20, I changed to a libertarian and there’s a libertarian free much for 20 years. And then, well, I don’t really want to get into why I left the party, but I left the party and, um, and then Trump got elected to office somehow.

And so then I. Uh, thought that there might be strengthened numbers. Um, because I, what, I didn’t like what I was seeing. It was very authoritarian, autocratic, BS, so, and like, you know, making fun of, I thought the deal breaker was making fun of, uh, disabled people, but, uh, you know, Who knows what the bottom is.

Um, anyway, uh, I, um, I, I, uh, decided, you know, there’s strength in numbers, so I decided I needed to do something to help the Democrats. And, um, it just so happened that did a page Democrats were looking for a social media manager or no, they were not. At that time, they were looking for someone to help with their website and I knew some word press.

So, uh, I offered to do it. Um, and they had me write their blog. Um, so I was doing their blog for awhile and I did such a good job with that, that they, um, well, To make a long story short. They asked me to, um, help with their social media. So,

uh, at the time, um, somebody, I don’t even remember who I was talking to. Um, but they had mentioned, um, when I came on board, um, that, cause I had brought up Hillary’s. Um, and he, I know what is a meal he had said at the time. Uh, well, the RNC was hacked at the same time that the DNC was hacked. Uh, we know they found Hillary’s emails, but we don’t know what they found out about the RNC.

Um, and so just recently I, uh, I want it to look and see if I could find out more information about this hack. And so I, um, I looked the other day and there, um, the first mention I find of it is in, um, the New York times in December on December 9th, 2016. And, um,

so. Let me just read what they wrote. Um, American intelligence agencies have concluded with high confidence that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump. According to senior administration officials, they base that conclusion in part on another finding, which they say was also reached with high confidence that the Russians hacked the Republican national committees computer systems.

In addition to. Attacks on democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleamed from the Republican networks. So my thought and a lot of people’s thoughts is that the Republican party is being blackmail. By Russia, uh, with this information of whatever it is, because they have been acting highly suspicious since about 2016.

Um, so I just wanted to bring that up, um, because nobody seems to talk about it. And we really talked about Hillary’s emails for a long time. So I’d like to know what did Russia find out about? Uh, the Republican national committee? I don’t know. Will we ever know? Will we ever know before our democracy falls?

All right, I’m moving on. I would like to, um, I guess I want to talk a little bit more, um, in regards to, uh, white supremacy from last week, there was a few things that I didn’t get to because I was talking for two hours and I didn’t really, um, I really didn’t mean to go on for that long, but, um, but I had a lot to talk about and.

There was a lot of my mind and it just all kind of was with woven together. So this is all kind of woven together too. So, um, so people are asking you, what, what is this big focus on white supremacy? That’s not an issue, especially white people. Uh, what is, what is this? There’s no white supremacy going on.

Um, and. Th th I think the, the big thing that we all need to, um, realize, and that bothers some white people in our society, um, is that, um, around 2045 Americans will become what is called a majority minority. So that means that although the non-Hispanic white population will still be the largest single group in America, um, the combined populations of all non-white racial and ethnic groups will make up more than half of the U S population.

And so this troubles a lot. White people for some reason, I think maybe they think that people have, uh, non-white, uh, racial makeup will treat them the way they’ve treated. Uh, well, black people, especially in this case. Um, I don’t know. I don’t know why they’re afraid. Um, I guess they’re afraid of giving up power.

Um, that’s probably the biggest thing. Um, but already, currently, uh, there are more non-whites in the workforce than white peoples, so, um, I’m not sure that, uh, you know, all hell hasn’t broken out right now. So I just don’t understand their, their, their fear, I guess. Um, and so I kind of, um, in my past my. I had friends that as I talked about in my last episode, um, I had a friend that was a former white supremacist and, um, he told me about Rawa,

R a H O w a. It stands for racial, holy war. The RA ho wa um, and this term was first used, um, by Ben Klassen, who, uh, was the founder of w what became known as the church of the creator. Um, And it had a publication called nature’s eternal religion. Um, individual church members were called creators and the religion they practice was called creativity.

