There is an associate of the Proud Boys running for commissioner in the village of Downers Grove, Illinois, and early voting starts tomorrow. Let’s talk about it, shall we?
This is the Mary Kinda Contrary podcast, and I am your host, Mary Lemanski. Thank you for joining me. I just want to get down to brass tacks here. Paul Drabik, I believe that’s how you pronounce it, D R A B I K, is running for Downers Grove Village Commissioner, and I wasn’t going to do a podcast on him even though my name got brought up.
By people defending him online on, um, the social media app next door. Um, but then I got sent some information, information by other [00:01:00] concerned citizens of Downers Grove. And so now I feel obligated to present the information that I was given.
A little background, um, if you listen to my last three podcasts, they were from a live stream I did on Facebook on election night, 2024, where I go into great detail about how I, how I have been terrorized for the past three years by white supremacists, domestic terrorists, um, after my tweets went viral, which I’ll talk about a little bit more later.
Um, but this was. All happened exactly one week after speaking at a school board meeting. Where I live in Downers Grove, where Proud Boys were present and, um, and one of those last three podcasts that I did, um, which was just [00:02:00] one, like, four hour live stream on Facebook, um, Well, maybe more than one of the episodes I talk about a man named Terry Newsome.
Um, so let me refresh your memory on Terry. Um, Terry Newsome is an elected Republican precinct committee person. Um, in, um, I believe it’s District 141. Um, he lives in Derry in Illinois. Please don’t elect him again. He’s an extremist, which, um, I talked about on my past episode. Um, he has multiple articles on him, about him on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website.
Um, so if you look up Southern Poverty Law Center and Terry Newsome, you’ll, you’ll find, um, three articles for sure that I found, [00:03:00] um, and let me just, um, uh, one is exclusive reporting Illinois GOP official affiliates with extremist groups and shares racist posts. It says, um, And this is from December 1st of 2022.
So it’s a few years ago. Um, but, um, a couple of years ago, a new investigative report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate watch reveals that an official in Illinois is DuPage County Republican party is a leader in a radical parent group. affiliates with extremist groups and has a history of bigoted rhetoric and sharing racist posts on social media.
Republican precinct committee person Terry Newsome who frequently appears in local and national media, has a well documented history of far right activity, is deeply troubling that Terry Newsom serves in a leadership position, leadership [00:04:00] position within the local Republican Party, and worse still, he’s often provided a platform by local and national media to spread his message of hate, said Jeff Tishour.
Um, senior research analyst with the Southern Poverty Law Center’s intelligence project who wrote the report when local media presents his views without the context of his organized far right activity, they’re unwittingly. Or maybe knowingly lending legitimate legitimacy to his extremism. Um, the report details Newsom’s troubling activity, including his work leading, um, a hard, uh, hard right parents group and collaboration with the radical parent group Moms4Liberty, um, who, um, I don’t know if, I don’t believe Moms4Liberty was at the, the meeting, uh, the, the school board meeting with, [00:05:00] Where the proud boys were at, but, um, uh, but there were parents groups there led by, um, Newsome anyway.
Um, so he works at leading hard right parents groups. Um, he’s affiliated with Moms for Liberty, um, both are aimed at alienating LGBTQ plus students and preventing lessons on the nation’s long history of systemic racism. Um, uh, at the, uh, at the school board meeting where the Proud Boys and Terry were at, um, they were, um, they were, um, protesting the book Genderqueer.
Uh, Ty, so Terry has ties to and activity with the Proud Boys. Um, he has an active presence on hard right social media where he displays his extremist views [00:06:00] and affiliations. He, um, has been targeting of the LGBTQ community, including his efforts to organize a local chapter of the anti LGBTQ hate group, Mass Resistance.
Um, he has a long history of attempting to shut down community events. At libraries, which I’ll talk about here in a bit, um, and, um, other, other places, I assume, associated with LGBTQ plus inclusion, both through online platforms and in person protests. So, he uses online platforms to intimidate people. Um.