And this religion was based in North Carolina. Uh, they had a school for boys. Uh, they had, uh, uh, a two week summer program. That taught hiking, camping training in handling a firearms, archery, tennis, whitewater rafting, and other healthy outdoor activities. Um, as well as instruction on quote, the goals and doctrines of creativity and how they could best serve their own race in various capacities of leadership and quote Ben Clawson.

Wrote a book called Rahula. This planet is ours. And in it, he claims that Jews created Christianity or in order to make white people weaker. Uh, he, he popularized the term racial holy war within the white nationalist movement. One thing about him, he, he was a member of the John Birch society at one point, um, Uh, but he became disillusioned with the society and, um, he read them to tolerant towards Jews.

Um, so this is not a good man. So he created this religion and, um, and so. I think that a lot of these white supremacist think this is their last hoo, rah, the sister or racial holy war that they’d been waiting for. Um, and, um, I S it was, it’s been fed into with the, the evangelist movement, um, where it leans towards.

White supremacy. I think when, when Trump was elected president, I think this white nationalists movement in America saw him as their Messiah for their racial holy war. I mean, it just fed right into, uh, their paradigm that they were living in. And so they thought this was the time. You know, he’s come to, to bring about, you know, whatever heaven on earth they, they thought they were going to bring about.

Um, so it was probably very highly disappointing when he w w w lost, um, because he wasn’t supposed to lose. This is their racial holy war. Um, and, uh, so, and, and, and if you think I’m crazy saying that, oh, she’s crazy. Nobody, uh, you know, nobody thinks that in the Republican party, but, you know, um, back when.

Well back in, I guess it was well, 2018 may, may of 2018. When, uh, Donald Trump made a decision to move the us embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Fox news host, Jeanine Pirro said that it was filled with biblical significance. She said, Donald Trump recognized history. He liked king Cyrus before him fulfilled the biblical prophecy of the gods worshiped by Jews, Christians, and yes, Muslims.

That Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state and that the Jewish people to serve a righteous free and sovereign Israel. Um, she called the move a truly historic moment in Israel’s history. Uh, So she basically said he fulfilled the biblical while she did say he fulfilled the biblical prophecy of the gods worshiped by Jews, Christians, and yes, Muslims.

I think they’re all the same, but God, but, um, at any rate, um, she did say he fulfilled a prophecy, so they were very, very disappointed when he lost, because. He was supposed to rain forever and bring heaven on earth or whatever you’re supposed to do. It’s more like hell on earth, but, okay. Um, and if you think I I’m fulling, then go to civil rights.org and look up the Trump civil rights and human rights rollbacks.

It’s very, very interesting. Uh, I hope you’re not crying by the end of it because you probably won’t be. Um, anyway, that’s what I wanted to touch on about Rahula and all of that. So we have the white supremacists and we have the Russian blackmail going on. Um,

You can, you can make up for that, which you want. That that is what is going on. Um, at any rate. I think that is pretty much, uh, all I want to say on Rahula. I do want to talk a little bit about. What is going on in Florida and Disney and DeSantis, the Disney versus DeSantis or the Satan S seven choose to call him.

Um, so the whole freedom of speech thing, and I also want to talk about Elon Musk and tell. And I think there is a big, huge confusion going on right now about what constitutes freedom of speech. Um, it seems that there’s been some clouding of the waters. Um, the us constitution protects freedom of speech.

However, In your home and in your business, you are allowed to dictate what can and cannot be said in your home and in your business. And Twitter is a business. It doesn’t have walls around it. Uh, but it very much is a. And so maybe it’s because I have an MBA and E business that I just imagined websites as people’s little storefronts, but they’re living in space somewhere.

And because of that, I draw like very similar lines between brick and mortar businesses and what’s online. And there’s very, very many similar parallels, um, including business owners rights, at least in the United States. I just want to read you a little conversation I had online and it really kind of illustrates.

A lot of my points I want to bring up. Um, I might add a few on at the end, but I mean, it really, I kind of just laid it out there in this conversation about everything, my whole thoughts on this. Um, so there was a, a group where my kids go to school. There’s a parents group on Facebook and somebody had posted an article about, um, some of the.

What was going on and in Florida. And, um, also, you know, the schools just limiting, uh, free speech in the classroom. Um, so, uh, I responded back on the article. My God, I hope Florida votes to scientists out in November. I find it very alarming that they are violating freedom of speech in the class. And so some body will call her.

Sherry says, how are they violating freedom of speech in the classroom? So I said, they are legislating what can and cannot be said in a classroom. And so sh Sherri says by rejecting math books and. And so I posted an article from the Miami Herald titled DeSantis is quote free. State of Florida faces new restrictions on free amendment rights.

And this article goes into great detail about, um, other things. The Santos has passed too. I believe so. Limiting free speech in the state of Florida. And I can talk about some of those later. I pulled some of them up. I’ll just see how much time I have. I don’t want to go too long. So Sherry response back to this Miami Herald piece, this is a seriously bias piece.

These people always, if it contradicts what they’re saying, It’s biased. I mean, it could be fact like repeated on a million different networks, but it’s biased. Um, anyway, she goes, this is a seriously bias piece. I have no problem with legislation that prohibits schools from dividing children into oppressors and victims based on their race or doing anything else based on the race of students.

An excellent book is woke racism by John MC horror. So I responded back.

I have watched the erosion of our civil rights for the past 20 years. It started with dictating whether or not a private business could allow a legal thing like smoking in their place of business. When the smoking bands went into effect, I predicted that our homes and cars would be next. You cannot smoke in an apartment with shared ventilation systems.

Why not provide consumers with the choice of smoking and non-smoking buildings or venues? It not only goes against the civil rights of private business owners. It also hurts the economy by providing consumers with less choice. After nine 11 happened, our civil rights were further up. I don’t think anyone could argue against me on that fact, then come the anti-abortion laws of the GOP, the right to privacy is not in the bill of rights.

It is an implied rate. It is implied with no unlawful search and seizure, but it is not explicitly written out. Roe versus Wade as the main court case arguing right to privacy. When the GOP overturn Roe vs. Wade, it will be a gigantic blow to right to privacy. Guess what? They can take your guns. Now they are trying to dictate free speech in the classroom by saying what teachers can and cannot say about certain topics.

They don’t want history taught because it might make white people feel bad. Boo hoo. Imagine how bad 400 years of slavery feels like learn some empathy. They censor free speech in the name of quote parental rights, but there is no such thing as parental rights in the constitutes. There is freedom of speech and public and public schools are public.

Um, and so then she goes on or somebody else asked me, are you a libertarian? So I say, funny, you should ask from age 18 to 20, I was a Democrat. Then I became a libertarian for 20. Which I talked about earlier, I even did social media for the national party, but I had some issues with the direction of the party.

And I did a really huge project on my own to help them out for free. And they took the information to give them and didn’t even acknowledge the three months of work I did. So I left when Trump took office, I became a Democrat and was the social media manager for four years for the DuPage Democrats, until I got tailed by proud boys for a week after speaking up at the downers Grove 99.

Board meeting against them and censorship. And a week later they made some tweets. I posted that were not good. Tastes go viral at 2:00 AM and Fox news thought it thought it was so profoundly interesting that they put it on national news at 4:00 AM. I resigned from my position with the Democrats and I’ve been getting death threats and all kinds of stuff has been happening ever since because of white supremacists and fringe.