So, um, if you go on to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website, you’ll see another article, Illinois radical parent, activist, has hate group ties, history of racist post. I brought up this article, [00:07:00] I believe, on the podcast before. Um, it shows him with, um, uh, a known Proud Boy, um, it shows, um, District 141, he’s Captain of District 141, um, and lives in Darien, um, he, um, yeah, he, he has, um, ties to Awake Illinois and Moms for Liberty, um, he’s a precinct committee person, um, hangs out with Proud Boys, um, here’s a picture of, He was, he was at, um, the God Save America tour in Lyle, Illinois.
Um, so if you go on the Southern Poverty Law Center, there’s a whole article on him. I bring up some things [00:08:00] on there, um, from that article on my last podcast from that, um, article. Um, but the, uh, most recent article on him, which. I actually will share since, um, I can do that. I’m doing this through zoom. Um,
the latest article from the Southern Poverty Law Center,
um, had with Trump’s immigration plans, met Proud Boy associate about deportations. So here we have,
um, Tom Homan, who is, um, President Donald Trump’s, uh, head of immigration policy right there with Terry Newsom, who hangs out with Proud Boys and, um, [00:09:00] terrorizes people online and offline.
Um, so anyway, um, let me read a little bit of this. Um, the head of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, Tom. It says, um, content warning. This article contains graphic and racist language. Reader discretion is advised. Just a warning. The head of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy, Tom Homan, appears to have met with an associate of the Proud Boys.
On at least four separate occasions, at least one of these instances was a private meeting held in Chicago after the 2024 presidential election to talk about deportations, according to social media posts reviewed by Hatewatch. Homan, who leads the Trump administration’s efforts to curb immigration at the border, as well as deport migrants across the U.
S., met with Terry Newsom in Chicago and Washington, D. C., according to posts on Facebook and X. formerly Twitter. An article on [00:10:00] a conservative news site written by Newsom’s podcast host also alleges that Newsom hosted a private meeting with Homan and local Chicago politicians, December 11th, 2024, to discuss deportations in Chicago.
In December 12th, 2024, post to ex Newsom During our meetings, Tom directed the politicians to follow up with me as his POC, meaning point of contact. Newsom then met with Homan on December 19th in D. C. at a party to celebrate Trump’s upcoming inauguration. Homan was also a guest on Newsom’s podcast on October 2024 and was a featured speaker at an anti immigration event Newsom hosted in Chicago.
In June 2024 while specific details on the Trump administration’s deportation plans are being home and posted on X on November 16th 2024 that mass deportation is coming and at a December event [00:11:00] for November 24th. Local Republicans said that they will start right here in Chicago, which they tried to do.
Um, during the presidential campaign, I don’t believe it stopped. I believe those deportations stopped. During the presidential campaign, Trump and his allies advocated for deporting millions of undocumented migrants. According to a U. S. Customs and Border Protection memo dated January 21st, the Trump administration officials seek to use military bases to house migrants as well as create 14 new detention facilities capable of housing a thousand migrants each and four more facilities with the capacity to house 10, 000 migrants each.
On January 21st, Trump authorized Immigration and Customs Enforcement, that’s ICE. And the, um, CBP to conduct raids at [00:12:00] schools, churches, and courthouses, which the Obama administration stopped in 2011. Um, hey, watch it.
Excuse the background noise. That’s, uh, I’m, I’m, I’m filming this in my, um, my kitchen and, and my son’s putting away soda.
I may or may not edit this out.
Oh, he says I shouldn’t, so I’m just going to leave it. Oh, this is authentic. This is me being me and you know, this is authentic and I’m right here at Downers Grove. I’m at me. No, no, no, no.
All right. So anyway, hate watch attempted to reach Homan by emailing the White House. press office but did not receive a response before publication. A previous hate watch investigation into Newsom’s activities in the [00:13:00] Chicago metro region found him associating with Proud Boys, harassing participants at LGBTQ plus events and inclusive events, sorry, LGBTQ plus inclusive events, as well as sharing bigoted anti black racist imagery online.
The racist imagery Newsom shared multiple times to Getter featured a racist cartoon depiction of a black man drawn with exaggerated features. Getter is a low moderation social media platform that is popular with white supremacist groups in case you wanted to know. White supremacists have used dehumanizing characters of black people for centuries, um, and Hatewatch also found that Newsom liking.