Right-wing in cell elements of a non. I’m writing a book and exposing all of this takeover by the far right and white supremacists at the local level. And this other person said, ouch and Bravo sending you a PM at night. I said, looking forward to it. And then Sherry comes back and says, you must have been furious when the government closed down private businesses and force people to get vaccinated then, or when they allowed abortion, but not colonoscopies or mammograms during the last.

So I said back one public health is always more important than business. You cannot sell to dead people to, and abortion can be life or death situation. I know because I had one because my body would not abort my dead baby on its own. It had been dead for 12 weeks and I literally smelled like. Column Mohs, colonoscopies and mammograms are not usually life-threatening

got any more for far right talking points for me to strike down. So she says, so smoking has nothing to do with public health. You’re funny not getting a colonoscopy or mammogram can be life-threatening abortions or life-threatening to a baby where life-saving abortions. The only ones performed during the last.

This coming from the person who said the Waukesha massacre was karma for the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. You are all over the place on what constitution constitutes a violation of rights. Thanks. I knew you would justify the economy crushing lockdowns that did nothing to slow the spread of COVID, which is been proven wrong and time and time again.

But, um, I responded back to Sherry. Smoking does have to do with public health. You’re right. However, the spread of smoke can be controlled by having smoking and non-smoking buildings and venues COVID is everywhere and we have no control over where it goes.

That is the main difference. I’ve gotten both mammograms and colonoscopies and neither are emergency procedures. If it is an emergency that you have breast cancer or something is emergency level wrong with your colon, they’re not going to give you those procedures. They will most likely be taking you into exploratory surgery.

It takes hours to it to do a colonoscopy. The prep itself takes hours. Did you not read my abortion story? I literally smelled like death. Necrosis was setting in my life. My life was threatened. The baby was dead. Our dumb ass former president spreading lies about COVID and people like. Not doing your patriotic duty to our country by protecting the public health and protesting public health measures and spreading Russian propaganda on why lockdowns are not as, and that is why lockdowns are not as effective as they could have been.

Uh, I also wrote, do you must have missed my three public apologies, including the podcast w that I listed above, uh, and about my $10,000 donation to the wok Shaw victim spawn, it doesn’t fit your narrative. That I’m a horrible person. So she responds back, I’ll leave you to it. And I said, leave me to what?

And she said, it’s an idiom. I’m moving on. And I said, I hope you learn something. And she said, not from you. And so I said, that’s a shame, uh, and that was our conversation. So, um, yeah, that is my issue. Um, people are confusing, private property and public property for starters. And what can be said on one thing and not on another, there they’re all mad because.

Trump got censored. Trump didn’t get censored because he didn’t, we didn’t agree with him. He got censored because he started an insurrection. That’s why he got censored. It wasn’t a disagreement about politics. He tried to overthrow our democracy. Um, and what the Santas is doing in Florida is people don’t realize this.

I mean, he’s limiting free speech in a public class. And he’s doing a couple other things, too. This is not just the only, only law limiting free speech in his, uh, state. He, and he does things in, in a way that he’s he’s, um, he’s saying that he’s, he’s helping parental rights while parental rights. Aren’t a thing.

Freedom of speech is a thing and he is limiting freedom of. Um, and you know, and they’re confusing the issues, um, with, on, on Twitter, they’re they’re saying, oh, it’s it’s Elon Musk is bring bringing free speech back. It’s not free speech. It’s a private, it’s a private, um, company. Uh, I can’t go running through the grocery store.

Um, and. Every time I find a good deal. Dolph. Yeah. Good deal. Fucking freedom of speech. I just can’t do that. Uh, so I don’t see why they think they have freedom of speech on just because it’s an internet pub and. And you can get on the website. Uh, it’s still a private business and it’s, you know, you have to sign in, I mean, you don’t have to sign in to see stuff necessarily, but some stuff you do, you have to sign in, um, to take advantage of it.

So, I mean, you were on their property, so I don’t even see how you could even make the argument that that is. Public forum, a public square. It’s not really, it’s a private business and people get on it. You’re confusing things. Um, and you know, I’ve watched the deterioration of private, private owners, especially private business owners rights.

You can’t, you can’t do a legal thing on your business. Uh, even if all your employees want to smoke, can’t have smoking in your. It’s kind of ridiculous. Um, so I mean, yeah, why can’t we have smoking and non-smoking establishment. I’m not a smoker by the way. I mean, I might, well, I do smoke cannabis, but I, I’m not a cigarette smoker anymore.

At one point in time, I was, um, which is why. Recognize when somebody is rights are being trampled on and despite, uh, it being a public health thing. Yes. Should there be a Publix smoking allowed in public places? No. Should a private business owner be allowed to decide if they want smoking in their establishment?

Yes. I, I have a real issue. That, that S that that line was crossed because they did go into people’s homes and they went to people’s cars. So if you have children in the car, you cannot smoke. Now, granted, this is common sense stuff, but they’ve still gotten into where you are. So now there’s a precedent.

So now there’s limitations to right to privacy. Um, there’s a precedent for if they want. It’s more stronger laws against right to privacy. Um, and so this is the scary downward spiral that Mr. Ron DeSantis is sending Florida down, um, and Floridians or cheering it on. Woo. Yes. He, he, they can’t tell our children about gay people.

Um, your children already know about gay people. They’re sitting there calling other kids on the playground. They hear the older kids calling the other kids gay, or maybe they even other here, older kids in the school talking about it. When they’re in the washroom, lots happens in the washrooms in grade schools, in India and high schools hold dramas, go down.

Um, so anyway, uh, It’s better to have your children educated than to get their information from other kids. Just that’s just my 2 cents. Um, and also, um, uh, I had experienced with a mother who did not tell me about the birds and the bees. And, um, I didn’t have my, I didn’t have sex education class in my Catholic school until fifth grade.

However, I had my periods. Uh, the day after my 11th birthday, I started developing when I was like nine. Um, so I could have used that those early sex ed classes when I was eight, um, that these people are protesting. That’s and, and, and I D when I started having my period, I thought I was bleeding to death, and I did not tell my mother because, gosh, that was a dirty place down there.

That’s sinful place down there. You don’t talk about that area down there. So we’re, we’re raising another generation of scared kids, scared adults, um, that don’t know anything. Science in their private parts. Um, and don’t know how to probably put, put, um, their feelings about sexuality into words either. Uh, but anyway, um, let’s um, well, one, I just want to, um, say in closing that, uh, This is not the first time that Disney has stood up to, uh, this kind of fascist behavior.

Um, they had, uh, a cartoon in a song called the fierce face back when Hitler was, uh, running Germany. So look that up, Google that it’s quite entertaining. So anyway, I just, um, I hope this hasn’t been too rambling. I just, I just want kind of wanted to bring up some things that people never talk about. Like the RNC being hacked and nobody knowing what Russia found on the RNC and how they’ve been acting since 2016.

I mean, their, their, their constituents were needing money. They were needing relief during a pandemic and they didn’t want to give it to them. And they were simply okay. With Trump rating states supplies, um, for, you know, masks and, and stuff like that to, to replenish the federal supply when people in states needed it just horribly.

Um, it was just crazy stuff that Trump was doing during the pandemic. And, um, I just. I’m glad we’re out of it or, well, we’re not out of the peanut demic. We’re still, uh, we’re, we’re almost out of it, hopefully, but anyway, I’d like to thank you for joining me for the second episode of the Mary kind of contrary podcast.

The next episode we’ll have a much lighter subject matter. I’m going to talk about my experiences Grammy week. I went to the music cares person of the year event, honoring Joni Mitchell and a few other events as well, including the Grammys to themselves. So look for episode three soon, this is Mary Lemanski and the Mary kind of contrary podcast signing off.

I have a good one. .