An anonymous comment that had the N word on getter. This is an elected Republican precinct committee person. Um, as Homan begins to implement Trump’s administration [00:14:00] deportation plans, his association with such figures as Newsome. Who openly collaborates with violent groups like the Proud Boys is particularly dangerous for targeted communities and videos.
Newsome has posted to his social media accounts. He has harassed people outside migrant shelters, hoping to create viral moments for his podcast in an August 4th, 2024 post to Facebook. Newsome referred to these as his Venezuelan gang member hunting trips. Um, and now suddenly Trump saying stuff about Venezuela, Venezuelans.
Um, Newsome also appears to be in direct communication with ICE officials. He’s nowhere, we’re nowhere near the border. Um, in a January 23 interview on, unless you’re talking about the Canadian border, Newsome also appears in direct communication with ICE officials in a January 23 [00:15:00] interview on Steve Bannon’s podcast.
He was on Steve Bannon’s podcast. Oh my gosh. Newsome appeared alongside Ben Berkwem, a conservative podcast host, to talk about immigration rates in Chicago. Berkwem told Bannon, we are in contact with folks. and getting updates as raids happen. Three days later on January 26th, Homan, ICE officers and other officials conducted raids in Chicago.
it’s the Trump administration communicating with the Proud Boys. Um, Newsome whom Hatewash, um, contacted via email, responded to questions about his relationship to Homan and the Proud Boys writing, you aren’t an investigator. You shill for radical left winged Downers Grove extremists. I look forward to responding in kind after your story.
Um, [00:16:00] he’s a radical left wing Downers Grove extremist, huh? Um, so there’s much more, um, about, if you go, if you want to read about, um, Terry Newsom and, oh, and, um, his ties to Hohman and the Proud Boys. Um, it’s all very interesting. There’s more and more, more and more on this article, um, as I’m scrolling through it that I want to comment on, but I’m just going to stop there, um, uh, because there’s this, this, um, podcast episode is not about Terry Newsome, but I need to set you up with that information first, um, because there’s, um, so, um, [00:17:00] just, I just, that, um, the, the, the proud boys were at the Downers Grove, um, school board meeting.
Here’s proud boys joint efforts to ban gender queer book from school library, rattling students in suburban Chicago. Um, and, um, you can see them here if you’re watching the video, which will be on my Facebook. Um, I may decide to post it to my, my web pages too, as well, but, um, you can, um, go to Chicago sometimes, look up, um, Proud Boys.
Downers Grove, and you can see, um, and you can see them, they’re all holding up signs for genderqueer, um, [00:18:00] and things that say no porn, um, but in this article, uh, in this article on the board meeting, um, that the, the proud boys were there, I believe. They interviewed Terry Newsome, sometimes interviewed Terry Newsome at that, um, at that meeting.
I know they, um, interviewed some of the people in the student body. I’m looking through this article. Oh yeah, Terry Newsome who spoke at the meeting said he didn’t want his concerns as a parent of two high schoolers to be conflated with Proud Boys messaging. Newsome said he and another parent have a meeting scheduled with district administrators this week to discuss the book.
I’m looking through this article. [00:19:00] You got the politics of the left and right with the Antifa and Proud Boys who have their own political agendas, I guess. Newsome said, referring in part to the decentralized anti fascist activists who track and protest extremist groups. There is no antifa. The FBI has said there isn’t one.
It’s an ideology. It’s not an organized group. Unlike the proud boys who are an organized group and who do terrorize people. Um, but, um, he’s saying these things about the proud boys, but then he has connections to them, which he watches found and the Southern Poverty Law Center. So, um, Anyway, um, he says he doesn’t have anything to do that, that, that what the proud boys were there for had nothing to do with his complaints, but they were [00:20:00] both complaining about the same thing.
Um, so, um, the proud boys were notorious about going to school board meetings and protesting books and protesting, um, LGBTQ, um, student, um, inclusive things. Uh, at schools, and they were also going around, um, uh, going to libraries, um, board meetings and, and, um, protesting there. Um, so trying to get books banned, um, from school libraries and, um, community libraries.
Um, but if you, um, go to the Chicago sometimes, um, website, you can see there. the article about the Proud Boys. And so I spoke at the school board meeting, there’s probably a video somewhere even, um, and, um, [00:21:00] oops.
And so anyway, um, so that I spoke at that meeting, and then the group of women that got up, um, mothers, um, that got together later on during the week, um, to talk about what had happened 1 of the mothers. Everyone there at our meeting that they had been calling her proud boys had been calling her, um, place of work and trying to get her fired for supporting porn.
And she said, watch yourselves. And, um, so then a week later after. That and I find it interesting. I did not realize before that. Um, Terry Newsome had a history of [00:22:00] terrorizing people online. Um, but I, um,
I, um, a week later after speaking at the, at the school board meeting, my tweets went viral and, um, and. I think the thing that really went my made my tweets go viral is, uh, that I said, um, that Waukesha was karma for, um, for, uh, the, the written house verdict. Um, and. You know, it’s not the first time a politician or somebody involved in politics has blamed, um, the other side for a, an atrocity.
Um, the Republican Party does it on a regular basis with gay people [00:23:00] and hurricanes, you know, every other kind of disaster. So, um, but I step down. Um, they do not, they stay in office and their preachers collect millions of dollars in money for saying things, stuff like that. So. I don’t know. Um,
you can judge me. You can judge them, but they get away with it, and I don’t. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a woman, or if it’s because I’m a Democrat and have morals. I don’t know. Um, or I vote Democrat, I guess. I’m not a registered Democrat anymore. Um, anyway. Uh, so my tweets went viral and I wanted to show you something really interesting just since we’re on the topic of my tweets going viral.
one second,
I need to share. And, um, if you’re not [00:24:00] watching this on, I’m not scrolling
far enough. If you’re, um, if you’re listening to this podcast instead of watching the video, I’ll just describe it. Um, I, I. I’m sharing a screenshot and this is what, this is what, um,
oh, there we go. This is what it looks like when nobody cares about you. And then all of a sudden your tweets go viral because Fox news decides that something you said at two o’clock in the morning is breaking news at four o’clock in the morning. And then this is what happens after. So, um, if you’re not watching this, um, there’s.
My, I have zero K, um, stats going on and then all of a sudden I have about [00:25:00] 1500. Um, plays and then over this is on November 22nd, which, um, which is when this all happened with this all that went down. And then over the next coming days, um, it goes down to basically nothing. Um, and it’s this is it says December six.
It’s at zero. But even way before that, it was at zero. So this lasted like two days, um, and of of people being angry. And, um, and it was mainly just people on the right. And it was probably just all proud boys and white supremacists, domestic terrorists who are all tied together and running our government, apparently.
Um, but anyway, uh, So yeah, there’s my little spike of, um, not even 15 minutes of [00:26:00] name because it was like to 1, 500 people. Um, uh, so, um, anyway, after my tweets went viral, so Terry Newsom continued to have, um, protests like, Those articles said, um, against schools and libraries, um, the libraries, mainly for having drag queen story time and other events that he didn’t agree with.
Um, and, um, as I mentioned before, the Proud Boys are notorious for protests at libraries across the country at just the far right in general are, um, but it should also be noted that. It’s the first thing that fascists want to, um, get rid of is libraries and education because it allows them to control people [00:27:00] better.
So, anyway, you’re like, well,
what does this have to do with Paul Drabik? And, um, one thing is that, um, Paul Drabik’s main concern, um, in an article that I found,
in an article that I found, um, let me see, this one was, um, In Suburban Life. This is on the Shaw Local News Network, um, for DuPage and suburban Cook counties. And, um,
and this there’s, um, well, here, let me go ahead and share since I’m on here, but I will still read it. Um,
I still will read it to all of you on the podcast.
Oops. [00:28:00] Okay, here we go. So, um, so here’s Paul Drabik, um, my face out of the way, um, Downers Grove Village Commissioner, and, um, there’s his face right there. Um, he, he has, um, he’s experienced, I mean, at least He’s more qualified for his position than most of the people in Trump’s cabinets. But, um, and you can go on here and looking up if you really want to, um, if you’re looking to vote for him or whatever, and want to read more about him, um, he’s in suburban life, just look up Paul Drabik, suburban life.
Um, but one of the questions that can concern me after all, I’ve just told you about libraries and Terry Newsome. [00:29:00] Um, is there a particular issue or controversy that influenced your decision to run? One of my main concerns is the governance and bureaucracy of the Downers Grove library. Just so you know, the Downers Grove Library is a place that so many people in the community just love.
The children’s section is incredible. They have events all the time, every day for children and it’s just, it’s, It’s such a great resource for the community. Um, and, um, and there’s programs for adults, too, and stuff. So it’s, it’s just a really, I love our library. Um, they, they renovated a few years ago, and it’s just, it’s really amazing.
So anyway, um, so [00:30:00] the library, he says the library is the only unit of government in Downers Grove with over 1 percent tax levy, Authority that is not accountable to either representative government or the taxpayer. There have been safety issues there over the years, with 200 pages of incident reports showing assault of library staff and decent exposure, lewd conduct and videotaping an eight year old in the bathroom.
In addition, FOIA requests show the library director has broken Illinois law and violated Library Records Confidentiality Act and releasing the names of all library or Downers Grove Library cardholders. This is, was affirmed in response from the Illinois Attorney General. This is not opinion. The line in the law is not esoteric.
You don’t need to be a lawyer to interpret it. It states clearly, um, the following, the registration and circulation records of the library are confidential information no person shall publish or make any information contained in such records public unless And as the attorney general noted, unless [00:31:00] certain conditions are met, those conditions have to do with law enforcement.
These conditions were not met. I would also argue the library director violated citizens. 4th amendment, right? We are not secure in our person’s houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures if a government bureaucrat can just release that we have such papers to any John or Jane Doe asking we cannot abide a lawless bureaucrat, especially at the local level.
We cannot abide a lawless bureaucrat, especially at the local level. Have you seen the president? Paul, have you seen the president? Especially at the local level. What about the president?
We need to set an example. I will not rest until I see this bureaucrat held accountable for breaking the law and violating our rights. So, he’s going after the library. Um.
Uh, there’s [00:32:00] just, I just, just to give you some context about this 200 page of, of, of laws of, of, um, incidents. Um, I just want to, it sounds like we live in a really dangerous area, the way that he makes it sound. And I, I just wanted to, to share this little tidbit here. Um, Downers Grove, Illinois is considered a safe community with a significantly lower crime rate compared to national averages.
The overall crime rate is approximately 264. 9 per 100, 000 residents, which is about 88. 6 percent below the national average of 2, 324. 2 per 100, 000. Violent crimes occur at a rate of 95. 8 per 100, 000 residents and property crimes at 106, 000. [00:33:00] 169. 1 per 100, 000 residents, both substantially lower than national averages.
This is not like a dangerous community to live in. In fact, when I moved here, um, shortly after I moved here, it was elected the 2nd. Picked the second best place to raise kids in the country after Lincoln, Nebraska. And some of the things that it mentioned as being, um, things that would attract people here were our library.
And our parks.
So, anyway, um, I find it interesting that Paul Drabik’s main concern is the Downers Grove Library and not the methadone clinic, uh, where the drug addicts stand outside and intermingle with our high school students. As they walk past it on their way home from school or on their way downtown to go to the ice cream shop.
How [00:34:00] about moving the methadone clinic somewhere else, Paul?
Um, but no, he’s concerned with the library. Um, he makes it sound like it’s a refuge for thugs. And, um, it’s really always filled with families and beautiful art exhibits by local artists. And as I said before, the kids section is really amazing. So, um, his attack on the library is really, like, kind of actually scary.
And falls right in line with the Proud Boy program. But you’re like, well, you said he was, uh, You said he was an affiliate of the Proud Boys Mary, so, um, how, how is, um, Paul Drabik, who is a veteran, and he’s, he’s had some experience with, um, well, as a precinct committee person, and he was [00:35:00] also, um, he’s also on one of the boards right now.
Um, but so what is his association with the proud boys? So, um, like I said, I wasn’t going to say anything, um, until one of his supporters brought my name up on. His post on next door. Um, so let me tell you that’s part of the story. Um, so I, I’m not sharing the next door post. I’m sharing the Facebook post that I did about the next door posts because it kind of summarizes everything.
So why not? This is my, uh. My, um, personal Facebook page profile. So, um, it says the town gossipers on next door had my name in their mouse today, so I had to set them straight. There’s a candidate running [00:36:00] for the village of Downers Grove that supposedly had ties to the proud boys click on the first pick and scroll for the post comments and my responses.
So here’s a picture of Paul. Um, he had a meeting on February 22nd. And, um,
the first thing I put was, uh, check out Mary kind of contrary before voting for Proud Boys and the Republican affiliates. Um, so here, just to give you some context here, he, um, is saying,
um, Lisa, I have no affiliation with any group. I am independent and free. My thoughts are my own. Guilt by association is a form of cancel culture. I just don’t accept, and I also don’t accept the labels of political adversaries. Um, and they and this person says your company, you keep it speaks volumes.
It’s not cancel culture. You do you who cares just don’t want [00:37:00] you to have a role in governing and he says, Okay, well, we’ll see where the chips fall. But you suggest that only your perspective is the accepted version. I don’t know how you see it. Otherwise, the whole point is we don’t agree. There’s more, um, to these conversations, but then here’s me getting brought up.
So you’re saying all Democrats have the same ideals as Mary Lemanski. Surely others would disagree with her statements, but the company you keep speaks volumes. And so then I just had to come here and say, Hey, are all DuPage County, um, Republicans like precinct committee person, Terry Newsome, and then I.
To, um, put a link to the, the article, one of the articles I just shared,
and then I went to, um, comment to [00:38:00] both leases. who were on that post. If you want Lisa Lisa, if you want the full story on what happened, visit Mary kind of contrary dot com. I spoke at a school board meeting with proud boys present and a week later my tweets go viral. I was targeted because my social media campaigns were pivotal and getting out the youth vote and turning DuPage County from mostly red to mostly blue.
There’s so much more but I can’t really talk about it because there are pending cases. And then, um, and then I said, here’s something new I did recently for y’all Kata to gossip about, and I put a link to, um, an article in the state journal register where, um, I, um, was interviewed because I was part of a Grammy nominated blues album.
Is, uh, so, um, it was Antonio Vergara’s The Fury, so [00:39:00] you should check it out, but, um, anyway, so that was, that was part of what went on, on Nextdoor, and then, um, then, um,
so then there was more on the, on the thread, so Paul responds back to Lisa, Paul Drabik responds back to Lisa on this Nextdoor post, This is exactly what I’m talking about. Again, I’m not part of any group. You keep bringing this up for some reason, and further, you reference Wikipedia off the top of my head.
I know three examples of false claims by Wikipedia like Rush Limbaugh, Clarence Thomas, and oh yeah, that little Bye bye. Hunter Biden left laptop incident. Wikipedia is edited by users. My God is literally the most untrustworthy source there is. And of course, you’re you reference it. It’s always the first result and basically any search query is intellectually lazy.
Did you even think [00:40:00] to go directly to the source? Your response just shows that you’re unwilling to have a serious discussion. Here’s the left’s political philosophy. Be all logical logical policies
argument from authority at home and a tax guilty guilt by association hasty generalizations. They don’t want to discuss the issues. Dismissing people’s hateful is easy because then you don’t have to back up any of your arguments.
Um, somebody replied back, um, everything is edited by users. That’s how it gets there to begin with, um, everything edited by users. It’s that’s how it gets there to begin with. Um, and there’s fact checkers on there. So I said Wikipedia has fact checkers and uses references to back up the facts on there.
You can click through and see the source, which makes it a better resource of information than Fox News, OAN and Breitbart, where they just pull things out of their rear end and say it is fact. And I [00:41:00] said Fox News was sued for 787 million for its election denying lies. Fact. Um, then I asked him if he was self reflected, which probably wasn’t nice.
But, um, then, uh, uh, uh, then I said Democrats say guilt by association, but my name gets brought up by some gossipy Republican in this thread for something I did four years ago. Okay. Actually. And I guess it was technically it was 3, 3 years ago and 3 months or 2 months or whatever it was. Um, uh,
and, um, and then I said, um, and all I did was say something. It wasn’t like I separated children from their parents or stole money from cancer kids. If you want to get down to it. Um, and then, um,
let’s [00:42:00] see.
Then there was one final part. Um, oh, he responded back to me. He says back checkers. Paul Drabik responds back to me. Back checkers are the most useless propagandistic waste of space on the Internet. Yeah, because facts don’t matter to Republicans. Um, tell me, what do I need a fact checker for when I go to the source myself and find the information?
Kind of like, what do I need Wikipedia for when I can go straight to the source and find the information? Especially with the assistance of AI in finding direct media source material. My point is, argument from an authority is a logical fallacy.
It’s not addressing the actual argument, especially when the authority is not a credible source. So I responded back, the fact checkers on Wikipedia make sure the links are legit and that everything is truthful. Which it does not seem to be a high priority for some [00:43:00] people these days. My physics teacher in high school read physics textbooks for fun and found errors in one.
He wrote the publisher and they hired him to correct their textbooks. So fact checkers, so fact checkers are really important. He was also an advisor to NASA and a Catholic priest. My point is that facts are important and we can have multiple sources that tell the truth. We don’t just need one source.
That’s how state run media gets started. AI could not tell me whether or not Ted Nugent ever won a Grammy, so I don’t trust it. It gave me three different answers. That’s why we need fact checkers, because facts matter.
And then, um, somebody said, LOL, um, and they posted, um, an article that says Wikipedia co founder criticizes site saying, says it has slid into leftist propaganda. And so I responded back, leftist propaganda. This is not Paul Jabeck, by the way, this is somebody [00:44:00] named Mark. But anyway, um, it says leftist propaganda, so I responded back, leftist propaganda means telling the truth about white males did to everybody else throughout recorded history.
and um, and then I also, one other thing that I also did was go back on there and set everybody straight, that everybody was saying I got it right. Fired from my position. They said, Oh, we don’t associate with her. We got, we fired her. They fired her. That’s why I wasn’t. So I had to go on there and set everybody straight.
I was not fired my position as the DuPage County Democrats, social media person. I, I resigned myself and I posted my resignation on the DuPage [00:45:00] County, um, Democrats, social media, because. I built that thing from, like, just, like, around 2, 000 followers to 7, 000, um, in just a few months. And, um, it’s for a local election.
Like, who cares about local elections a lot of the time? I mean, just, just saying. More people should care about local elections, but they don’t, really. I mean, they don’t. The, the numbers of These accounts don’t get the numbers of followers that, um, you know, nationally or in state accounts do so, um, to have 7, 000 people interested in what the DuPage County Democrats were doing is pretty amazing, I thought, um, anyway, um, and that’s maybe why it’s targeted as I brought, as I said earlier, but, um, so anyway, [00:46:00] so you’re, this kind of gives you a background of what was going on on Um, and why I felt the need to get into the, to, to, um, to respond to what was going on on Nextdoor.
But then after I responded to what was going on on Nextdoor, I, um, I was sent some even more incriminating evidence for Paul Drabik, which I will share with you right now. So here we go. Here we have Terry Newsome is with Paul Drabik. And 22 others. 22 other Proud Boys, I don’t know, 22 other people. Um, new Gateway Pundit story exposes Downers Grove Democratic extremist ties to Antifa and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
So, here’s a [00:47:00] Hatewatch, um, article and it says, It’s ahead of Trump’s. Immigration plans met Proud Boys associate about deportation says the article I shared with you earlier and, um, and here’s Terry Newsome sharing, um, it out on his social media. And tagging Paul Drabik and 22 other people. Um,
let’s see. And then, um, here’s one where, um, Terry Newsome is at the Downersburg Public Library with 26 others. Um, and he tags the Downersburg Public Library. And he says, voters of Downers Grove, it’s time to elect a father who is willing to speak the truth and defend his community, parents, and children.
Paul Drabik is a father of two young children and an [00:48:00] Iraqi combat vet is running for Downers Grove Village Council. Paul put his life on line for us, our children in America, now he’s willing to fight against a small group of radical. Downers Grove, probably leftist extremists. Um, I must be the leftist extremist
or one of them that he targeted and put out a commission, he and many others. Um, all right. Um, here’s another one.
Dan, uh, Terry Newsome is with Paul Drabik and 14 others. So Terry Newsome tags, Paul Drabik in a lot of stuff. And Terry Newsome has ties to. So Paul Drabik ties to Proud Boys because he’s hanging at them with other people. I don’t, I don’t, um, these are [00:49:00] screenshots that were sent to me, so I don’t have.
access to see who these 14 other people are that he’s tagging. But, um, in this post here, Dana Kennedy, he says, Dana Kennedy, a reporter for the New York Post moved to Chicago six months ago. So you’re a reporter for the New York Post and you moved to Chicago. And it says she asked me to show her around the city and help arrange meetings with local residents.
You’re a reporter for the New York Post and you moved to Chicago and the first person, the person that you want to show you around Chicago. Hangs around with Proud Boys and that’s who you want to introduce you to people. What’s the New York Post ties to the Proud Boys?
So, um, I found that interesting. [00:50:00] Um, and of course, Paul Drabik is tagged in that post. And then here’s one, um, Terry Newsom is with Paul Drabik and 21 others. Again, uh, Thursday night, May 9th at 7 o’clock, Paul Drabik and I are hosting Sargis Sanghari, CEO and his It’s any C. S. S. E. near East’s Center for strategic engagement and U.
S. Army Special Forces Lieutenant. We will be discussing the Marxist radicalization of college students. The attached video is from my visit to the University of Chicago’s Quad Center, where radical Hamas supporting students had their encampment, so Palestinian protesters. I was told that my filming was considered to be aggressive behavior.
Watch it. It says it’s, it’s Funny, I think is what it says. I can’t [00:51:00] see it all on this. Oh, wait. Yeah, it’s funny stuff. Yeah, um, terrorizing, um, protesters is funny stuff for Mr. Terry Newsom, the Republican precinct committee person, um, along with Paul Drabik and others.
And I think that’s no, here’s, here’s more. There’s more. I thought that was all and there’s more. Um, here’s Terry Newsome also with Paul Drabik and 25 others. I just, I really want to know, are these 25 others also Proud Boys? Are they all extremists? They Republican politicians? Who are they? Um, maybe somebody can take screenshots of that and send it to me.
So, anyway, um, this is Republicans, Independents, and Democrats of Downers Grove. This is Terry Newsom again on his social media. I want to reach [00:52:00] out to everyone in Downers Grove, DuPage County, and anyone who shares our concerns about our families challenges today. We are at a pivotal moment where liberal extremists are targeting parents who dare to object to inappropriate content in our schools.
How ironic. These people targeted me for objecting about what they were saying at the schools, and all I did was get up and voice my opinion against them. I just used my freedom of speech. Go back and watch my episodes, or listen to my old podcast episodes about all the stuff they did to me. This is, this just makes my blood boil.
Liberal extremists targeting parents. Nobody’s to, to object to inappropriate content in our schools. There was no inappropriate content.
The irony of it all. The [00:53:00] projection of it all. Okay, I think that is, I think that was all the ones in that. I
think that was all the, um, information that I had, but you can see that he pals around with somebody, Paul Drabik pals around with Terry Newsome, who’s on the Southern Poverty Law Centers. I mean, do we really want him in charge, uh, you know, at our village, um, and on the village commission going after our library?
I mean, please, please, please do not vote for this guy. Um, uh, I, uh, [00:54:00] I, he may not be a proud boy, but he sure hangs out with people who hang out with proud boys. Um, and, um, I guess that’s all I really need to say. Um, the, uh, early voting starts tomorrow. The election day is April 1st. Got like two weeks. Do your research.
You can check all the, all the things that I talked about. You can check all the resources that I displayed and, um, yeah, make your own decision. But, um, I won’t be voting for him. Thank you for watching the Mary Kind of, or listening to the Mary Kind of Contrary podcast and watching the, the video version if you are, um, watching it.[00:55:00]
Otherwise, um, have a great day and, um, thanks again.